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Sweetgattinalive sex stripping with hd cam


15 thoughts on “Sweetgattinalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. u/leaves-are-cool, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Hello /u/AliceSwan225,

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  4. She shamed you for having sex with a prostitute while she worked as a prostitute?!?! My heart goes out to you. You’ve gotten a lot of advice about couples therapy and trying to work through this. But the magnitude of her lies and hypocrisy are a major mountain you’re going to have to climb. You’re not going to be able to simply “acknowledge what happened and move on.” She has to own lying to you about her past and shaming you for yours. She is going to have to work to earn back trust. If she is unwilling to accept that what she’s done – lying and shaming – are major issues, then I fear there is no hope for this marriage. She broke it, not you, and she needs to do some serious work to fix it.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (F26) have started recently dating this guy (M28) and things have been going well as he’s a very kind person and makes me laugh. However, now that it’s been about 2 months; I’m starting to notice some red flags but I’m unsure if they’re good enough reasons to justify ending things with him. See below:

    He has a 4 year old daughter and his baby mum is always commenting on his social media posts and joins his streams and has now started doing the same to me; I just find it so off putting and it’s quite frankly giving me the “ick”. Obviously I understand that she probably means no harm and of course it’s good they’re on good terms as children always come first, but I just find all of this a bit too extra. Especially since I’ve noticed she only joins his streams when she sees I’m actively in them.

    I create “spicy” content but have never filmed myself doing sexual acts with others and one time he pulled out his phone to record me giving him oral without asking me first. I told him this made me feel weird and he offered to delete it so I know it wasn’t intended to be so malicious but something about it has given me sirens.

    He is struggling with money at the moment, which is normal as we all go through it, however it’s starting to feel like I’m literally ALWAYS covering the bill and now I’m paying out for his daughters food etc. i wouldn’t mind this if he said thank you, but it’s like he expects it now. Plus he’s always smoking my cigarettes and not buying his own.

    My parents dislike him and get “bad vibes” off him even though they only met once.

    He posts on Tik Tok pretty frequently but it’s a lot of dark suicidal content, he claims it’s just a persona of his as he has a large alt following and he himself is considered alt, but some of the videos are of him driving really fast on his bike and feel a bit too genuine for my liking. My aunt saw them and is now convinced that he and I will do a suicide pact (lol). I’m aware this looks ridiculous but now I’m wondering how this looks to the outside world as well.

    He has two best friends who are a couple and tells them literally everything. So much so that they now feel they have the right to place their opinions on our relationship and think I’ll be okay with it, even though I’ve expressed to him before that he talks way too much and I’d prefer he’d discuss our issues with me so I know where I am and can put his mind at rest.

    All of his exes have claimed he’s controlling. I personally haven’t seen this side yet, but it’s still early days.

    If he doesn’t hear from me for two hours, he then brings it up later. I’m aware he’s a anxious attachment but it’s starting to make me feel smothered.

    He loves female attention as he gets jealous of any attention I get and he always makes a point of telling me when he’s been hit on.

    What do you all think lol?

  6. Suppose it is for you, with it all being made up and the fact that you won't answer the most mundane questions, but have suddenly decided he's in a cult.

    Can't wait for the next installment when you follow and they're “having kisses”

  7. Your flowery narrative describes us to a mind that is either filled with euphoria or drowning in existential dread .

    For someone who claims to be a “lover of small and simple things,” you sure didn't come across that way. Not everything is heaven or hell. Most of life is somewhere smack dab in the middle.

    Try backing off a few yards from all the drama and just look at things for what they are.

  8. Well you can email evidence of make a fake fb account to send her the evidence with and act like you’re the friend that seen her husband and you together. No one but the cop has to know your name. If it’s a small town and you have enough money for security deposit and first months rent, you can talk to your landlord, tell them the situation and that you need a new unknown address… people will help you

  9. Thought gaslighting was telling you that you misremembered, purposely make you question your memory

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