Sofhi_a20live sex stripping with hd cam


14 thoughts on “Sofhi_a20live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your husband is right. It’s not healthy your happiness relies solely on him. The best relationships are the ones you choose to keep, not HAVE to keep. Everyone needs friends. Everyone needs a life outside of their job or household. Joining a class or a group may feel like it’s out of your comfort zone, but it’s probably one of the best things you can do to have a more balanced, well rounded life. Good luck, OP! Maybe try a book club? Most of the week you’d be doing the work at home alone, but then once a week you’d be chatting with others. Worth a shot!

  2. The problem is that I am living with him atm. If I were to drop him I would be homeless with nowhere to go. I have recently been kicked out of my grandparents house because i finally fought back against their manipulative and gaslighting behaviour. My immediate family live on the other side of the country and I have no way of getting there. My mother also told me to never come back so that's not an option either. I could go to the town hall and say I have nowhere to go that's an option. Idk. I just feel stuck.

  3. Hello /u/External_Page866,

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  4. Well, for bpd, it is not that easy. But now my bf knows about my condition and he understands. I am also getting treatment

  5. If my SO went on a vacation with another woman instead of me, that would be the end of the relationship.

    You’re being blind and unreasonable.

  6. Yes, I can see both perspectives here. I absolutely would not want a friend's SO that I don't even know to join us on friends' tradition trip. If I'm going on vacation (especially a long one!), I want to have fun with my group of friends. Getting to know a friend's SO should happen on other time, like going out for a meal together or something, not spending a 2 week vacation together.

    On the other hand, if were Amy, I wouldn't even put myself in a position where it'd be just me and one other person if either of us were in a committed relationship. That just doesn't feel appropriate, and I understand why the GF would want to come. There is definitely a level of intimacy that is there when it's just two people versus when it's a whole group of people.

  7. Unless she’s taking a small break to team up with her guy friends and defeat that fucking clown in the sewers, you can bet she’s thinking about cheating.

  8. Watch, learn, journal and keep your mouth shut. Keep up with your wife’s location & communication as you check all her social media.

  9. Yeah this screams non con kink and these scenarios are pretty much ripped from hentai and doji. It really does depend on how he acts outside of this.

    Her feelings are valid to be disgusted and it's her feelings but at the same time the kink is also valid as long as it's a kink and kept between consenting adults.

    As others have said communication is key and they need to work out if they're compatible. But this would have to be done safely incase it's not a non con kink but irl non con.

  10. Your story is a little unclear. So you snooped (which is wrong if you did, but w.e for now) found the file. Now, after finding the file and being caught. He admitted to everything? Or was it because you messaged her that he finally admitted.

    Tbh, it sounds like youre being niave and have the rose tinted glasses. His reasons for why he cheated feel like bullshit.

  11. Which is infuriating because I asked my SO if we had a “budget” for each other for gifts! She said just spend how much you think you is ok. I spent what I did and she spent maybe $100 on me, though I was grateful for my gifts. Still, the point stands. I asked repeatedly what our spending limit was for gifts to no avail.

  12. Maybe talk to a therapist then?

    You should be able to communicate with a partner openly. That said, none of the things you listed seem problematic to me so I think it’s going to take some reframing in your own mind. He has chosen to be with you.

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