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SindiSipslive sex stripping with hd cam


34 thoughts on “SindiSipslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. White collar career? I am curious if it's just the culture of the job your in. I'm blue collar in a medium size college town and only half of my peers are into partying, just gotta know where to look. I also matured quick, it feels so awkward not fitting in and wanting something serious.

    How many hours a week do you work and spend with these professional organizations? If most of your time is spent at work then most of your people are going to be work related. It's a good idea not to date within the immediate circle of colleagues, but why are you worried so much about your reputation being hurt by dating a professional contact from your extended network? Do you feel like there is a lot of gossip in your industry? I have worked with quite a few married couples that work at the same company. I guess I don't see any problem with that.

  2. As someone who went through something similar to your wife could it be that the financial situation you are in is triggering her. I have CPTSD and sometimes things trigger me that aren’t necessarily in relation to what I went through, you can’t control it it just happens and if you are feeling controlled which the cost of living crisis is doing to people she could put that on you as you are the closest person to her. Could she self refer to talking therapy’s? They might be able to help her with what’s going on.

  3. Your bf needs to grow up, imo. You haven't done anything wrong. This is his own hang-up to deal with; he shouldn't be taking his discomfort about it out on you in any way, and I don't think there's anything you can do to help him resolve his feelings on this. If I were in your position, when he brought it up, I would tell him to decide if this is something he can get over or not, but I don't want to hear about a meaningless ONS from two years ago again.

  4. She is in therapy. Unfortunately she has no other outlet for her pain and Depression. There is probably a support group for her Illness. Also one for him,they both need to get involved with other people in the same position. I realize it's hot for him to deal with this whole situation,but he knew that this would happen to her. If he leaves her, because things have changed, for the worse ,well it makes me wonder how much he really loves her. The Therapist would've recommended support groups and informed them of all their future problems. I think if he leaves her,she would be devastated .I hope she finds peace and I wish them both Good luck.

  5. You do… nothing. It's not like someone who has the capacity for polyamory is incapable of being happy and fulfilled with one person. If he really wanted to be dating multiple people, he would have left by now.

  6. Ok so you’re not really in charge of finances, you just pay bills. You absolutely must explain that the two of you will be in very serious financial trouble unless it stops and you would like to show him exactly why

  7. Is it possible they just don’t find you attractive? Did you consider that? Also your lifestyles are incompatible

  8. she is using your son as a pacifier for her body dysmorphia… instead of talking to a therapist… and blaming her feeling of inadequacy on you…

    It’s totally understandable you’re not happy about that… Your kid is not her emotionally support puppet

  9. Reddit – infamous for jumping straight to “get ready for divorce” reactions, is being way too nice on this one. Another man who spends your work hours with your wife is being called ‘dada’ by your kid… dare I say it… they’ve already broken that boundary behind your back mate.

    DNA test on new baby and get ready for a shitshow

  10. Have you tried a good old fashioned phone call?

    Not everyone is a texter. And some are just not conversationalists. See how she is verbally.

  11. OH MY GOD!!!!!!! There is a special place in HELL FOR YOUR HUSBAND AND “BEST FRIEND”

    They want their cake and eat it too…. Like GROSSS … this is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING BEHAVIOUR

    I GOT SOO ANGRY ON YOUR BEHALF… the audacity of them to think YOU’D BE OK WITH IT IS CRAZY!!!

    OP I know you want your kid to grow up in a stable home.. but a divorce would be MUCH better for him… when you DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!!! Please consider stepping out literally as you are clearly mentally checked out… please see a therapist

    Also.. DO NOT LET THEM CONTINUE TO BLAME YOU !! It’s NOT YOUR FAULT… it’s SICK and unfanthomable what they have done.. they BULLIED YOU into thinking they are doing you a favour…. And it’s your fault… it’s just sick! Do you really want your kid to grow up being around this sick behaviour?! Where is gaslighted and easily manipulated by your husband?!

  12. As someone who has been here a time or two, trust me – the answer is never worth the wait and nine times out of ten it’s one last ditch effort to gaslight you into staying.

  13. she went to meet him during our marriage

    Could you please elaborate?

    She went and had sex with him? Kissed him and all other sexual shedoodles?

  14. Hun. Do not go back to her. Do not go back to someone who would throw away a 5 year relationship “to find themselves”. She is perfectly capable of finding herself and exploring her interests with you in her life and supporting her.

  15. Honestly, no. She doesn’t have to tell you. If it happened in the time you split up, the exploring is part of her working on herself. She came to the conclusion that what she had was a lot better than she thought. I would ask, but if she wouldn’t tell me that would be ok for me.

  16. I've come to the conclusion that she might be too mentally ill to have a healthy and balanced relationship. I think I'm going to have a talk with her about how I feel, and why I feel that way. I forsee our breakup 🙁

  17. Your an idiot an hour friend is right

    What's gonna happen is this guy is gonna groom you and I'm a few years suddenly you will be too old for him, he will dump you an go for a new younger person

    Happens literally every time an being on Reddit I don't know how you DONT know about this already

  18. Here's the problem, and it's going to require therapy or a divorce.

    He doesn't see you as a partner. He sees this relationship as transactional. What he wants is someone who is a cook, a maid, and a sex worker. Period. And you have to do the first two to get the third.

    In no way is this man your partner or husband (legally only, not in any other way). He is more like an employer.

  19. He said he enjoyed working from home when he did take those 2 days though, said how comfortable it was genuinely. How less stressed he felt etc.

  20. Because 50% of Reddit advice would have no responses if people didn’t. Just supposed to ignore that part. Just think of it as what it is, a badly written hypothetical and thought experiment.

  21. She is trying to get you to accept some sort of blame for the affair which is just not the case, she chose to cheat, you didn't “push” her to it. Don't listen to her BS anymore. You're way more level headed than most would be and I think that says a lot about you as a person, a lot of good things. Stay strong in your decision to leave man

  22. Yeah but guys are people too with emotions and what not. I have sex issues with my wife sometimes too and she’s super hot as well. She’ll do the same kind of thing and will mostly be in something sexy but sometimes you’re just not feeling it.

    What helps with my wife and I if we are going through a slump is we might get a hotel room, have a nice dinner, get super high and bang all night. Lol maybe try that?

  23. I searched on Reddit for some experiences of parents with only one kid as well as of only kids, and came away with a whole spectrum of experiences, from resentful and lonely only children who wished they had a sibling, to happy only children who were glad not to have to share their parents' time and resources, to sibling children who were resentful of their siblings and parents. Just goes to show that there's all sorts.

  24. Yeah you're absolutely right. I'm thinking about it more from a is he cheating? way, but should be more focused on his character

  25. If he's done talking, he's done talking. So you talk to an attorney.

    He had made clear that he, along with his parents, believe that bigotry is more important than love. They have already treated their own daughter so horribly, and your husband supported that; can you really trust him to treat your children any better? Your children deserve better.

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