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6 thoughts on “sweettreatsxxxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. How is writing a few sentences on a piece of paper once a year—at a time when basically the entire country writes cards to each other— “more than he his giving his current relationship”??

  2. True efficient rates

    Male condoms 82% Female Condoms 79% (NHS)

    Also using the female condoms means she is completely in control.

    But I think sex is off the table untill they have a proper talk cause it seems like OP's husband is no longer completely CF.

    (Btw LOTR reference?)

  3. another word of advice, if someone really likes you, you won’t be confused or unsure about it. also, with older men you have to be more strict and less lenient tbh because they are GROWN ASS MEN. it’s already risky for girls to date older guys because they can be really weird, but if you’re going to do it you need to have high standards and strong boundaries.

  4. Well, she sounds like a person who enjoys playing mind games. She’s been clear that you’re not the guy she’s looking for. But she obviously enjoys fcking with your mind while she’s waiting for her right guy to come along. Nothing good will come from you falling for this. The best thing you can do is ignore her and find a really nice girl who appreciates you. The added benefit is that this will drive her crazy and also teach her a lesson. Move on. You’ll be glad that you did. Besides that kind of self-confidence is irresistible in a guy.

  5. I mean these are pretty extraordinary circumstances, and you recognize that your reaction wasn’t good. So I’d say maybe look into some sort of anger management thing more or less so your family feels better about it, but hell, if my brother went missing I’d freak out too, shit happens. It’s good that you recognize the problem though.

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