Talianaa online webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Talianaa online webcams for YOU!

  1. Tell your wife and don't see this woman alone ever again. There's no excuse for this whatsoever. I cannot believe you have to ask this question.

  2. Doggy can definitely be painful. Sometimes there are solutions like lube or figuring out what angles work, but sometimes there are not, and then the solution is not to do it. It's not worth someone being in pain or discomfort. The fact he's bitter about not doing one position to the point of discounting her pain is cruel.

  3. Even the sentiment – it's just reinforcing gender roles. I mean, you're obviously entitled to your own opinion. I'm just pointing out that not everyone would agree. Reinforcing gender roles is, in my opinion, bad for both women and men. Just look at your partner – he's totally stressed by these responsibilities he thinks he has and can't live up to. Similarly, you're stressed by the outdated expectations of women that he has. It's creating a problem where there doesn't need to be one – together you have the resources to fund happy lives. But somehow it's a problem. It's like he thinks success is a zero-sum game where if someone else is successful, that must mean he's not. It's unfortunate that he feels that way, but I don't know what you can do about it. That's on him.

  4. Your brother didn't cause your break-up, you did. If you can't accept responsibility for it, you shouldn't be in a relationship to begin with.

  5. Honestly, I know a lot of people think this is fine or think people that aren't okay with it are jealous but I have been the girl who didn't think anything of it until I met a man who said to me about how disrespectful it is and once he said that I haven't been able to not think that whenever I start speaking to a guy who does follow those types of accounts.

    I don't care is someone watches porn, but when you are in a relationship with someone I do think it is disrespectful to essentially tell other people you are attracted to them by following and liking those types of posts because I personally see liking those types of posts as reaching out or sending a sign of interest.

    Of course, everyone finds other people attractive whether single or in a relationship, but it is whether they act on it or flirts with the other people that makes the difference.

    I also did have a more risky photos at one point and I actually deleted them after people I knew who had girlfriends began liking them. I found it creepy and gross that they would do that, and disrespectful to their girlfriends.

    I think him liking and following these pages is not a reflection of you or how you look. I think it's a reflection of disrespect on his part that he couldn't even stop doing that when he became committed to someone – as though it is an addiction or something. It is an easy fix and he can look at as much porn as he wants but why would he want other people knowing who he fancies when he is meant to in a committed relationship :/

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