Strellakat live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 22, 2022

17 thoughts on “Strellakat live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. note:she also doesn't like this grandma and she told me multiple times I wouldn't like what she would say but I told her to tell me anyway

  2. Exactly! Husband was so ready to have sex with other people, he didn't bother explaining boundaries. This is honestly on him.

  3. LMAO. If you want respect, consider creating a respectable foundation for your children by actually getting married and being a family man in truth, rather that slinging your meat around.

  4. Depends on the people! I don’t mind expensive gifts for friends regardless of gender, and jewelry is a favorite of mine to gift because I love jewelry/have good taste for my friends. Op gifted these chains to two women and a man.

    I think that OP got a new, higher paying job and probably felt he could splurge. He got it recently enough there hadn’t been a time to buy for his gf but he intends on doing “something big” for her bday which is super soon, and even when he didn’t have the high paying job he still borrowed money to get her a vacation.

    The big issue imo is that purchases past a couple hundred dollars are kind of a big deal. So in that sense I think his gf would be valid to have concerns, but for her to be mad at him first, rather than sit him down and say “hey this bothered me let’s talk about that and find a compromise” seems very entitled. It doesn’t seem like the jewelry bugs her as much as the fact that she didn’t get something of equivalent material “value”.

  5. You have to be consistent and outwait him. You are the adults and you are letting a 5 year old bully you! The game goes away. He goes into timeout until he calms down and can be polite. Comes out of timeout and starts up again? He goes right back in to time out. If it takes all day or all night.

  6. I don’t know what she did or didn’t do. I wouldn’t care. I don’t need a girlfriend that behaves like that at all. I could do without a girlfriend that gets blackout drunk and sleeps at some random guy’s place. Block her number.

  7. “Thankfully we live in a time where if you actually tried to kidnap her as you've just implied you would like, you'd very likely find yourself shot.”

  8. It is not fair. She did not know the context, and if she is that insecure that is a her problem. It’s a tiny little bracelet. She was willing to hurt your two’s trust and your own feelings because of her jealousy and insecurities. I hope you think real hot if she tries to come back into your life.

  9. Make a big scene and fight everyone! Jk lol I use to deal w levels of jealousy and insecurity. Hated feeling that way, I determined that if I do something to improve me or my mind, ie studying topics that interest me, gym, run, a walk, eat better food & at appropriate times like avoiding that late night binge, I began to feel much better about myself. More confident in my own skin and less worried about what other ppl thought or assumed. End of the day, haters are free fuel sources of motivation. It just depends on your approach. It’s not easy or an over night thing tho gotta keep at it so that confidence compounds itself like money. Love ?

  10. If kids aren’t a deal breaker, why did you call her manipulative for being unsure about having kids. Maybe you should consider drinking less if you are unable to refrain from being cruel to your fiancé.

  11. Good, ?, don't answer his calls either, if he wants to respond he can do it by text, but don't hold out for him get out there and meet someone better.

    Him still doing this shut at nearly 40 ??‍♀️

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