Tatiana Queen online webcams for YOU!



Date: October 30, 2022

42 thoughts on “Tatiana Queen online webcams for YOU!

  1. Block her and her Mom. Your Mom should do the same. She's jerking you around. Life is too short to spend it with someone playing mind games.

  2. Ppl on the internet we say you are bad friend or person for not revealing yourself but majority of them, statistically wouldn’t let go of a close friend who cheats. That’s just the nasty truth.

    Telling her this way is the best, or try give dates and settings for her to catch him.. She’ll start having suspicions

  3. There is nothing he can say that would make any real difference.

    He can deny, justify, gaslight or even apologize but that does not change that he did lie to you and that he is a sex offender.

  4. Be real lol. Get your sis on some birth control. Putting parental controls on her phone will do nothing but make her learn to hide things better.

  5. also like how much money would you really spend on your wifes best friend? I would barely get my partners parents something, but sex toys AMONG OTHER things? either you guys are loaded or your husband is on a mission..

  6. I contracted chlamydia when I first started having sex at 17 and it was at least 3-4 months from the time I contracted it til I was diagnosed. It has similar symptoms as a yeast infection, it’s not permanent and it’s cleared up with four little pills all in one dose. It’s not that big of a deal and it doesn’t determine that anyone cheated. If yours is negative take the win and don’t give that girl a nude time unless you find evidence that proves she did something wrong. Too many people are so quick to automatically assume everyone is shady and always tryin to hide something.

  7. Yeah I don't get that. I genuinely feel like they don't have a relationship. I suspect the only thing keeping them together was fear of loneliness.

  8. Try to make it your duty to get extroverted next year so your girl starts to include you in her outings too. If she doesn't then you need to reevaluate your relationship.

  9. Hello /u/Technical_Support_43,

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  10. I would allow this to rest, temporarily/provisionally. If dude was having a dark night of the soul and dealt with it badly, but is getting his shit together, it might be kinder to Mia to let her husband manage himself—if he is a better man in the sober light of day. Once can be a fluke.

    Twice can be a pattern, though. If he comes onto you again, or you have cause to suspect cheating, that would be the time to tell Mia.

  11. I don’t know much about poly, but what I do know is that set boundaries have to be respected and good communication needs to happen. It doesn’t feel like your partner has ever respected or honored your boundaries. They refuse to communicate openly. This doesn’t feel affirming or healthy for you at all. This isn’t about the (former?) friend. This is about your partner and they way they refuse to take care of you in the ways that you need. Personally, I would leave this relationship.

  12. Yeah this was super cringe to read. My dude needs a reality check. First off, if you weren’t invited don’t go she is not gonna be happy you went. Second, she was being nice and letting you down gently. Take that as the hint and move on!

  13. You have built up resentment for things he did for 2 whole YEARS. You can’t expect 2 WEEKS to change that back to feeling like you’re in a fairytale. You’ve mentally checked out of the relationship and have essentially broken up already when you moved out. The only thing keeping you from telling him it’s over is that he would get hurt, not that you love him or even wish it would work, you just don’t want to be the dick who broke his heart. Well staying and leading him on would be worse. So pull the trigger.

  14. I respect that, but I'm not built that way.

    It someone hurts me grievously and leaves themself wide open for an effective response like she has, I'm gonna take the shot.

    You have the option, that's all I'm saying.

  15. I have no problem with people thinking it’s weird; I’m not mad or angry; and I know perfectly well that it’s not the only way to show affection. It’s not even the norm for me to cuddle up to my mom when she’s watching tv, but my point it I’m not afraid to. I personally find weird that people find it weird. There’s nothing weird about it.

  16. It sounds like Julia’s feelings are valid. That doesn’t mean there’s no chance of a relationship but she must feel it’s too far gone. You should send her one message and tell her that you acknowledge her feelings and have done a lot of reflection and agree with her that you were not a good mother to her. Tell her that you are sorry and you understand if she wants to cut contact but that you’re willing to have an honest conversation and do what you need to try to mend the relationship.

    You went through a trauma at 16 and had no support system once you lost your parents. You held a lot of resentment towards her which wasn’t her fault. You really should seek therapy to help process that trauma, heal and move on. This will help if you open up with the therapist. It may make you feel more free and healthy. If you take it seriously, Julia will see that you’re trying to make changes. If she decides not too, you should respect that.

  17. Manipulation at its finest,.. move on, find someone that will actually value you, want you, will take care of you… Whether you were together or not, her calling you back over and over, especially after she was with another guy already..? F$&K THAT! NEEEXXXT!

  18. One of them committed an aggressive foul. The other possibly had their feelings hurt too much by this act. One of those things involved hurting someone else. The other doesn’t. They are two completely different kinds of wrong reaction.

    So weird that people are jumping to this unhinged girl’s defense because they hate seeing a guy be too sensitive.

  19. Every man and woman who have been cheated on all swore their SO who cheated, would never do that and they knew them. Couples who were married and/or living together.

    It's super easy for her to cheat. You don't live together and you're long distance. Get a paternity test.

  20. Try to get custody please, she sounds like my mum and I am greatful my dad tried to give us stability and peace over emotional, physical and psychological abuse and manipulation, I'm so sorry your going through this

  21. This needs to be negotiated by a lawyer. If you don't have one, I guarantee that she does. Retain a family law attorney ASAP.

    I feel like i fucked up my future.

    I get why you would feel that way. But people navigate this shit all the time. Just one foot in front of the other.

  22. Well, i messaged her if she wanted to talk and even though she’s sick she called me

    We talked a little and from what i can get braking up didnt even cross her mind.

    For the record: she called me before even opening my message.

  23. Is it weird? Not really. But since you both got together so young usually there is a time where the thought about what you might be missing out on hits. But if you are both happy and in a healthy relationship there's no issue.

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