Sweetsaraa live! sex chats for YOU!


11 thoughts on “Sweetsaraa live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. From the title, I thought you were a coward. Now I just don't get what is your girlfriend's problem. You did what you suppose to do to make sure they don't come back. If she can't distinguish between aggression to protect and other types of aggression you are better off finding a new girl.

  2. Well if you don’t want to confront her just let her do what she wants while you stand on the sideline like a bone head. Not sure why you posted if you don’t plan to do anything.

  3. Exactly an opinion. Mine is I’ve been a 19 yr old woman and people expect us to be exclusive/monogamous without ever asking us if we wanted to be exclusive/monogamous. As I said they are in just different places and wanting different things. Doesn’t mean she is a [insert degrading term aimed at women here].

    After 6 months I would have assumed he only wanted to be friends so a kiss out of nowhere would have thrown me off too and it still could have been meaningful bc he is a friend. My opinion is that the OP had expectations based on what he wanted rather than what she agreed to. If they had been officially dating prior to this I would get the outrage at her kissing a stranger because they would have set the terms of the relationship. These two have had no time to set any terms other than the OP thinking it may be the “start of something good”. So yes he can be disappointed and he can decide he doesn’t want to date her but the opinions to blocking her or ghosting her bc she didn’t behave the way he wanted her to the first hour “of maybe the start of something good.” is pretty wild.

  4. The reason it is hot to wrap your head around his behaviour is because it is not normal.

    And just because you love someone, doesn’t mean that they are someone you should be in a relationship with.

  5. Why tf would he pick his wedding date to be same date as your graduation though, did you not know about graduation until much later?

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