Tara-Tittles online sex cams for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Tara-Tittles online sex cams for YOU!

  1. OPs post and comments history makes it clear SHE is the mom and in a same sex relationship. She’s awful, I agree completely but let’s stop misgendering her.

  2. It tends to be common for men to assume that a bi woman woild be down with a threesome especially after they made mention of it before things get serious. It sounds like he is trying to wear you down in a non-aggressive way to accept the possibility of a threesome again. It's a tough situation. Him being pouty and crappy about it during your birthday, which is supposed to be about you and what makes happy, seems like it was the last straw for you. I don't blame you. He's violating a boundary that you set once you started dating eachother.

    I was in a similar situation when I was 21 and married to my ex-husband (29). Since I'm bi he thought that I would be down for a threesome and I let him know earlier on in the relationahip that I don't like to share. He would push it all the time during our marriage and make comments much like your boyfriend did. I didn't understand about boundaries or healthy relationships back then so I always let it go while secretly feeling hurt.

    My advice to you is to sit down and have a talk with him about this boundary and your insecurity regarding it. Be clear and use “I statements.” Example: “I feel like you're not attracted to me anymore especially when you sexualize other women in front of me. I feel like I am not enough to satisfy you.” See how that goes and if he will be considerate of your boundary and feelings from then on. If he isn't then it will not change with marriage.

    Good luck. Hope things work out for you.

  3. Thank you for this comment. I didn’t know that. My SIL has HIV and never tells her multiple sexual partners. She has many too. She said hers is undetectable and I always get mad thinking that it’s illegal for her to not disclose it. Especially with so many men, some that are married no less. I still think it’s wrong they don’t tell people.

  4. Don't let some of the crazies on the Internet tell you otherwise.

    bad news bud, you aren't married to us – you are married to her. so uh it's really her opinion on this that matters.

  5. I agree, i think how long OP and his girlfriend have dated, and how long ago the ‘action’ took place are important details.

    Op and girlfriend have been dating 3 months and the hand job happened 10 years ago? No big deal to me.

    Op and girlfriend have been date 2 years, and the handjob happened 1 year prior… Yeah that’s a long time for her not to say anything and I’d wonder why she’s keeping secret.

  6. I don’t want to be controlling or overreact,

    Are you serious? She had you fooled for “several months” whatever that is, u you have every right to overreact and it’s not a control issue it’s a respect issue!

    This relationship is super young and she is still humg up on her so it’s best to leave her to her ex. She won’t stop if you decide to “work this out”.

  7. He sounds like an AH and not a good partner. My husband would not react that way. Although he would probably be skeptical and wonder if I did it right since I’m not very handy and he is lol. But your husband reaction was way out of line

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