Ssunnnyy online webcams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “Ssunnnyy online webcams for YOU!

  1. All I can say is that you are young and have a full life ahead of you. You are a great person! Move on, you deserve better.

  2. I should’ve elaborated. Benji is a mini poodle. We live! with my parents, which a lot of people often think is weird. I am of Asian heritage and her only child so I’m not leaving anytime soon.

  3. Don’t accept misery as a base state of being. If you want something and he’s not giving it to you, find someone who will. You are young, you don’t have any liabilities or responsibilities keeping you together, and why not be happy while you have the chance to be happy.

  4. How did he hurt your feelings? You knew he was in a relationship and slept with him, the only victim is his gf and the only advice I have is that you need to tell her asap

  5. Actually, I’ve been told this before and I totally get it.

    Do you think I should just take it on the chin and play the game?

  6. Girl, I once had a situation nearly exactly like this, but crazier.

    Met a man on a sugar baby website back when I rolled like that. Was very upfront that I’m not looking to be a paid mistress, no married or attached men. Was with this guy for 8 months before I finally got an inkling to look him up. Found his moms obit live, found his wife on Facebook after. He offered me TEN THOUSAND to not tell, and let me tell you… I could be dying of starvation and I wouldn’t regret not taking that money. Told his wife, she left his ass and so did I. Best decision I ever made. Do it.

  7. Ya this would be a deal breaker for me. Do your parents live close enough that you (just you) can stay with them?

  8. Looks fade no-matter what you do. Most people have very little control over how our looks change over a lifetime. However they way your personality changes is dictated by your personality. You have some control over who you become as you age.

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