Squirtyshow live sex cams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Squirtyshow live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I just want to say that I am with you here, OP. I have no issue with a partner going on trips with people of the gender(s) they are attracted to, and no issue with them having friends who are exes or former sexual partners. I do all of those things myself too. And like your partner I am bisexual, so a boundary like that would render me unable to travel with anyone but my partner, something which I do not want. I want my partner to be part of my life, but I do not want to be completely enmeshed and unable to do things without each other.

    What I have realised though, is that my boundary for a relationship is that the other person has to feel the same way. I wouldn't enter a relationship with someone who had an issue with me taking a road trip with my male best friend, or being friends with a woman I've slept with. If that is their boundary that is okay, but we will not be happy together.

    So my question to you is: will you be happy long term, possibly for the rest if your life, not being able to travel with someone of the opposite gender – and know that while your girlfriend accepts that you're travelling with someone of the same gender, she isn't really happy about it? If the answer is yes, great. If the answer is no, have a think about that.

  2. Woa … lol … It almost reads like this person IS your husband,

    OP, I get you 10000% and I fear your husband might be using common emotional abuse tactics. Read “why does he do that”, asap, to make sure there’s not more parallels … it might be nothing , but worth making sure. As for the sleep thing, it’s a tough one with young kids and it’s very common, don’t get too disheartened about it. You’re probably spot on with him feeling anxious about the incoming baby. Hang in there ! (But for real, read the book… at least like the first few pages, ok??)

  3. I can't imagine being with someone who gives so little of a fuck about me. He's valuing his dick feeling a bit better during sex over your physical & emotional wellbeing. Pregnancy can damage your body or even kill you, the fact that he's so flippant about your health is a HUGE red flag.

    If you make it clear you only want to have protected sex, and he pushes against that/tries to initiate unprotected sex against your wishes, that's coercion & assault.

    Your husband sounds like a bad person.

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