Sweetymommy live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: December 4, 2022

38 thoughts on “Sweetymommy live sex chats for YOU!

  1. If she won’t FaceTime you after school so you can see her without a mask, she’s probably hiding something. Might be a totally imaginary flaw, she might just not like something about her face,, but whatever it is, she’s going to a lot of effort to hide it and you should respect her decision to do that and not hassle her to take it off.

  2. Realize that love isn't enough, and compatibility actually does matter OP. Sometimes people grow apart. Most people don't end up with the people that they started dating at age 17, I'm sorry to say.

  3. OP, his behavior is unforgivable then. But please think about the fact that since you do have a child! And this child is observing how he is treating you and the whole dynamic – kids are very good at noticing things. This child WILL absolutely think this behavior is okay. If it's a girl, she will find herself in this situation bc it was normalized to her by your relationship. And if it's a boy, he will be just like daddy – sexually harassing his future girlfriend, being sexually entitled and tbh scary.

    I don't care how apologetic he was. He is still behaving in a similar manner, trying to coerce you into sex you don't want – so he was not REALLY that apologetic at all.

  4. Do you online in the States? Honestly the biggest annoyance with that specific age gap is you would be limited on where you’d be able to go out with him bar/club wise. If you’re okay doing under 21 things for 2 years then go for it.

  5. Honestly what else is it? If people ride so hot for this—no questions asked let’s get real. I’m pro choice too but 24 weeks?? Sorry that’s fucked up. And definitely not some gentle euthanasia.

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  7. Nope, I repeatedly communicate to them that it's time to do this or that. Part of the problem is our kids are small, so we can't just go out on Saturday and do X. Which honestly makes that aspect a little worse; I do most of the shopping online, so I literally just need them to have a conversation and they won't participate. It's just, “I don't know,” followed by distraction until I finally give up asking and then have resentment over the whole ordeal. So I get to the point where it's less effort on my part if I do every single thing myself, and eventually I find it overwhelming and feel bitter.

  8. Hello /u/samforester123,

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  9. It’s like, “If you need me to come over, let me know!” not “Do you want me to come over tomorrow?”

    This is so stupid. I would never say the second because it sounds like imposing my own schedule on someone who just had a baby.

    Honestly, go to couple's counseling but I don't understand why you married and had a baby with someone like that. She sounds insufferable! I'm sure she had tons of red flags since the beginning and you decided to ignore all of them.

  10. No, more women are just not putting up with assholes who make wild judgements about them based on their hair color.

  11. I've never heard of a therapist telling someone to break up for positive reasons. Also, if he loves you then he certainly doesn't trust you can handle his life which is what long-term would imply. You can't believe people are working on themselves you just need to focus on yourself and your maturity. You can have a relationship with this person again but why put efforts into something where the other person feels like taking breaks from you.

  12. If anything, I know I would never put my mom in the situation of being around him again. Might just have to do separate family gatherings from here on out.

    I would be tempted to punch him the mouth if he wasn't 80 years old. The second anyone in the room insulted my mom there would be some words flying around at the least.

  13. Just because the abortion is illegal in one state doesn't make getting a prescription abortion in another state dangerous. Abortions are healthcare, not inherently unsafe because politicians do not like them.

  14. I understand that right now you are very emotional because of the situation and you being scared during the ride, but try looking at it rationally. She was asleep, there isn't much she can do about it, it wasn't malicious and you getting upset with her over this would just create more tension between you two. Take a moment, process your emotions and consider how unfair it would be to hold this over her head when she didn't really do anything wrong. Holding onto a grudge for something like this would be super unhealthy. Plus, as someone else mentioned, you shouldn't be getting distracted and calling someone constantly, getting yourself more agitated in such dangerous situation

  15. Everyone knows single people in there late 30s going to 40 are just off. Your friend shouldn’t have highlighted something so obvious and you responded like the off person.

  16. Absolutely agree. And yes actually, there have been two other instances where this is kind of how it played out. Just not this extreme. It really shook me and woke me up. He had been extremely sweet and thoughtful for months up until maybe two months ago to now where these three instances have come up. This last one really just broke my heart entirely tho. I think its a good slap in the face that I seriously needed

  17. So I work for state government, manual labor. We travel once a year for a big equipment operating competition. We get hotel rooms paid for, but there's the option to share with a roommate if you want. I am female, the only other female that works in my division is going to retire this year.

    Anyways, the HR lady did ask if I was comfortable sharing a room with one of the males, and I said yes, but only if he's also comfortable sharing and then I gave her a list of men that I wouldn't want to be roomed with.

    I am in my thirties and have been a relationship with a monogamous male partner for almost 7years. He doesn't have a problem with this because… We trust each other!!!

  18. How do you know this is the only time she cheated? Cheaters are also liars, never trust a cheater.

  19. How do you know this is the only time she cheated? Cheaters are also liars, never trust a cheater.

  20. it's what you presented yourself as. just…learn from it. and don't randomly pull people aside and ask them for casual sex. it will never go the way you want it to.

  21. Maybe so but the decisions he made after the fact weren’t any better. Regardless of if he’s being honest about not remembering seeing her there I still stand by that he should leave his ex alone because he decided to be with the OW instead of confessing with the ex and trying to make it work with her. If you’re correct and he wasn’t able to consent, then I do feel bad for him, but I still don’t think he should try and get back with his ex.

  22. If it isn’t about that why do you keep trying to insert yourself into his life?

    You told her. She made her choice. You tried to embarrass her into leaving him by dragging HER FAMILY into her private life. And you should be ashamed for doing that. But it didn’t matter.

    Now you are purposely trying to stir up more drama and bullshit by matching with him on a dating app.

    Quit pretending. It’s obvious what you’re trying to do.

    He never wanted you as anything more than a lay. And you wasted 7 years on that. That is your fault for lowering your standards like this.

    Move on and stop obsessing.

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