Sofi vega on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 22, 2022

78 thoughts on “Sofi vega on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Lol do you honestly believe that? I’d also add that maybe don’t date a cheat anymore since this will not stop

  2. “I’ll do whatever the majority tells me to” what the fuck are you all about? This sounds like one of those posts where people tell a story, get people to vote then they change up the story to whatever the majority says, because you want the majority to be “hooked”. Otherwise, why are you taking a vote to do the morally right thing?

  3. I am being supportive but it wasn’t like she went into someone’s room at a house party. She was at a dorm party that was in a different building than where her dorm is, and the guy was supposed to walk her back to her building but instead they went up to his dorm room (different building than the party), if she truly was willingly going up to his room, then she broke a boundary that had set for eachother and it’s hot for me to live with that

  4. Did he spend much time with her?

    She seems to have a bad track record with choosing men. It sounds like she’s seeking something and often bad guys use that vulnerability.

  5. In fairness, he was going to therapy and I went with him the first time so that he would not stay at door and not enter. it seemed legit when I was there.

    I would feel a bit guilty if at some point, I found out he did have some real psychological problems and killed himself or something alike. I noticed that his emotional health is not at its best.

    So there is a real doubt that his issues are real; that's why I am wondering if somebody has ever experienced the same.

  6. Thank you so much for the tough love. I need it. I do suffer with low confidence & self worth. I have recently lost 77 pounds and I struggle to not see myself as the fat girl in the mirror as I’m not used to how I look yet.

  7. You don’t have boundaries. You’ve said you don’t want him watching porn. That’s not a boundary. A boundary is saying if you watch porn I’ll have to break up with you because it doesn’t align with my values in a relationship.

    Who cares if he’s watching porn? If he’s still getting it up with you who cares what he does in his free time? Lots of people men and women watch porn and yes it is a natural and healthy thing to want to do. People have watched people long before video cameras were around, and animals do it all the time. It is natural to get aroused and want to masterbate. Sorry your self esteem can’t handle the thought of your boyfriend seeing another person hot.

  8. Guys can get it multiple times a day and still watch porn. Goidluck getting a guy to your standards who won't hide it from you. Your young and dumb, good luck lmao!

  9. Please get help. Contact friends, or family, a shelter, if you're resistant to calling the police. Just get out of there and get somewhere safe.

    OP, if you can't call 000 and you're in danger, message me and I will do it for you.

  10. Love isn't enough!! She totally disregards any responsibilities and I bet you pay most of the bills.

    Time to talk to a lawyer!!

  11. Are you even attracted to other women? Cause if you’re not and you feel it won’t be enjoyable or comfortable for you then no don’t do it. Are you jealous person? Cause if you are and in the middle of things you get upset well things wouldn’t play out as you may have planned. So many things to consider. If you decide to try it make sure it’s also something you want and will enjoy, otherwise it’s not worth it. I’d also go with someone you have no relationship with and no connection to both of you other than this one experience. Overall, don’t do anything that you don’t want to do and if you do make sure you are into it and trust him.

  12. I think your boyfriend is full of shit. The decision to open a relationship should be done together, not made by one party.

  13. That's some wild shit. OP hasn't even finished school. She isn't yet an independent adult who can support herself. She's never done that. She's going to school to secure her future. He's trying to do the same thing for himself. She just wants to play house as a college student before she can be an actual contributing partner. She wants a boyfriend daddy to give her the working adult lifestyle before she's become a working adult.

  14. Yes! To a responsible family that will spay/neuter, vaccinate and train him. And if you take another round at having a dog please adopt. Don't shop.

  15. Doesn't matter how you personally think he should feel about his ex, if it makes him uncomfortable then it makes him uncomfortable. He expressed his boundary. If his friend chooses to ignore it then he knowingly ended the friendship. He didn't care anyway, so why keep him around? I sure as shit have better friends than that.

    Also, what exactly is the point in keeping someone around after the dynamic of your friendship has drastically changed? You can just as easily find a new friend.

  16. u/Visual_Daikon58, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  17. You do realize the biggest holiday of the year just unfolded? And most people are visiting family and friends? That’s what you should be focusing on, as well. Hanging out with some family and friends, enjoying the time. If he hits you back, great. If he doesn’t, oh well. Move on.

  18. Definitely gross. I'd missed the F at first read and figured this was a young guy writing this. Creep level goes way up (after an already high level of course) when I realize it was a 20F.

    Like, how similar are her and the gf? If gf has anything in common with baby momma (which is the only other thing we know about his type), than she may not only be the same age range but also look relatively similar. Hopefully not

  19. Emotions can have ration behind them too. Regular ration is assessing the present situation. Emotion is just how brains apply past experiences of what felt good and what felt bad to determine what might work or not work in the present. When you look at emotions that way and apply them like risk assessment tools, they become incredibly rational as well and very useful in decision making.

  20. Hello /u/Accomplished_Key_759,

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  21. I would feel the same way you do, like she agreed to live with you when you had a cat and for you having a cat is a big part of what makes life better and now she has unilaterally decided you just don't get to live the way you have been because suddenly she has a problem with it, when it was fine before.

    The other option is to maybe let her know you never would have decided to online with her if you knew that meant never having a cat because of how important having a pet to care for is to your mental health. Maybe ask if she has certain concerns that can be mitigated by adopting the right cat.

    Is she worried about fur, you could look for a short hair (that isn't white), or if she's worried about noise an older cat that doesn't tend to vocalize much. Maybe even offering to have her help you select a cat that works for you both.

    But really you deserve to on-line with people who treat you as an equal with care and respect, so I hope eventually you're able to live in a healthy environment.

  22. Yeah.

    It sounds less like a rape now. Not in the sense of he got himself into the situation. A rape is never a victims fault in and of itself.

    But him saying that he was able to stop it and leave once he decided it was wrong. Rather than before it happened tells me he went along with it and then his moral judgement kicked in so he left. Which no. Is not the same as assault.

    I would definitely not be ok with this and i would indeed throw him out or leave. The fact he was already having sex and willingly went back to a girls place before deciding he probably shouldn't be dicking someone who isnt his girlfriend means he is 100% capable of doing this again down the line.

  23. Hello /u/Correct_Egg7263,

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  24. Hello /u/BigKeith137,

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  25. This makes it sound, to me, that he definitely has gay tendencies but is keeping it repressed for whatever reason.

    Is there family or someone who was/is in his life that has made him averse to being able to feel safe being openly gay/bi? Obviously it's not you, you seem very understanding and were even willing to be open so he could explore that, but maybe a parent or friend or something?

    It just seems to me, the whole literally “keeping my crossdressing stuff and peen toys in the closet” thing is a bit extreme for someone who is “just into the kink and it's no big deal”. He's hiding it for some reason or other…

    Anyway! I totally understand if this is a deal breaker. I mean, you're a very supportive wife and have tried all sorts of forms of compromise/support, yet he's still pretty much camming and exchanging pron behind your back, which isn't fair to you. Also, what if someday in the future he decides that he is truly, fully gay, and ends up leaving you after many years of marriage because he stopped himself from exploring his true self, yanno?

    I don't know what to really say honestly, but I wish you good luck!

  26. And, theoretically, daughter and her fiance agreed to this trip. Something more than some “stranger” complimented her looks went down, especially if the fiance's family is fine with the mom being uninvited.

  27. While I get the point you're trying to make I did not mention social anxiety due to me being scared of talking to her. I mentioned it as I have an eye contact problem and she knows of it, yet keeps getting angry at me over it as if I'm “intending to be rude”.

    With having an adult conversation, I do not know how this would pan out. We had a “discussion” about her behaviour 2 years ago when I came over, and it went with her calling my partner and I being snowflakes, her storming downstairs and giving out about us to my SO's dad, repeat this step again, and then finally apologizing. She then repeated the same exact behaviour not long after.

    I am not afraid of discussing this again, I'm more afraid of us getting nowhere and her throwing a scene as she did before.

  28. Y'all are both 30 but still talk and act like you're both in high-school. She doesn't like you, she's getting banged out by some random guy on their weekend trip. But hey, at least the kissing is fun, right?

    Tough love time: Cut her off. Move on with Hanna and start dating people who actually like you and aren't just keeping you as a last option if every other guy doesn't work out. She's trash and you need to man up and stop letting her have control over you. She loves the attention but doesn't want to commit. It's over.

  29. She really likes the guy but is worried about the possibility of him and his ex getting back together or if the baby grows up and wants their parents to be together.

    This isn't even the main issue…. Things to consider:

    what if they have an accidental pregnancy? Will this man also leave and “just” pay child support?

    what happens if he wants to have partial custody in the future?

    what if the kid wants to have a relationship with him?

  30. Your sisters story does sound suspicious. Asking her to hook up with you in the next room with your parents? Something seems off.

  31. Be kind, tell her you’ve fallen out of love and that spark is gone for you.

    Do not be cruel and tell her any of the above.

  32. That’s the logic for all of this really. Both OP and their mom made their choice. Now the two of them can live with the consequences.

  33. So I wouldn't ask her to cut him off, but it does appear there is some level of mistrust between the two of you. And it does appear from your post, at least, that she is hiding something from you. My solution would be to have an open and honest talk with her about how you feel about the situation, and ask her to explain, fully, the level of depth their relationship or friendship or whatever had or still has. If you still feel uncomfortable after this…well..that decision is on you. But I feel as though if she continues to be secretive and it seems as though she is hiding things, that is a clear sign of a red flag.

  34. New friends and therapy. I've known a few pretty women and they get frustrated only dated for their looks. She knows you like her as a person. If you want to go the gym and stuff but otherwise call them out. A sarcastic 'what a nice thing to say to your own child' is owed to your mother next time she tries that crap.

  35. 99% of the viewers are other women in the community I’ve come across or know through other friends. And the other 1% is guys who do it who are gay. I’m selective about who I accept requests from. But my bf is hung up on the fact that one time it wasn’t private which I had no idea.

  36. Sounds like a lovely and very healthy relationship.

    Why do you continue to be married if you clearly do not like each other? Like i'm asking you particulary OP because according to your post your wife is literally asking you to show her that you love her and to romance her again, so i'm willing to assume that (to a degree) she does still like you.. so… WHY ARE YOU STILL MARRIED TO HER IF YOU DO NOT LIKE HER???

  37. I would also make sure to mention (from what it seems) that this doesn’t mean you don’t ever want kids with him or that you’re suddenly against it. Be clear in exactly how you feel, why you don’t want one now. It’s a highly emotional topic, but it’s useful to root it in whatever facts you have to really assess the situation

  38. Couldn’t agree with you more!

    I’ve also heard of sex therapists recommending erotica, like at least 15 minutes per day iirc. Women generally take longer to get turned on than men do, so erotica is basically an aid/foreplay.

    I don’t picture her masturbating to it, and without it I would imagine their sex life would decline a bit.

  39. Hi! As a poly person…and a feminist, that’s kind of fucked up.

    You are not oppressing her by wanting to be in a monogamous relationship.

    she can be in an open relationship, just not with me

    This is exactly the correct response.

    I am sorry your gf has been radicalized (and also sad to hear polyamory is apparently being weaponized by TikTok radical feminists)

    Personally, even as a poly feminist type, I would break up with her. She seems to have been radicalized to the point of misandry instead of equality, unfortunately.

    And poly is a relationship structure. It depends on all parties to consent and communicate fully their needs etc etc

    Poly under duress is abuse

  40. Leave your boyfriend, because he deserves someone committed to him and certainly not someone that would leave him over a dream??

    I think seeking some help would be smart.

  41. I think your girlfriend’s request is ridiculous and controlling. It’s coming from some insecurity she has. It’s not your fault or your problem. I would stick to my guns and continue having lunch with my coworker.

  42. I’m not going to say one way or another whether you really are compatible or not, but I’m definitely getting a sense that he’s branded as bad in bed from the jump, and that’s going to make it harder to grow into a space where it’s better for you.

    If you want help in getting your sex life where you want, you should talk to him of course, praise what he likes, and go step by step into kinkier territory

  43. That's not better.

    If she finds out 20 years down the line, the same issue still exists. You didn't trust her. Only now you'll have maybe more kids and a home and a divorce is financially not good for either of you.

    If she doesn't leave, she'd be incredibly likely to cheat. After all, that's what you're accusing your spouse of when you insist on a paternity test. It would be a very human urge to live up to the accusation.

  44. Pretty much. We’re in college he doesn’t go to class. He orders Uber eats. He’s in esports so he plays even more when he’s practicing which I understand. But even after playing scrimmages that are 2-3 hours, he plays even more for the rest of the day until morning.

  45. Just to clarify, you are currently living in different cities and want to go from this to moving in together?

    It sounds like there are two parts to your issue. One is the fact that you are doing long distance, and the second is that you’re not living together. It sounds like you both find the long-distance challenging, whereas it sounds like you’re the only one who wants to move in together as well.

    Why are you guys long distance? How long have you been long distance? Is there a way for you guys to move to the same city as a middle ground and see if this improves your relationship before potentially moving in together? I’m not necessarily saying you’re wrong, but I can understand his apprehension about simply going from LDR to moving in together when you’re not in a good place with your relationship to begin with. Perhaps it would be a good idea to address the issues you’ve been having as a result of not being able to see each other regularly because of the distance. Everyone is different but I think I would view it differently if say, you guys had been together in the same city for four years and things were going well and he simply didn’t want to move in together.

  46. I don’t know why people do this shit. Because a random letter or email with no details is just sus.

    Basically you have three choices.

    1) ignore it – god knows who or why they sent it and malice and crazy are pervasive.

    2) follow your gut – don’t necessarily believe it but reflect on your relationship and behaviors and check out any threads that seem to be suspicious.

    3) talk to your SO – I don’t intend confrontation, but that’s an option. It will likely result in a denial and gaslighting if its true, anger if it’s not (and if it’s true). Possibly in violence. So be careful.

    Personally I would go with option 2 first and then switch to either 1 or 3 once I had more information.

    But you can’t spend your life pursuing random things, so you have to decide what to believe and when.

  47. Okay, so much context is missing here? Why is she just randomly sending titty pics to a group chat?

    Honestly regardless, she's free to send whatever she wants to whoever until the exclusivity discussion is had. And you are free to not be ok with it. If you're not attracted to her, don't go to the date, simple as that. But if there is still mutual attraction, maybe talk to her about it, find out her motive behind sending the pic if you don't know already, and you can discuss y'alls relationship, if it's mutual, if it should head towards exclusivity, etc.

    An adult conversation can fix so much.

  48. The one thing I neglected to add is that even I, as openminded as I am about different gender relationships and friendship with exes, would be not OK with my partner lasering one of his female friend's genital area. I would be like, refer her to another esthetician.

  49. Lmao the guy is watching porn & jerking off at WORK.

    Isn't intimate with his partner because he'd rather jerk off to porn. How is that normal?

  50. He is getting mixed signals. You spend time together and say you care. But you don’t have sex or initiate communications. You might want to take it slow because of past experience, but sounds like he is running out of patience.

  51. He is getting mixed signals. You spend time together and say you care. But you don’t have sex or initiate communications. You might want to take it slow because of past experience, but sounds like he is running out of patience.

  52. This is not the seven year itch, OP. This is a partner who doesn't pull his weight and has refused to do so no matter what you do.

    Stop calling it “helping you.” His half of the housework isn't “helping you,” it's HIS HALF OF THE HOUSEWORK.

    Just divorce and find someone better.

  53. You have to believe that you deserve good things honey.

    Maybe in your next session you can ask you therapist about this? Is there anything that you can do that might help your connection? Therapy is just like any relationship in your life, you might not find the right fit right away. It's okay to shop around if the connection isn't there for you. You might also outgrow your therapist and need to graduate to a different one.

    Do you think that a person who wasn't codependent would stay in a relationship with a partner like yours?

  54. Don’t listen to all these nerds. Do it! Just protect yourself. It will be a good learning experience.

  55. How do you know he isn't angling for the green card? If he's doing you good, then treat him right. You can always delay that shit so you can be more sure of ur choice. Marriage is a big deal. You don't want to be a divorced single momma. So get that shit right on the first try.

  56. No, we own the home. Before my partner had to get on disability he had an extremely well-paying job and on SS made more than I did working full-time at a call center. He also got about 100k from a lawsuit with his employer that they settled out of court. He is totally financially stable and independent.

  57. Humans aren't designed to forgive and forget. We can forgive, and we can forget, but we NEVER do both because forgivable shit is forgettable, but unforgivable shit is NEVER forgettable. You still remember that she cheated on you and noticed how she's acting now… you can either call it off and have some stability of mind or go ahead and marry her so you can feel the way you do now for the rest of your life. It's your choice, and it's simple, TOUGH for you, but simple.

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