Svetlana on-line webcams for YOU!


my lovely breasts are dancing! [181 tokens remaining]

Date: November 21, 2022

36 thoughts on “Svetlana on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. At the bare minimum you should trust your partner to stay kind and respectful after an argument. He went after your character, the things he said were not venting they were cruel. How will you feel when you get into future arguments? When your meeting the friend he was texting? If he’s able to be so unkind through text, will it progress to him telling you these things to your face during “the heat of an argument”? I would not waste anymore time with such a mean soul.

  2. Invite them out if the apartment's too small. There's three of you now in a relationship so you can split 3 ways

  3. So reading this I was totally on your side at first but I'm sorry you really care to mention her weight after she had a 4 month old baby. Shame on you. You could have easily vented without attacking a mom for her body. What she did was wrong. The fact you had to explain she's not naked anymore is disgusting. 4 months postpartum is extremely difficult. Especially if she is breastfeeding or has ppd it can be nude to lose or gain weight.

    Overall other than you seeming like a overgrown man child so hurt about her weight when her organs aren't even in the right place yet so disturbing of you. So because she lied about birth control you could probably report her, you should get out while you can she already showed how much they are capable of lying, you can be there for your son people do it all the time doesn't mean you have to be with her. It's simple. .

    Honestly feels like you are such a week person you need the internet to tell you it's ok to leave someone. Ridiculous.

  4. It's understandable that you're feeling confused and conflicted about your feelings for your friend. It's also understandable that you don't want to ruin your friendship or cause any discomfort for your friend.

    One thing you could try is talking to a trusted friend or family member about how you're feeling. It can be helpful to have someone to talk to and get some outside perspective. You could also try writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal, which can be a therapeutic way to process your emotions.

    As for whether you should tell your friend how you feel, it's ultimately up to you. If you feel that you can't continue to be friends without expressing your feelings, you could try explaining your situation to your friend in a respectful and understanding way. Make it clear that you value your friendship and don't want to jeopardize it. It's possible that your friend may not feel the same way, and that's okay. The important thing is to communicate openly and honestly.

    It's also important to remember that you can't control how your friend feels or what they do in response to your feelings. It's okay to give yourself permission to feel your feelings and to take care of yourself, even if that means stepping back from the friendship for a while. It's okay to prioritize your own well-being and emotional health.

  5. But is being a psychopath who deliberately goes out of his way to lure a transwoman out to kill simply because he saw her on tinder more common than being a dude who loses his shit because he's been lied to for 5 months?

    Because the former is straight up serial killer behaviour. The latter sounds much more common and expected.

  6. To many men this is a dream scenario, two women each happy to bed you and each other. Reality is that it can get very awkward very fast with accusations of '”You love her/him more than me, you're always around x” etc. If you are willing to risk losing everything you have but also gamble on having more than you could imagine then do it.

  7. Is a toxic guy you know for such a short amount of time worth to drop friends from years back? Imagine he would enforce this on you for all of your friends.. do you think that's healthy and okay?

  8. Hello /u/Ok_Passion5923,

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  9. it’s not like we’re anything to each other anyways, lol.”

    Those were really hurtful words. Aren't the two of you friends?

    The man just went through some heavy stuff. He might have been apologizing because he thought that, knowing what has been going through recently, you might have been worried for his wellbeing. Friends do that. They worry about each other and check up and in.

    If he won't talk to you then that's it. You have to let people walk away. It's a difficult lesson. Hugs

  10. Girl the only person you fell in love with is you. Your entire post is nothing about your feelings and your loneliness and your life. You don’t give a shit about either of those people, really. You were willing to risk damaging their marriage to satisfy your wants. (And let’s be real here: You didn’t love this man, because loving means putting their needs before your wants. You wanted to “own” this man. Get therapy to figure out why you feel the need to possess other people and why your idea of love is so warped.)

    You weren’t a friend to these two. In your mind they were just side characters in your personal narrative of your life. You lied to them, you took advantage of them, and you behaved like a creeper towards them. You were no different than a Nice Guy who hovers around a woman pretending to be her friend, just waiting for the chance to sabotage her life and swoop in to save the day. Does that sound like a friend to you?

    Yes, you’re the bad guy. And no, you shouldn’t expect pity from people. These are the natural consequences of your choices. You want your life to get better? Be a better person than you were here. Maybe, if you do a lot of work, you’ll eventually learn how to make actual friends. But first you have to accept the fact that you behaved incredibly badly here.

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Wow okay… I never thought I’d be here soliciting advice but I am stuck in what feels like a rock and a naked place and potentially blew up my relationship in the process.

    I (28M) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (28F) for a bit over 6 months.

    We had a rocky start to our relationship but things have been amazing. I am convinced she is the one for me. I genuinely do everything in my ability for her… take her on dates, buy flowers, gifts, everything. I truly love her.

    We have had talks in the past about what would happen if we got pregnant. We agreed that we would want to buy a house and get married prior to starting a family. We are both pro-choice and that was the working consensus that we had.

    Her period was late by a couple of days while I was at work and she asked if it was okay for her to take a pregnancy test. I told her that I wanted to be there for the test (it was a Wednesday, and typically I go over her apartment and spend Thursday-Sunday morning with her before she has to go to work. She is a RN here in the US working 3 12hr shift while I am in business sales working in office tues-thurs). She said she couldn’t wait for me because she was so anxious about it.

    I was in the middle of a work call with a prospective customer when I get a picture of a positive test back. Reddit, it was like in those movies where a bomb goes off and the actor is temporarily deaf and all you hear is the “eeeeeeeee” sound. I experienced every emotion under the sun of being scared, excited, happy – to, no way I can’t do this right now and everything in between. After the prospect called my name 3 times I told him something came up and just hung up the Teams meeting.

    I immediately pack up my things and drive over to her apartment where she is happy and excited and tells me she wants to keep it.

    I very calmly bring up the conversations we’ve had about this before in the past and state my position. I tell her I don’t think we are in the best place for this financially, we should move in together first and stick to our original plan.

    She gets disappointed at me and brings up how I’ve always wanted to be a dad and I should be excited about this and meet her at her level.

    The conversation dies down a bit as I voiced my concerns and trepidations but I essentially tell her that at the end of the day it is her choice and I will be there for her 100%.

    I wake up the next day and reality hits and a fire lights up under me… before this I was struggling with motivation at work and the first thing I did was gear up and decided that I was going to do everything in my ability to be the best dad I could be. Since my job is commission based (50-50 split with salary) I reach out to everyone I’ve talked to before and start generating sales like I never have.

    Since then we began looking at buying a house and realized that even with her perfect credit score it would be a stretch to purchase a house with the way interest rates are right now. So we started a savings account together.

    The issues start where as the next couple of days go on she keeps bringing it up and asking if my position has changed and if I am excited about it or not. I keep reiterating my past words about how I don’t think this is the right time, but still reassuring her that she has my support. We went to our first ultrasound on Monday and found out we were at 6 weeks.

    On Tuesday she tells me that she scheduled an appointment with Planned Parenthood for the 10th and that she is going through with the abortion.

    I genuinely do everything in my ability to make her comfortable. This morning she woke up feeling nauseous and I brought her water to the bathroom and offered up to make her some toast or something to eat.

    It all came to a head today where we had a follow up appointment with the OB/GYN about the pregnancy. He was incredible and understood that we were uncertain and treated the appointment as if we were going through with the pregnancy.

    As we leave the office she turns to me and asks if anything has changed on my end as we were in the car going to a new local restaurant that just opened up. I tell her that no, that I am still in the same position and again express my points of the time and how she would still have my support and I would be the best dad I could be. She is quiet the whole way there, we have a semi-good time there eating the food (Korean corndogs – absolutely delicious!)

    We get back to her place and we lay down and turn on Game of Thrones. She pauses the show and proposes that we give up on the house search, I move in, and we try to make it work.

    I bring up my points again and she essentially blows up on my face and says that she is getting the abortion, but also does not want to be with me anymore because she cannot look past this and see me in the same light anymore.

    I tell her that I could still warm up to it and to give me some time and reassure her of my support. She tells me that my support does not mean anything if I cannot meet her at the same level of excitement and happiness that she is at currently and I might as well have been telling her directly to get an abortion and just tell her straight up that I do not want to do this. In the heat of the moment I tell her I don’t.

    She says it is over and calls me a AH. She leaves her bedroom and is currently in the living room while I am still in her bed in shock as I write this out.

    So Reddit, did I mess up for voicing my opinions, fears, and trepidations while going through this and essentially blowing up my relationship?

  12. You broke up with him, the man moved on. Obviously don't be a piece of shit and try to break up a guy in a relationship. Leave him alone. Move on.

  13. This is a reasonable question that will never be answered in a reasonable fashion by Reddit.

    Next you should ask if it would be reasonable to ask your partner to get rid of their dog since your allergic.

  14. Wonder if she never really liked you having a friendship with the woman and this is an excuse to cut it off. Sounds like there is more to it.

  15. You seem like a really good guy, you accepted the whole original situation very well. You were hurt (rightfully so, I know I would be) but didn’t place the blame on her because of the half truths she gave you. I honestly think she knows you are a good guy and have you those half truths to ease her own guilt while knowing you wouldn’t get angry with her. I can’t tell you how far she has gone, I don’t know what did or didn’t happen, but it had to have gone far enough for her to know it wasn’t acceptable. She lied knowing if she gave you the full truth it would give you a right to be upset with her actions. At this point it doesn’t matter if she did or didn’t cheat because she already knows what she did was wrong and lied to you about it.

    I would sit down and think long and hot about marrying someone who could so easily lie to you. You are a very emotionally intelligent and sweet guy. Either try and work through it or find someone who will be fully honest with you.

  16. How was she able to get this to collections? Like can I just make up bills and send people into collections? That's nuts.

    Email the agency explaining what the bills are, that you won't be paying, that you will get a lawyer if they proceed with this.

  17. It's not frequent, maybe once or twice a month. It's just hot for me to justify why I am inconvenienced. I understand I should make a compromise but being asked to leave completely is too far for me.

  18. Well, the only thing i can recommend is to go only as far as you feel safe going. And communicate that. And I don’t think things have to stay the same. But any sort of additional request from him for you to give him a blowjob I imagine would be unhelpful. I wouldn’t suck lick or go anywhere near that mans dick with my face if I think he’s going to shove it down my throat. No thank you lol

  19. Make him a deal. For every time he does oral on you and gives you an orgasm, he earns one token or credit he can cash in later (not the same day) for a blowjob. Yes, it's transactional, but at least you'd be getting yours more often. Plus, if he knows he's gotta do work to get his, then he might shut the ef up and stop asking every day.

  20. Your friends are right. He is abusive. Talk to a lawyer, get everything in order and then divorce him.

  21. She didn’t take them. She said when she saw they were Xanax, she remembered the times she passed out unexpectedly in his house.

  22. Okay then be upfront about it as soon as you enter a sexual seeking relationship. “Hey, I’m on the smaller side of things, is this going to be an issue moving forward?”

  23. I already wrote back to your first comment. This is still your life. Only yours. You get to decide what to do. How you feel. What you want. Not us on Reddit and not anyone else. And if you don't know the answers then take a step back and do what you have to do to find your centre again.

  24. So your boyfriend wants to go back to a woman who called you awful things and made him choose between her and the friends group all while keeping you on the side?

    Honey, don't do it. He's hoping he can keep you on the hook while seeing if there is something to rekindle with her. That's a hot no from me.

    Let him go, no man is worth this kind of mental anguish, and I promise you'll get someone who respects you if you keep choosing yourself instead of trying to “make him happy” at all costs.

  25. Your bf can’t trust you if you don’t do things his way? Seriously?

    You’ve handled the problem. Boss told you he’d back off & you’ve blocked him. He stepped out of line, and you handled it.

    Now, you need to tell your bf to back off. Tell him that you’ll be more forceful if it happens again, but for now it’s over.

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