Sweet-Aliice live! webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Sweet-Aliice live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It’s best to not increase more is what I’m saying. Have respect for your body don’t sleep around with many men if you like sex a lot have a fwb. The reason I’m saying not to sleep around is bc if you sleep around too many you can get an std not many people want to date someone with stds

  2. he said he can't talk to her about it yet because he is worried she will be upset

    But incidentally he doesn't care that you, his partner of 6 years, the woman he's going to marry is upset?

    Yeah no. Throw him in the bin. He's an arse who clearly has no moral standings and doesn't give two shots how you feel.

    I for one would be reaming him a new arsehole right now.

  3. Kick him out, file for divorce and do your best to keep the house. Even if it just until the divors is finalized, but dont leave – mke him and get a lawyer NOW.

    If you have to pause grad school to get a job to afford the bills, so be it. In life, there are times you are going to have to support yourself, even when no one else will.

    #1. Forget your parents, they sounds like jerks.

    #2 Kick your POS “husband” out, he is a looser.

    #3 Go to a lawyer asap, tell him everything.

    Start your life over, get your finances in order, then finish school and move on 🙂

  4. It most likely is but she doesn’t drink except when she goes out or I’m home and make us some cocktails. So I wouldn’t say she needs help but she does tend to drink too much if I say I’ll drive or whatever. We have decided in the past that she has a two drink maximum limit when she goes out but neither of us have ever enforced it.

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