SweetTabita online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 22, 2022

26 thoughts on “SweetTabita online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Ghosting within the first 1-2 dates is fine, but after 4 months it'd be absolutely ridiculous and honestly probably more of a bother since he will try and reach out. Just text/call and say things aren't working out, no biggie

  2. He's a very curious person outside of me. He has a PhD and in process of probably studying more..his literal day job is to research and requires curiousity..

    In terms of emotionally closed off..if there's anyone , it's me. But I'm working in therapy with 2 therapists to be better. Emotionally maturity is very important to me and through actions he definitely makes me feel loved..and through sex..I've never had such loving sex all my life.

    But words are more important to me than actions..I have trauma history and words mean the world to me.

    Thanks for suggesting the way to bring it up. I'm going to try that in our next check in.

  3. Ok, so like couple of things. Women also vary in vagina size so yes, your dick might be big to her. Regardless, 6 inches is not small at all but if it’s big to her, it’s big to her.

    And it sounds like she just made a joke thinking it was okay because your friend made the same type of joke. You were mad that she laughed at his joke too tho?

    Have you tried talking to her about how you feel? About how you don’t really like it when she makes those type of jokes because of YOUR insecurity, not because she’s really doing anything wrong? Have you talked to her about this before??

    Like dude, you even sound frustrated that she says your dick is big outside of sex “because i know it isn’t.” Outside of this situation, you need to work on that insecurity. Everyone has them and I understand, but you sound resentful of her even before she made that joke and if you love her, you’re gonna eventually ruin the relationship with these type of feelings and without talking about them. Like, you’re literally refusing to talk about it.

  4. Those weren’t even boxers tho. He posted the link. They were boxer briefs. Tight ones. He looked like he wasn’t wearing much.

  5. Narcissistic people need to control the narrative. Jist let her sqirm for a bit. She will delete the thread eventually.

  6. If you help someone, and they fail to hold up their end repeatedly, then you have a responsibility to stop helping them

  7. Not sure where to go. Well, I'd ask your family member who's your first choice to stay with and go to their home if they say yes. If not, I would keep asking other people

  8. Stop contemplating whether you should stay with someone that doesn't respect you, has already violated your boundaries once (well, really he raped you by stealthing), and is begging to violate them again??

  9. I'm not saying she's emotionally draining. Sometimes I don't have the energy to entertain her the way she needs me to but I do it because I love her. Yall are missing the point.

  10. I'm not saying she's emotionally draining. Sometimes I don't have the energy to entertain her the way she needs me to but I do it because I love her. Yall are missing the point.

  11. about how about actaully being partially physical with another guy. playing footsies? is that not more rage inducing than finding out your bf watches porn???

  12. I agree with everything except the contacting the ex part. Explaining and apologizing to his ex is just selfish. She doesn't deserve to be saddled with this emotional dumpster fire. Telling her all this would just cause her pain. OP would only be doing it to assuage his own conscience, and OP has done enough selfish things where his ex is concerned already.

  13. You did the right thing by telling him. You also have to think about you saying that your relationship was the best it could ever be. That might be true for you but not him. You cheated on him. You betrayed him. You made bad decisions which you had to know would hurt him if he ever found out you did.

    You two can get over this if you both want to work on it. If he does not want to do not push him to. If you are really repentant you will understand if he wants to break up but later on wants to give it another try. He will be coming to this from a place of hurt.

    You also will have to work very hot to regain his trust. You will have to be fine with being in an uneven dynamic in the relationship. He will have more freedom than you. This freedom will be not having to check in as much as you do, it being fine if he is a little late, and not having to have open access to his social media. You will have to cut anyone out of your life who supported the cheating. You better already be no contact with the AP.

    You cannot allow either of you to rug sweep what you did. It was cheating. You cannot downplay it by thinking it is not as bad because you did not have sex. You cannot downplay it by thinking it is not as bad because you ended it without being caught.

    You did the easy part by telling him now the hard part is going to come if you both want to keep the relationship. There will be a lot of work and I wish you both well.

  14. OP, I'm not going to do the typical Reddit thing and say divorce or leave her or whatever. But man, she's giving you an insight to the kind of person she is. You literally told her it's something you're not comfortable with and she's still trying to force you into it by guilt tripping you. The boy's father, who was still in his life, straight up told you he is not comfortable with it and doesn't like it. You don't like it. The sun is 8 years old it's not like he's a newborn baby that's not going to know any different. Hell, even I wouldn't do that with my stepson.

    But the most telling part is when you told her all of these facts, you even flipped it around and asked her how she would feel in the situation and she said she wouldn't like it, but it somehow “different”. It's not different at all. It's literally the exact same thing. How can she say that something wouldn't be okay for her, but you should cave and do it?

    So for one thing, I just straight up wouldn't do that. I honestly would not, that has so many more potential negatives than it does potential positives. The only potential positive is y'all's last name is the same. Which really doesn't mean shit at the end of the day. So if I were you I wouldn't do it, I let it be known that you don't want to do it, and don't budge don't cave

  15. It it definitely an insult but definitely a dick move to follow you when you said you needed space. Though as another comment said sometimes people can act like a child depending on the context we don’t know if you were being unreasonable. Either way I feel like he should have left you alone to calm down to have a reasonable discussion.

  16. It really sucks because you were so open from the beginning. The poly idea probably intrigued or even excited him. It can only be a fun fantasy for some people.

    Do you think that maybe both of you could be happy if you were poly exclusively as a couple? Play/date/love as a couple.

    You probably want to limit yourself to dating only poly people. No wannabes or experimenters. It’s ironic because most people assume being poly gives you more option. And on a casual level that may be true. But many of not most people (including myself) are incapable of maintaining a poly relationship. I hope this has a happy outcome for you.

  17. You experience the pain. You did not do anything wrong. Neither did he. It sucks to be rejected, especially when the rejection is a complete surprise.

    Self soothe for a while, maybe change up your hair style or watch a few sad movies to cry it out. You do what you find comforting. The only real solution is to give yourself time to grieve. Wait it out and eventually your brain will stop producing the chemicals responsible for what we experience as feelings.

  18. Hotels aren't public places, you have a private room. Unless you are staying at some cheap as place, you can't hear what people in the next room are doing and no one else in the hotel care what their neighbours are up to because they are busy thinking about themselves, their holiday and the sex they are having.

  19. My experience with LDRs is that people tend to only really act like they are in a relationship when they are on the phone with you.

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