TammyAndrade online webcams for YOU!


TammyAndrade Public Chat Channel

Date: October 28, 2022

5 thoughts on “TammyAndrade online webcams for YOU!

  1. I don’t know how long it was going on for. I just happened to come around the corner to witness this. I had left the room to go to the restroom. I quickly turned around and went the other way so nobody knew I had witnessed this because it was just weird to me.

  2. It's going to take you a while to disentangle your feelings from her machinations. Don't continue paying her gym dues. Also go to the gym on your own membership anytime you want to. Don't worry if she's made uncomfortable by your living your life in “her” city.

    Best of luck in your next relationship. Onward!

  3. Stop doing all the work.

    Tell him you plan the first and third weeks of the month, he plans the second and fourth.

    That means you dont ask him what he wants to do on your weeks, he doesnt ask you for ideas on his weeks. You each just plan.

    It wont take long for you to figure out if he is willing to make plans, and you can decide if you want to continue.

  4. He's not your husband he's your fiance and for the entire time you've known him you've known this is the dynamic. Why do you feel entitled to change things now? If you don't like who he is and how he lives his life then marry someone else.

  5. IT. WON'T. Repeat after me: IT. WON'T. Because IT. WON'T.


    Dude it'll hurt way more later when you're getting divorced than it does right now.

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