SweetShirt live webcams for YOU!


SweetShirt Public Chat Channel

Date: November 14, 2022

5 thoughts on “SweetShirt live webcams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like your sister was assaulted by your husband. No one that drunk can consent to anything. Your husband needs to go, your sister doesn't deserve so much hate for this.

  2. Yeah it is compounded by my CPTSD/GAD symptoms.. I usually never interact with people. I try to blend into the environment. So this was out of character, I always help others but usually in far more passive or removed ways. Not directly sitting in the hospital for 5 hours til they saw the doc.

    Sadly she likely claimed she was going for a smoke and left. Went right back to him thanks to the threats on dog. And now he has somehow made her say shit like it was her fault for making me go through that, and to not blame him because he just has some issues like anyone does and blah blah blah… like I know this type of man. To see one at before they fully evolve into their parasitical form is odd.

  3. I’d probably be unhappy. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. But I don’t want to hurt myself by being with him when I know I don’t want to be. I wish we stayed friends.

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