Sofi – Next stream 12.10 around 11 am UTC the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Sofi – Next stream 12.10 around 11 am UTC, 19 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Sofi – Next stream 12.10 around 11 am UTC

Sofi - Next stream 12.10 around 11 am UTC live! sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

79 thoughts on “Sofi – Next stream 12.10 around 11 am UTC the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I am such a masculine woman tho!!! I don’t wear makeup as often I am always on baggy clothing I have a deep voice I even talk more similarly to them. I thought I’d be safe but nope!

  2. I got into an accident and my ex acted similar, didn't care or try to comfort me. That was my final straw and I decided to end it with him after that. You're 100% valid in that thought.

  3. Also maybe enable your location so your friends will see it. Maybe even your family. But yeah I agree with the other comments. If you can search for where they work or go to school so you feel more at ease that you can see a connection to the real world.

  4. She's gonna be a single mother no matter what, I doubt the guy is gonna leave his wife and his unborn child to get back with a fwb

  5. Is it time for a new therapist? You have to improve your self confidence because the next woman is waiting around the corner to take advantage of you again.

    Good luck with everything! Don’t feel bead for her. Karma

  6. Unfortunately this is all the same person. As you probably gathered he is bipolar, which causes him to excuse a lot of his behavior and blame it on episodes. Maybe I should read my own post history to remind me all of what he’s put me through

  7. I read your other post. The first thing you said about the other guy was he's rich. So you're a shitty partner to your bf now y entertaining s guy who wants you to cheat and then to make it worse, you only want to use the other guy for money. I hope they both cut you out of their life. Gold diggers are bad enough and you're cheater too, geez… poor guys.

  8. Oh so he’s a liar and a cheat. Girl cmon you deserve a man who puts you first, not one who lies and chests and trickle truths you

  9. Next time you're having sex, whip it out & ask him if he's ready. Tell him to try ot first & if he likes it, you'll try it too.

    Let my husband gift me an anal dildo for Xmas & see what happens to him SMH

  10. You could simply say getting new things so often has made it so it doesn’t feel special anymore, maybe doing it a bit more sparingly will help.

  11. Hello /u/3thousndsKid,

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  14. Of course it is, but if someone is raped, than taking care of the person who was raped take precedence over all else. OP is ignoring the fact that he was passed out, and came too with woman giving him felatio and then raping him. As soon as he was cognizant of what was going on he pushed her off.

  15. Hi. You are enabling your ex to abuse and disrespect your gf. It's time to see an attorney and get a court order to only use a parental app or have your attorney set up a third-party system for the exchange between the two of you for your children (a neutral person who picks up and drops off the children).

    Due to your ex-wife continually not respecting your boundaries, it's time to go no contact. She is toxic to your relationship and to your life. Do not let it continue. If she won't use the parental app, then she can communicate through your attorney. You will no longer be communicating with her. Inform her that gifts received from her will no longer be accepted. The children will be provided the opportunity to buy you a gift during your time with them if they so choose. They will have ample opportunity to bake a cake for you, etc. Her inappropriate behavior, including extreme jealousy of your girlfriend, continual crossing of your boundaries, complete disrespect towards your girlfriend, verbal abuse directed at you and unprovoked anger towards your girlfriend is no longer going to be accepted. Take a stand.

    You have not held your ground with her, and you have allowed her to get away with far too much. If you don't put a stop to her now, you will never have a successful relationship.

    See your attorney and follow through with his or her advice. It's time to shut down your ex-wife.

    Apologize to your girlfriend for not taking a hot stand sooner. It's your job to protect her from your toxic, manipulative ex. Take her on a nice vacation as a thank you for her patience and understanding.

  16. you set yourself up to be rebound guy lol. what did you expect or want when you played the white knight she can come shit on her boyfriend to? she told you play the long game while she waited on breaking up w her boyfriend and then banged you a week later. she already told you a million times what you were worth yo her but you were focused on banging

  17. Like other people said, you need to take control of the situation and put it down now. If anything goes wrong, regardless of whether it’s your fault or not, it’s on you for not preventing it

  18. Sweet baby. It’s because you’ve been socialized as a male. if you can’t be better than a women, especially YOUR woman, at EVERYTHING, in your friends and fathers eyes, what good are you? I hope you decide she’s worth celebrating for real because of what she works hot to do and to take the hit if it means she’s better than you at something awesome.

  19. I don’t want to be dramatic but, honestly, if I had to question if I could share something like this with my partner, it would be a reason to reevaluate the relationship as a whole.

  20. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My husband (M55) and I (F59) need to make a will. I have two adult children, he has one. He believes his adult child should get half of our money and assets when we both pass away, and that my two children should share the other half. I don't understand this logic, as we have been married for 16 years and think of all of our children as “ours”. Also, I make over twice as much money as he does, and have for years. Our home and all of our savings were accumulated after we married. Neither of us brought much financially to the marriage, and there are no other large assets. I believe each child should each get an equal 1/3. How can we resolve this without a big blowout fight? TLDR: Husband wants his adult child to inherit half of our assets in our will, and have my two children share the other half.

  21. “he has probably built up some fantasy in his head that you are already his and the only thing standing in the way was the distance” is essentially what he was saying during our conversation yesterday. When I said, “who do you think you are, my boyfriend?” it completely threw him off.

  22. Oh geez. If you don’t want to take care of his dad you shouldn’t and you shouldn’t let him try to convince you otherwise. He should pay for his father to get care.

    I’m concerned that you feeling like you owe him will lead you to doing many things you aren’t comfortable with. That’s an extremely concerning statement.

  23. Well I’m sure they can just stick the baby in a cryo chamber until OP has had enough rigorous mental health treatment that she’s “healed her trauma.” Oh wait, now she has to coparent with the source of her trauma? Shit, pop the kid back in the freezer, she’s got more work to do!

    Talk about patronizing. Tell me you don’t know anything about trauma and therapy without telling me you don’t. Then tell me about your experience is a reflection of everyone else’s.

    OP made it very clear that she would not be able to on-line, let alone heal, with her rapist being a forced entity in her life. She is doing what she needs to do to heal that trauma. You just refuse to accept that.

    And you still have not told me what specifically the child will gain by having his traumatized, suicidal mother in this situation. “Children benefit from their parents healing their trauma (which we’ve established won’t happen) and being their primary care givers” (which she won’t be, she’ll be splitting that duty with her rapist) is not an answer.

    I don’t need vague generalizations and I don’t need a citation, I need you to tell me what benefit you think OP specifically will provide for this child in her current mental state.

  24. Really it's not up to him, if you're done, you're done. You're already resentful of the emotional energy you have to expend in the relationship, and that's unlikely to get better.

    Will it break hearts if you leave? Of course it will. Absolutely. But what do you look like if you stay? You're right, you were very young and you took on a LOT and I'm not surprised you're looking around now and realising that having an 8 year old at 25 with all that entails isn't what you might be wanting right now.

    Personally, I don't think that anyone who truly does not want to be in a relationship should stay in it. It's soul destroying.

  25. I mean he gave it to her 6 years ago and hasn’t done anything since to try to “win” her back. OP is acting so so incredibly entitled to things that were settled for years before she met this guy. She’s still hung up on the money, not his feelings. None of this would matter if OP didn’t have dollar signs in her eyes.

  26. Well.. if he doesn't care, would he prefer to live! alone? Because you definitely don't have to deal with that.

    A relationship needs constant work so that it doesn't die down. Effort from both people. If he's not going to put in any effort, do you actually want to live with a roommate that has a gaming addiction?

    There are plenty of good men out there. If this one prioritizes his games over you, he doesn't deserve you.

  27. So he's too tired/stressed/whatever to get off the couch and do any chores… but he's plenty energetic enough to nag you about taking him out? These two things don't make sense together. I think he's playing you.

  28. Well, you're doing one thing right. This kind of situation is exactly why it's a good idea to live! together before you commit more formally. You can get a sense of whether or not these are issues that you can live with.

    As someone who has gone through similar sounding issues with a partner (he would often accuse me of turning small things into big things and picking fights over nothing), I can also tell you that these growing pains truly are opportunities to grow

    Yes, there are some people in the world who will make unnecessary mountains out of genuine molehills, but far more common is a situation where one partner is using small, specific examples to illustrate a large, more general problem

    You act dismissive and gruff about the small example, because you think it is inconsequential, but then she feels that her much larger, possibly much more important, issue is being ignored. The result of this is that the next small thing that taps into the same larger issue feels a little bit bigger to her, and creates an even larger reaction from her. To you, this looks like her being even more unreasonable, while to her, this is the only way she can find to express to you how genuinely important the larger issue is

    If you care to understand her, you may need to lean into these conversations, rather than away from them. I'm not saying you need to get up in the middle of your chess game and talk to her, but when you do have a moment, sit her down and ask her to explain to you what this bigger picture is. Tell her that it doesn't make sense to you that she's so emotional about such small things, so you are assuming that there's a larger issue at hand, and you want to talk about that with her

    Chances are high that even just this small enactment of caring about her feelings will make her feel a lot better. A lot of times people just want their partner to notice their feelings, they don't always want to have to spell them out for their partner, and while you're not a mind reader, you do possess the capacity to ask her how she's feeling, to check in with her.

    Of course, if proactively checking in with someone and being thoughtful about their feelings sounds miserable to you, then you should probably break it off. But honestly, these sound like pretty normal growing pains. I feel like these are the sorts of issues that people often lose a first relationship over, because they handled it poorly, and by their next relationship they've learned to be a little more thoughtful

  29. Don't trust the Google maps, if he is really trying to cover his tracks he wouldn't be so stupid enough to leave any information to track him(i.e phone drop/box) The only real way would be to follow him. PI!

  30. Valentine’s Day is a terrible day to go out to a restaurant. I mean the food and service will be objectively worse than almost any other day of the year, just due to how overwhelmed most restaurants are. I’d opt to stay in on V day and go out another time.

    But the real issue here is you think your relationship is in a rut. I think you need to provide more context on this before we can really offer helpful advice.

  31. Well I wish you all the best. I’m sorry it had to happen this way. You deserve a supportive partner, someone who isn’t afraid to stick up to their family. I’m glad you have your family by your side.

  32. Maybe that's a good way to get him to change jobs besides nagging him about it which men hate. Tell him you are feeling like you need more time doing things together.

    I really think that he may be comfortable at his job and wanting to avoid the whole process of getting another job.

  33. One other thing, the kid is your kid to. Someday that child is want to know who their father is who their biological father is. Don’t be a jerk at that time. It’s not their fault.

  34. Sounds like weaponized Incompetence on your end.

    Anytime I see “I don't clean to their standards” it's really they're a pig who is content with living in a moderate mess as long as there isn't actual trash.

    Has she specifically said why it isn't “up to her standards”?

    You literally said you helping is “trying to tidy up a little”? Are you literally just cleaning up your own mess?

    There is a lot of stuff being unsaid here. And while I do most of the cleaning between my fiancee and myself. The last thing she does is complain about when I have the time/drive to get it done.

    I'd be happy you get to be babied. Get some earplugs dude.

  35. Yeah 4 more years of having the equivalent of a high school teenage romance is not acceptable in your late 20’s.

    Don’t think I could put up with it.

    Your gf either needs to start behaving like an adult and break some of those controlling bonds she has with her parents or you’re going nowhere with her.

    She should be telling her parents she’s going over to your place and when they demand she comes home by 10 o’clock or whatever ridiculous curfew she has she should be telling them no.

  36. Yeah I get that, it doesn't sound like a fun situation. I could tell you to break up or whatever, but it's entirely up to you and what you think is best for you.

  37. Ok but you said “why are you surprised” like she's some kind of supreme dumbass for not foreseeing that he had previously slept with a fucking teenager. You're blaming her for not having ESP

  38. If he can't understand and respect her decision then she shouldn't be with him anyway.

    It's an unplanned pregnancy and she does not want to be a mother at this moment. Her bodily autonomy is paramount.

  39. Honestly, you can't believe her. Even if she is being 100% honest.. you are not capable of believing her after being cut so deeply. She put herself in that position, and if there is any chance of reconciliation, she's put herself in the position that she has to back her words up with proof. Lets say that this was the only time… maybe it was the only time she had sex with another man while with you… but there had to be some emotional cheating going on before that…. highly unlikely that she just met a guy and then randomly decided in that moment that she was going to have him over to have sex. There was flirting, talking, texting, interactions well before it got to sex. The actual cheating started well before she had sex with this guy.

  40. He was doing amazing when he was with his ex (before Sartre doing what she did), and he had been in a pretty bad spot before too. This is the only thing I can think of considering the trust stuff

  41. I hate Valentine's Day but it does matter to some people AND it's your anniversary.

    I'd be pissed too not only because she's shutting you out today but also because it looks like something's up with her co-worker.

    Eat that dinner and go stay somewhere else while you reflect on whether it's worth staying with her.

  42. Surprise surprise, the 35 years old dating a 23y/o is immature. Shocking. Live! your best life, you're worth too much to lose precious minutes with this clown.

  43. This is creepy, he's a grade A creep.

    Document everything. Time, place, what was said.

    Record evidence of you super politely asking him to stop calling you on your personal phone unless it's an emergency.

    And gently probe the situation at work to see how much power he actually holds over layoffs.

    It might be him getting laid off next time.

  44. OP describes in her comments how they were joking and the mood was lighthearted. The internet is full of memes about horrible things like suicide. I think the context clues make it pretty obvious that it was meant to be humorous. It didn't land and ended up in poor taste, and hub was slow to catch the memo. Thoughtless, insensitive comments happen. You talk them out and move on.

  45. Her behaviour is called “ emotional infidelity “. She has placed his needs above yours. Decision time. You explain, she picks him or you. Even if she picks you , I doubt you can trust her long term. I think it’s over, or will be eventually.

  46. These posts are what makes me hate Reddit. Because if you were a woman complaining about the exact same situation, there would be a drastically different consensus.

  47. Oh not at all, you just state that the ex made her sign an NDA so “i cant disclose what he did”, that should make the stories going around about him even worse then when he let her talk

  48. I'm sure she's confused too since you got slammed on your 2nd date. Ask her to something alone without drinking like a visit to a park or something where you can talk like normal. Also try to remember you don't have to drink a whole bottle of wine just because you are zip tied to someone. Maybe she thought you wanted to get away from her so badly you got trashed to do it.

  49. Correct. For whatever reason, which you cannot be sure of, she's moved on. Of course that hurts, but reality is better faced to reduce the length of time for stress and hurt on you…. because she's not hurting about this. I'm sorry.

  50. I think it's too late for that. This has been happening all their lives and this was the final straw regardless of what they have to say it will always be about the brother.

  51. If only there was another choice.

    We should implement the ability to say “hey, gf, call the police while I keep an eye on this guy”.

  52. If only there was another choice.

    We should implement the ability to say “hey, gf, call the police while I keep an eye on this guy”.

  53. To my surprise my boyfriend said no and that I couldn’t come because the celebration wasn’t about me and that I would somehow be shifting all the attention towards me.

    -Not on purpose, but everyone would likely want to talk to you, ask you questions, get to know you etc. when the attention should be on the girl. It's just natural curiosity and you should actually be happy that at 25 your boyfriend is aware of social etiquette because most twenty something guys (and girls) are completely clueless on how to appropriately handle a situation like this. I'd leave it in the past.

  54. Have you used the words “we will come home one day to a dead and mangled bubbles.”

    It’s for sure really unfortunate.

    If she can’t move out yet, I’m sure you’re all collected network can find her a safe and loving home. Maybe. Even temporary, as it could give your friend some more time then to figure out a living situation that will let her take the cat back

  55. I dont know I'm obviously in the minority but why does her kissing someone else make your kiss less special? She is obviously remorseful, people make stupid mistakes all the time in New ans shockingly stupid ways. If you have been friends for this long inwouldntbdrop everything over this without at least hearing her out.

  56. It wasn't your job to make the relationship with your bio-dad. He failed you. You probably have a desire for answers without even really knowing the questions. I'm sorry you have feelings of confusion. Finding someone close to you or maybe taking a therapy session could be helpful. Work on the relationships that matter. It's good that you are realizing how important your step dad is. Make more memories with him. Forget they man that failed to be who you needed him to be.

  57. OP, I promise you there are better people out there. She should have fallen over herself, showing you the proof and not screaming and lying about it. Imagine how happy things were with her before. There's something even better than that out there. From one person who left a long-term toxic relationship (who I thought was “THE ONE”) to another.. I can speak from experience that it absolutely does get better. There are 8 billion people on this planet, and so many of them will treat you with so much more love and respect than your current partner has.

    She has shown you who she is. Believe her.

  58. If I'm seeing someone, I'm going on dates with them. Romantic intentions. If I'm hooking up with someone, I'm just having sex with them. I know this sub loves calling people liars, but this is just kind of basic.

  59. Unless you want it, you need to tell her you do not wish for a 3-way marriage. If she doesn’t feel you give her enough on the emotional side of things either you need to go to couples counseling or divorce. She’s having at the minimum an emotional affair and maybe more, in other words she’s already cheated.

    I’m not you but if I were in your position, I’d simply sit her down and hand her divorce papers. Tell her you aren’t happy anymore with her lies (when she coaches him to lie, she’s lying too) and disrespect by bringing another person into the marriage and you want it to be over. Then listen. If she tries to justify her actions and/or blame you, then you know she has no remorse or regret. Only if she immediately breaks down, admits she was wrong, offers to completely go no contact with him, open up her phone right then and any time you ask and make arrangements for CC, should you even CONSIDER reconciliation.

    If she shows remorse, have her sign the papers anyway (you’ll need a notary there) and keep them out of her reach. File them away at work or somewhere safe and the minute she backslides and talks to him again, let her know they will be filed.

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