SophyParker on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: February 11, 2023

7 thoughts on “SophyParker on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. You assaulted her.

    You like throwing around the word assault a lot don’t you?

    This guy is young. He’s made a mistake with good intent. Let him learn. Let’s not demonise him and call him a rapist or compare what he did to assault, stop being such a victim in a place that doesn’t concern you.

    It’s people like you who see actions through the one lense and as a result, you don’t help true victims of assault because you trivialise it and compare it to situations like these.

  2. I’ve read this A LOT on Reddit … that a woman giving birth wrecks her body, destroys her mental state and leaves her bedridden. I’ve had 3 children, none of that was true for me. With my second child I was grocery shopping the day after giving birth. When did giving birth stop being a miracle of nature and become such a traumatic experience? I’ve asked my daughter in laws and they don’t consider it so awful. 1 of them had 2 at home in the bathtub with a midwife and she was fine with that. Wasn’t bedridden for certain. My second son was born 20 minutes after I got to the hospital, I experienced very little pain and only hollered one time, as I pushed him out. He was 7 pounds 15 ounces, my biggest child and I said, he’s funny looking. The doctor yelled at me~ he’s a gift from God.. I said, okay a funny looking gift from God. I watched one daughter in law give birth without an epidural to my first grandchild and while painful she said she doesn’t consider birth traumatic. I didn’t like seeing her in pain and will never be in the delivery room with one of them again.Another had an epidural and felt nothing. She spoke of natural child birth all through pregnancy but fortunately ended up insisting on the drug. I kinda knew she would. She had perhaps an hour of labor she actually felt. One had 2 c sections, had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks before birth because her water broke early. she is trying for s baby with her new husband right now. My first son contractions started on Wednesday and I didn’t give birth til Sunday. I don’t know if I had no epidural because they simply didn’t do it in the 80s. I was only 16. Still doubt consider it traumatic though it was for my parents, for obvious reasons.

  3. Don't tell your father. It will break his heart, and it will break a functional family. You will also lose his love and support. It will deeply affect your relationship with your mother and your siblings too. There's absolutely nothing to gain from bringing it up. I understand you want this off your chest, but it's better for everyone to keep this to yourself.

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