Tania online webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

14 thoughts on “Tania online webcams for YOU!

  1. He was not happy with that inference and apparently now wonders what I might have done to lead to that offer or if it was me testing waters on a new phase of our relationship.

    This speaks more to who your husband is than to who you are. You were honest with him about this situation and he chose to blame you. Blaming the victim is a really awful, lazy and manipulative response. Where do the trust issues come from?

    Has he talked to the neighbors about this? Tell him he's being a jerk.

  2. She tested negative in October. That means she's had two months to get it from someone – given that you are not yourself lying about the no sex thing.

    Just ask her why she's lying about not having had sex with someone else during those 4 months. Why did she even take a test back in October when she didn't have or planed to have sex with someone?

    If it quaks like duck and walks like a duck it's most likely a duck.

    She had unprotected sex with someone else who gave her this little present and for some reason your now again girlfriend is too afraid to come clean about it. Also she knows it but claims that you gave her that STI knowing full well that you can't prove that you didn't (your test is very likely to come back positive for it). Which brings us to her very questionable morals. How do you think that whole relationship will work out when her first move is to claim that you lied about not having had sex with someone else the past four months, also claiming that you gave her an STI while perfectly well knowing that she did have unprotected sex and most likely contracted the STI from that someone?

  3. If I was you I would make a list with all this motives (in detail!) which you have to break up and a copy of this post. Then, if you start to miss her, you can read them.

  4. Why do you think he isn’t dating women his own age? It’s because they can tell from the get go that he’s a soon to be 40 yr old loser. Has he also told you how mature you are for your age? The fact that you are probably more compatible with his kids makes it super cringe.

  5. I 100% agree with your argument about what she should have done, but unfortunately you can’t base your argument on promises made at the beginning of your relationship.

    Every person in every relationship promises they’ll never lie or cheat. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens. So if we’re assuming she’s lying (which I know I am, and I think you are), while you have absolutely every right to be upset about it, like I said before it’s essentially a waste of your time to harp on it because it won’t change anything. “You lied to me, but we promised each other we’d never lie.” Ok? You “won” the argument I suppose, but the relationship is still over. That’s the point I’m trying to drive home here.

    I now really feel the need to disclose that I’m a guy and I’m happily married. I love love and wish you nothing but the absolute best. I tell you this, because as I was writing the above it felt like I was coming off as a bitter man who assumes the worst of every woman (or to keep it general, every partner).

    That’s absolutely not the case. Trust is essential in a healthy relationship. If you can’t or don’t trust your partner, what’s the point? I trust my wife entirely and her the same. I just want to make it clear that I wasn’t saying that everyone lies or cheats. I’m certain that’s not the case.

    What I’m saying is that just because you’ve been promised it wouldn’t happen, doesn’t make it happening an even bigger deal. Not lying and cheating are baseline expectations of every relationship. They’re huge issues when they happen always. What I’m trying to emphasize here is that if it does happen, it makes no sense (especially after a break up) to think arguing something like “you lied when you promised you wouldn’t” is going to change or fix anything. It’s over.

  6. 1500 honestly isn't the worst for a ring that you will literally wear for the rest of your life (hopefully) and if he can't really afford it there are finance options. Personally I don't believe in the saying “the ring should be 5% of your salary” that would mean my boyfriend would literally spend like 9k on a ring. That's ridiculous. It should be a ring that you like.

  7. The only reason for him to keep the videos is because he watches them.

    So maybe he isn’t cheating on you with these sex workers physically, but he is likely watching the videos and jerking off to them.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

    This is basically what my therapist told me while I was in the “acceptance” stage of grieving our friendship. I guess I considered talking to her because of the whole, “I've know this person forever, she knows me and all my secrets growing up.” But as adults I am realizing we grew apart– which is for the best.

    After 3 yeara of therapy I realize that friends would NEVER do the things she did.

    My now husband admitted he would never get in the way of my friendships but after seeing how much pain she put me thru and how alohe I was when I needed a friend he has told me he does not support that friendship. At all.

    Hes introduced me to some of the most caring people I've ever met that I now call friends who have been there every step of the way. Drop their plans right away to help me out, theyve donated thousands of dollars to help me pay for my dads medical bills, they took me out for dinner and movies to help me heal and laugh.

    It aounds sad but prior to my husband I realized that I had never had good friends before, and now that I have them I realize how shitty my friend was to me. I doht care what someone has going on in their life or what excuse they have.

    The way that girl treated me was so entirely wrong. Bad friend. Bad fellow human being. I deserved better and I found better. Time to turn the page and never look back.

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