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SindeeDixlive sex stripping with hd cam


95 thoughts on “SindeeDixlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. First things first. Demand that he find a job. Tell him you're not his mom. If you're really suspicious that he's spending time with his “best friend”, simply drive to her house when he's on a “drive about” and see if his car is parked at her residence.

    Simply begin going to the gym and make no mention of it. Return to your hairstylist for a 'do, and even treat yourself to a visit to a cosmetologist and a nail salon. Just do the things that you'd normally do if your bf wasn't cohabiting with you. And continue to insist that he search for work.

    And, if he is spending time with his “best friend”, suggest to him that he move in with her. It's called taking out the trash. 'Nuff said.

    I wish you well.

  2. I understand why people are concerned but I don’t think there is enough information here. What was the conversation leading up to this on Discord?

    OP says this was the first time, is it because it was never meant to be sent to OPs son, and was just an unfortunate accident?

    The way OP is reacting makes me think is not an isolated event and there is more to the story. If that’s the case, then do what you need to do to protect your family, if that means cutting the brother off, then do it. The brothers actions shouldn’t be taken lightly, if he did it on purpose.

    But if this a first and seems like it came out of nowhere (look at previous communication they had over Discord, text, ect.) and talk to the brother. There is a chance that video was not meant to go to the nephew. If that’s the case, watch their relationship closely but don’t jump to conclusions by automatically cutting the brother out of your life.

    Reddit doesn’t have all the information to make that call, OP does. We are only taking sides based on possibilities. OP, make you you get all the information available to you.

  3. How is that gaslighting?

    Gaslighting has quite a specific meaning and I don't see how this is similar to it.

  4. Divorce is the best way. Ain’t no way I could stay with a man who raped his sister. Best regards to you though. I would seek Therapy and pray ? for healing ❤️‍? JMO!!!

  5. i think thats what i haev to accept but i jsut want to..i love him to death,but i have to leave him or its just goign to get so much worse

  6. Go for it. She was up front and transparent and asked for your thoughts. She seems nice, and not insane, so that’s always a Plus. Take a chance. You never know what might happen.

  7. I would ask her not to do it because you don’t feel comfortable with her doing that if that’s how you feel. It’s not normal for her to be doing this imo.

  8. There’s nothing wrong with OP wanting to be the recipient of pleasure every now and then. It sounds like she’s generally the giver of pleasure in their relationship and she wants a turn to be the recipient.

  9. There’s nothing wrong with OP wanting to be the recipient of pleasure every now and then. It sounds like she’s generally the giver of pleasure in their relationship and she wants a turn to be the recipient.

  10. I was “mom” in my friend group and no, it was not a “weird sex thing” like people are saying. I had the best grades and was typically the most responsible one so I was mom. My bf at the time was “dad” solely by merit of being in a relationship with me, but if they had already decided that a different guy was dad then you should at least get to be stepdad. I'd start calling yourself their stepfather and start calling them all “sport” and “buckaroony.” Also grow a mustache, no beard, and make absolutely awful puns that are only very indirectly related to what the conversation is about.

  11. I’m so confused and had to re-read this three times and feel like I must be missing something. So two consenting adults with no blood relation that didn’t even really grow up together that happen to have some what distant family through marriage date for two years…I don’t see how this is a big problem. Yea, some people may find that a little awkward, but it sounds like your family has massively overreacted and that they should be ashamed of themselves. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I hope you can work through this and find peace with yourself and maybe some friends who will treat you better than your family. Wishing you well.

  12. Hun he’s not even trying to appease you and here you are worried about not appeasing him. Un-appease out of this relationship

  13. that is what you say after you break up

    uh.. you didn't break up, you had a one-night stand that didn't lead to anything more. there's no relationship here.

  14. Yeah but if you go out on date nights and can’t communicate then what’s the point? I’m also comfortable in silence but I will always try to make my partner laugh and smile.

  15. You wrote that post 8 hours ago and talked about how he caused the worst 2 months of your life and that leaving was the best thing you've done.

    No I don't believe you. This is a fake post meant for rage bait.

    You wouldn't be writing that 8 hours ago if you're still together.

  16. Go get that d girl absolutely ZERO reason to hold out. Mans holds no power over you….do YOUR thing, PERIOD.

  17. Tell them this exact thing and say you love them no matter what. Maybe take it up a notch and say you don’t get together with just anyone, and that’s how much they mean to you.

  18. There was one particular AITA post that I still think about. It was the one where the woman’s husband and father-in-law were convinced she was going to die in childbirth and acting as if she was already going to die. It almost seemed like they were plotting her death… I hope she’s okay.

  19. Okay. First of all, I’m really sorry that you felt pressured and supported then, and I’m sorry that you’re going through it all again. A loving partner would not act the way your boyfriend is acting. It sounds like there’s no great answer to your problem – either you keep the baby and struggle or you abort the baby and struggle. I have to be honest though – it takes two people to make a baby and if this keeps happening then frankly both of you are equally to blame. He is being horrible and emotionally abusive to you, and whatever you decide in terms of the baby, you need you cut him out of your life and take some serious time to yourself to figure out what you want and need in your life. You are VERY young and have a lot of time to figure that out. Believe me – no relationship is better than an abusive relationship.

  20. You did the right thing i know it hurts but the short term hurt is worth it. The future would be you sacrificing ur self esteem and self love for nothing.

  21. Thanks for your perspective but then I would ask you don't you think OP's partner is weaponising sex. Sex should be enjoyable and OP shouldn't have to need to earn it right?

  22. Why stay? You’re young enough to find someone compatible.

    Why would you want to stay with a middle aged man who has lost his libido and somehow makes it your problem for still wanting a healthy sex life?

  23. In my state, when a married person buys a house it is considered to be joint property regardless of who is paying for what. You may want to check into that.

  24. u/Edens_M, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  25. Try microdosing psilocybin from mushrooms. No high. Research yourself. Even Johns Hopkins has an entire dept dedicated to psychedelics.

    Pls pls read Lost Connections. He goes off the rails at end of book but first section will blow your mind.

    If the SSRI doesn't work in six months I guarantee you they will say “try a higher dosage.”

    I've been on SSRIs for 20 years!! I'm weaning off with medical supervision.

    You understand that's not the person you got engaged too. You absolutely must get this figured out before wedding.

    Sex will only get less as you age. Do everything in love. Get her to admit she doesn't like that feeling either. But it must be her decision.

    Wedding date?

  26. Aaaaaaah usually when I see situations like that, it’s projecting. Her probably cheated and now is paranoid that you did the same. Idk it’s not always the case but that’s from my own personal experience. My ex used to always accuse me of cheating ( I’ve never cheated after we established we were gf/bf) and later on at the end of the relationship I found out he was cheating on me.

  27. Move on

    Your sister is happy with you when its on HER terms. When you suddenly have your own life and responsibilities, she starts having issues.

    Your sister is very clearly manipulating you and using her kids to do it.

  28. She’s all you knew and now your broken hearted.

    Just be glad she didn’t go through the motions, marriage, kids etc…. Because you would be in a bigger world of shit.

    There’s a first time for everything. And your experiencing it.

  29. Hello /u/idk-youtellme,

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  30. You can’t please everyone. Ignore her or if it gets personal, stand up for yourself. You don’t need to put up with her bullshit

  31. We pursue relationships that reflect what we think relationships should look like. When we are young, that usually means mimicking our parents.

    I want to be very clear that you are not to blame for your current situation. But you are responsible for fixing the problem now that it has been explained to you.

  32. I can totally understand her being upset with how you talked about her friend. The other situation is how she views your porn use and how you feel about it in relation to your sex life. You seem unhappy with the current situation. Do you really want to get stuck in a marriage where you’ll be having even less sex (usually) if you’re already unsatisfied? I understand wanting to work it out but maybe this is a good thing.

  33. In my opinion she is overreacting and being overly harsh, but she gets to decide what is breakup worthy. If she doesn't want to be with you anymore, you need to let her go. Separately, that is a crazy low amount of sex for people your age and maybe you aren't compatible for other reasons, and you just didn't realize it?

  34. Hello /u/isolatedfeels_,

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  35. I can understand wanting to be at peace. I am not proud of this, but I was in the position of not knowing who my second child's dad was. First and last time in my life to “hoe out”. I told the guy I dated in November the truth about the situation and he was really cool about it and thanked me for my honesty. Baby came and lo and behold he wasn't the dad. I was either way further along than I thought or I skipped a whole period and the baby came early. I decided I didn't even want to know, but within her first year, it was eating me up inside. Did I get pregnant in late September/early October with my ex or late November with the only one night stand I have ever had? It was late November and I learned I did in fact skip a period. Had it not been for that skipped period, I would have known.

  36. I'm so happy you and your girlfriend could work things out. Your best friend sucks though. You deserve to tell people, even your gf, about your trauma on your own accord, and him doing it for you instead of offering actual help on is a big no. Talking to him about relationship issues is kind of unfair, since he's friends with both of you, which is why he might have reacted like this. You guys should talk about this.

  37. Being bi in a monogamous relationship has its challenges, and missing the opposite set of parts from your partners gender is one of them for sure. Some couples are able to reach compromises, like a female fwb for her, but things like that just aren't for everybody.

    You should have a talk about what need a 3some will fulfill exactly and see if that need can be reached in a more agreeable way or not at all.

  38. Do you not see the hundreds of posts here from women who get angry that their boyfriends/husbands are following strange women on social media?

    If he's in a relationship, maybe he doesn't want his partner to know he's looking at your shit.

  39. I've always wanted to be a father myself, and I was in a relationship with someone who was determined to remain childless for life. It was unfair to both of us, and I was blinded by love to the fact that I'd always have that sense of loss at not being a parent as I so dearly wanted to be. The ending of that relationship was a blessing for many reasons, but that was a big one. The fact that OP's partner there clearly is both blinded by love, and wants to be a father so much and is so excited by the idea, shows that they are not actually compatible.

  40. Oh well! I'm having a blast here with my friends so it's their loss!✨ Thank you for helping me with it✨

  41. because of this attitude, you're probably going to end up leaving in your 30's and wishing you'd left sooner because by then, finding an actual good guy will be nude. You also might bring kids into this horrible awful relationship and make them watch their father scream and abuse their mother. So yeah, this logic of not giving up when someone screams at you and treats you like garbage simply because you're married only means you're postponing the nude work of having to start fresh. you have a clock and it's ticking, you're only 26. this will be much harder at 36 or 46.

  42. She’s commenting on his photos, they follow each other. She’s a fellow traveler, an influencer wanna-be with only 2k of followers. She’s showing her ass because she likes it, maybe to get more followers. It’s not an insta model, my bf would never follow that crap.

  43. Yeah I'm not sure how opening your marriage will create a spark in the bedroom.

    How is her smashing multiple other randoms and you sitting at home alone because you don't want it going to achieve that.

    I mean it certainly won't on your end so probably best for you if you call it a day

    In fact if her lifestyle is at risk after you call for divorce now that will create a spark on her end in the bedroom so maybe that is a more effective idea.

  44. You're pregnant and Idk the type of workplace you have, but do you have maternity leave, and such? Aren't you covered insurance-wise from the company? If yes to those, you really don't want to do something that may end up making you look like a 'crazy unprofessional' person on the workplace. Esp. if you don't want to lose the job.

    You can confront you bf one on one, and tell him that you are thinking of just blasting his affairs with these girls all over the workplace (give a hint as if you are capable of doing it, BUT DO NOT do it). Or you're thinking of reporting him to the HR (not saying you should do it, but give the impression that you are capable of being petty). Of course, do not say all this on dm or text, don't leave evidence behind. Just tell him to make him sweat. Then I'm kind of a meanie that way. Then again, if he's the type that will inflict bodily harm on you, probably not the best idea to do so I'd probably not do that too…just imagine it in your head, I guess, revenge fantasy and all those good stuffs.

    Do you still want him around or what? If you do, I'd probably tell him he gets a chance to make it up to you and the baby if he'd recommit himself, and be fully transparent with you and no more cheating. No more talking on the phone with those co-workers and so on. Honestly thou, he's not going to stay faithful to you, OP. Sorry, but I'd be readying myself to be a single mother if I were you.

  45. I'm not going to leave the country for him, I want to leave the country in general. Maybe I should've been more clear about that. He lives in a country that I wouldn't mind living in, it's much better off than my country and I love the architecture and atmosphere there, plus it has a lot of diversity. However if I do go, it would mainly be cause my country is falling apart rn not to be with him.

  46. Not everyone is meant to be an instructor. But also not everyone is supposed to have a drivers license.

    Work on your fears first then sit behind a wheel. I would not sit behind a wheel until I overcome my insecurities because I do not want to kill someone on the road.

  47. Obviously a minor dating a minor is a fucking extenuating circumstance. How dumb do you think people have to be that you have to go out an point the fucking obvious?

  48. Do you apply this to men, too? If they don’t want to be a father – a legitimate father, involved in their kid’s life – no sex?

    Pregnancy is terrifying. Google what happens to a body during it. Women are the ones who have to go through that. Women are the ones who bear the most risk. Your attitude remains shitty and misogynist. How embarrassing for you.

  49. Not being able to remember what he did while he was doing it or hear his girlfriend screaming presumably feet from him is blacking out.

  50. I believe 100% that he would never go back to her because of the complaints he had in the relationship. I’m also very secure in that department that he doesn’t have eyes for her or anyone else. He has done things in our relationship that he has never done with her, or even thought about.

    I agree that he should’ve healed a little bit more prior to getting into a relationship with me. He has just chalked up the google searches to curiosity, and that sometimes when he is upset because she hurt him so badly he will google things like “Why am I still hurt over my ex”, etc.

  51. Also Why do I need to leave him alone? You act like I’m going to tie him up in my basement and never let him live! out his potential. He’ll leave me for someone younger eventually. I’m not naïve.

    Just because it’s unconventional or frowned upon (because society assumes bad things about older people who like younger people) that’s not my concern. I’m not some predator looking to harm him like certain older bad people do to younger people. That’s yall in society projecting things onto people just because they have seen it happen with bad people. I’m just a human who clicks with another human and it feels great. I’m not preying on anyone. I’m not Harvey Weinstein ffs.

    We’re happy period and I’m not hurting him and he’s legal and is respected and cared for. I don’t have to anything just because you’re in your feelings about it because it’s unconventional

    Maybe leave other people ALONE who clearly aren’t interested in what you’re trying to get them to do.

  52. I mean I hate taking my ring with for work travel because I’m afraid I’ll lose it. Already had to replace it once after a work trip cuz I got tipsy and decided it was the perfect opportunity to show my coworkers some magic tricks using my ring. Dropped it and the cleaning crew found it days later.

    I’m just sayin, there are other reasons. I’m not a cheater, I’m just incredibly clumsy and stupid

  53. Yes, I have insomnia and nothing worse than lying awake listening to someone breathing all night and not being able to do anything.

  54. YTA, you feel entitled to her partnership and she deserves a better friend than you’ve ever been.

  55. But them comes the question, if him having a trip is no big deal why she asking it for the same thing is revenge?

  56. So, looking at this relationship objectively…


    Doesn't have sex with you.

    Doesn't want to hear about your desire to have sex with him.

    Doesn't find you attractive.

    Fights every weeks.

    He feels smothered.

    Still jerks off.


    You love him, I guess.

    The fact is, OP, with very little effort on your part, you could almost certainly find a guy you love, AND that wants to fuck you. You're far too young to not be getting fucked as much as you want.

  57. I’m sure the distinction is incredibly helpful to the people so addicted to porn that they become sex offenders.

    A critical feature of this distinction is that the compulsions of addictive behaviors lead to a sense of pleasure in the brain, whereas compulsions independent of an addiction lack the related sense of satiation and related brain circuitry.

    Gee sounds like this situation exactly?

    People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.

    Dang this also sounds like this situation. I don’t believe addiction only applies to substances.

  58. I took him back for a short time

    You keep blaming everyone else. You took him back. You didn’t get tested. You knew he was fucking around.

  59. Tell him to figure it the fuck out. And that the clock is ticking. Don’t engage with him about it beyond that. This is his mess to unfuck

  60. You don't love him. That's impossible. Love involves respect and there's no way I believe you respect him or he respects you.

  61. Go with your heart. You are already in an unusual situation. Other guys would have been extremely off put by this whole thing. You are happily arranging the re-do. Other people’s opinions don’t mean much now.

    Symbolically, if you reuse the ring it’s like you are trying to rewind time and do it her way. If you get a new one, it feels more like a bonus proposal. Which one is your intention?

    Personally, reusing the ring feels icky for the same reasons this reproposal feels icky. It is like your best intentions are worth less than social media theatrics. Idk, you do you.

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