SUUMMER live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 8, 2022

26 thoughts on “SUUMMER live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. it sounds like she only wants sex and you want a relationship, i dont think it's about attention. if you're both looking for different things then i would just not pursue her

  2. So my question is, did my gf just use a break up to emotionally manipulate me into doing what she says?

    Yeah, dude, of course she did. What other explanation is there?

    The start of our relationship was amazing

    This is meaningless. The start of ALMOST EVERY relationship is amazing, including the horribly abusive ones.

  3. Run. You are in a full blown abusive relationship. Emotionally, verbally and physically. Can you imagine if a woman wrote this? It’s no different. Run. Block her.

  4. You’re winning the “I’m too naive to understand what’s going on here” game. He’s more than double your age, there’s a reason he chose you. You’re young, naive, and inexperienced and he’s going to ride that train until the tracks falls out from underneath him. You should be smart and end it now.

  5. Did she lie about it or did you just never ask/ it never came up until now? Can’t be mad at someone for sleeping with other people when you’re in the talking stage. If you want to be exclusive it’s on you to communicate that. If you asked about it and she straight up lied then that’s shitty

  6. As much as this guy seems like a self victimizing sad sack… Has it not occurred to you that she broke up with him longer than 16 days ago? Lol. He probably was single when he made that post.

  7. Before you spend nine months hating this child you MUST first confirm it’s not yours

    The amount of trauma it would cause both of you (and the child) if it turned out to be yours after all is far worse than it is currently

  8. Ahem, pointing out the obvious.

    You invited a drunk grown man that you know is sexually frustrated into your bed late at night.

    You should not have put him in that situation. With no experience he may have interpreted your invitation as more than it was.

    You should own your role in this mess.

  9. i mean this with love – do we really trust dr. phil? lol i thank you for this though, it makes me feel better about opening up

  10. That’s absolutely disgusting. He absolutely knew you were underage, you don’t seem to comprehend you were 12. Does the thought of being with. 14 year old at 22 not make you want to vomit??? You need intense therapy, in no way shape or form was that situation ok and he absolutely is a predator and a pedophile

  11. The same argument was made 50 years ago when a white person wanted to marry a black. The black had a reduced brain capacity, blah blah. A relationship between a 20-something and 30-something is very common. If it works for them, it’s none of your business.

  12. I had to keep it real. I do not mean to hurt you at all. But she is fr trying to fuck your man. I’ve been the snake before, so I help my homegirls out with spotting them. Cut that b loose ! ?

  13. Then bring it up in therapy! It feels like she is almost bullying you into not saying anything! You are unhappy with something so say it

  14. Cut ties and dip obviously

    This is a waste of your time and life essence. Love is not the forefront of everything.

    Focus on yourself ; get some money plans and steady work ideas going. Or a new craft or hobby or hiking. Get out of internet fake love fantasy land ( if it’s this bad not irl , I promise you it would never last irl) and go experience some shit

    This. Is. A. Waste. Of. Your. Time. You get one life. Go find some fun adventures and find a person who is proud to show you off to the world as theirs Fuck this pretentious internet fake love

  15. They are probably only frustrated because they care about you and it's hurting them to see you in this situation. Just remember that you do have control over this – breaking up doesn't require his consent.

    Send him a final message that it's over and block him. If he finds another way to contact you, tell him you'll involve the police if he doesn't leave you alone.

  16. Are you married to my ex husband?

    All of this sounds painfully familiar to me & let me tell you that I’ve never been happier than since we’ve been divorced.

    Life’s too short to spend it with somebody who treats you this way.

  17. Throw the party and don't tell him when/where it is. He wants no part of it? Great, he gets no part of it, not even the fun parts.

    He wants you to compromise but his definition of compromise is just bow to his demands. Its not compromising if only one person is sacrificing. When someone says you need to compromise, lay it out for them and make them suggest a compromise. “You want x. I want y. So what's your suggestion for a compromise?”

  18. It is in fact quite generous that we allow him to take part in the ceremonial aspects of this tradition when he has no claim to it.

    The fucking audacity of this.

    You can do what you want on land you solely own. You do not get to dictate this to others no matter the tradition or culture when you aren't the sole owner.

    You need to learn that you aren't in charge and aren't most important. He has a claim to be present for everything dealing with the work he's doing the majority of. You can choose to include him or not do your practice. The choice should never have been whether he was involved or not. It was whether you do your practice on shared land or not, with him being included if you did.

  19. What's considered cheating can vary from person to person. No matter what, he lied to you and called you viscous names. Breaking up with him was the right call as he clearly doesn't respect you.

    Going forward, make sure that you clearly express your boundaries with any future partners. Let them know that you consider this sort of behavior cheating and you will not tolerate it, there will be no second chances.

  20. Trying to figure out why anybody bothers getting involved in a relationship anymore seems like everyone cheats anyways

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