Sxamleuy live! webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Sxamleuy live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Everyone commenting has left out that it's likely your parents will divorce. Your family life will never be the same again. Your parents will be separated, you may have future step parents and step siblings. You will no longer have both parents living with you in the same house. You will have to split your time living with each. One parent may move on sooner than the other and you may see a lot of anger and bitterness between. If you share what you know, you should also be prepared for the repercussions. Nobody else commenting as strangers on the internet have to live your life. You're the only one who has to do that.

  2. she’s easily aggravated and gets mad easily

    I see no positives to her.

    I don’t want to ruin this relationship

    you don't have to, she did lol

    drop her like a sack of shit and let her get aggravated and mad by herself

  3. Buddy. You wouldn't be acting and feeling this way if you didn't want kids. You want them.

    You're being such a huge hypocrite here by acting like she's the only one with the responsibility to voice it.

    She told you she likely didn't want them. The financial plan doesn't include them. Of fucking course the plan doesn't magically change with no discussion.

    You're the one wanting to change the plan. You're the one wanting something different.

    You're the one with the responsibility to start the conversation if you want different than the established path.

    That just leaves me feeling like I need to do something to make it happen.

    Jesus. Please don't pressure her when she's been pretty clear by your own description.

    You think movies and teen dramas show the reality of having children. Please don't make huge decisions on this type of mental games.

  4. Yeah I’ve been trying to find a therapist for months now but no one has been able to take my insurance unfortunately. So I’m just waiting till a spot opens up.. it’s been months since they said they’d call back tho and I’ve been checking in as much as I can but no luck. So all I’ve been doing is just letting this terrible ideas get worse and worse. I feel so bad for my bf because i don’t have anyone to “debunk” my unhealthy theories. I’ll keep trying to find one tho. Thanks

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