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9 thoughts on “sweet-sunlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You shut down her attempts to communicate about the house, then act all surprised she just did it without telling you anything else. (As you told her to do.)

    Then your surprised isn’t opening up to you? Your username is literally the most ironic I’ve ever seen. The fact that you chose it is a massive red flag. You are not patient. You are not even tolerant. She has one foot out door for all the reasons you tried to use to justify yourself. Finally. Her body, her choice. You refused any birth control option on which you participate in any way. Of course she’s being responsible! Why would she discuss it with you when you already made your choice without her input?

  2. Why would you want to marry someone who won’t work, drains you financially and emotionally, doesn’t pay his bills, and sets fire to a work uniform at his former job? Just take a minute and rationally think about that. What is the draw outside of “but I love him?” Seriously? If a friend came to you and said all of what you posted here you would tell her to drop him and move on. Kick him out and to the curb.

  3. Definitely not nosey thanks for all the advice. My girlfriend definitely doesn't pressure me at all and I am very ready. But it is indeed important that young men also need time and space. In my case tho it's more of a struggle to do it rather than not being ready to.

  4. This is seriously bad behaviour from her side. Sadly I think she thinks she is supportive- but it is not her role to comment out and judge. Clearly there were no things about her – but this makes it even worse. Controlling behaviour – do not ask her to be your gf.

  5. Well, let me put it this way: in a healthy relationship, there will always be some things you don’t know about.

    Like…let’s say his friend confides in him about some kind of relationship or medical issue. He can’t tell you about that either unless he violates someone else’s privacy.

    My ex husband had a security clearance and so did I. We still couldn’t brief each other on certain things around work. When his embassy was attacked, I was blacked out just like everyone else until it was over. It sucked being in the dark but it was what it was.

    Now, in my current job and with my current partner, there are things I can’t share with him due to NDAs with clients. Like I have a big customer—let’s say it’s a famous coffee shop—and I know how their supply chain works and where they source beans and how many shipments they do and what ships or planes those are on. I can’t tell anyone about it. I can talk generally but not details.

    I dunno. I think there are a lot of jobs and a lot of situations where partners can’t tell each other everything and it really isn’t or at least shouldn’t be a problem.

  6. I see this uspet quite a lot of people (to my surprise). I didn't know the phrase was so polarizing, English is also not my first language. It needs to be takeen with a grain of salt and I also think it is not sexist since it applies to men and women alike. It comes from my personal experience – women who had rather chaotic lifestyle, were a bit emotionally unstable, impulsive etc. were better lovers. They could communicate their needs and desires and were able to express their pleasure. On the other end of the spectrum were girls who just lay on the bed, closed their eyes and that was it

  7. If word gets around what he did he might very well not even find another job in his industry.

    I mean they call for references.. so….

    What can I do?

    Reddit answer : Reconsider having children with him until more financially stable.

    Real life answer : try to make sure this is a learning moment. If you aren't capable of that (and most of us aren't) some professionals can help. In truth though This is a leading horse to water type situation.

    if there's any chance they'd let him back?

    There is not, don't even try for this route.

    Apply for and take literally any job that will have him even the ones he thinks are beneath him?

    There is no “beneath him” in this situation. There is helping to provide for the family, or not.

    I did NOT need this stress and am so indescribably pissed at him.

    That seems reasonable.

    but does still insist he did nothing wrong and can’t understand why the other job “took back” their offer

    That was in another thread and of all the stuff you've typed that is the big bold warning sign. still insist he did nothing wrong I mean that is a major roadblock and doesn't mesh with reality. The whole “This is where we are now, and this is where we'd like to be in 5 years” conversation Has to be rooted in reality if he can't even admit he did something wrong you are likely going to have future issues resolving around how Everyone else is an idiot, but he did nothing wrong. etc.

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