Silvia-x on-line webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Silvia-x on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. The person who kicked it off with calling my math skills “shitty” is the one talking about discourse? This is rich.

  2. Talking marriage and babies after 6 months seems awfully fast. Also sounds like she might be trying to get pregnant. Unless you are financially and emotionally prepared to support a kid for the next 18+ years, you should NOT be having unprotected sex or rely on her to be on birth control.

  3. I understand what you mean, but it's undoable. They'd eventually tell someone, and at that point rumours will spread easily. That'd be a great way to kill your social life haha.

  4. If he wants to walk before he even proposed, it would only end in divorce. Like don't bet this woman half your shit in a divorce that you'll grow and move on from this and forgive and forget cause you're likely to just be 18y down the road and starting over with your life.

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