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9 thoughts on “sodamint11live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. In a normal situation I'd say: “if he doesn't know what he wants then that means he doesn't want you”.

    However, I think maybe the pressure of you moving up there and things not working is messing with him.

    If you're fully on board with moving up there just tell him you're doing it regardless and if he wants to be with you when you're there then that's great. If not whatever. Then I'd literally just move up there and see what happens.

    It probably seems scary but hey its a reason to move to a different country for a bit which is a great experience in itself.

  2. This may sound bad, but I can’t get it out of my head that the girls down at the cosmetology salon think that they are a “league” above someone else.

  3. In all honesty, what are the pros and cons of marriage? I have never believed in the concept nor do i think it means someone truly loves me. Always viewed it as a complicated contract that if broken, fucks everyone up financially or legally. So, what is the point or pro of marriage?

  4. You took the test for yourself, not for him. without everyone else getting tested, you know nothing for sure. do not blow up your own world and those you love over something you do not have all the facts on. Hold your information until you have more of a reason to bring it up

  5. My man you're already unhappy in the relationship You do not need a single more reason to stay in that relationship

  6. So he should get everyone who's gonna be somewhere?

    Also he says elsewhere that they weren't at the party but just passing by. Can't control that shit.

  7. You're 31 and making 140k? You're doing great! Not all of us gals are money-hungry, plenty of women out there who would respect what you bring to the plate, which seems to be thoughtfulness, consideration, and plenty of ambition. I would love to date a guy like that! Keep it up, she doesn't sound like the right fit for you.

  8. Don't you need emotional connection? Attention? Understanding? At least moderate attentiveness, consideration, and so on? Of course you do. He's ignoring your requests for that. It's neglect.

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