Shy-katty online webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 16, 2022

23 thoughts on “Shy-katty online webcams for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't move in with him, but you will still have to deal with raising a kid together – unless you choose to give the baby up for adoption.

  2. depends really if it was ment to deceive you but if he hates birthdays like my self and is dyslexic dose bad job remebering no its not a big deal

  3. But the thing is many a times when she is with me, she casually browses insta or fb, i wouldn't say it's always but many times.

  4. Hello /u/thRowawayrateme77,

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  5. He’s lying either to you or himself about him having these conditions. There is not and never has been such a milk allergy that immediately stops the heart.

    Disassociative identity disorder is not a condition in which all the personalities are aware of what is occurring as it is occurring, it is quite literally a disorder characterized by periods of memory loss that occur as one of the other personalities takes over.

    No person with these number of disorders would not already be receiving mental help as well as disability.

    He’s lying to you

  6. I get what you mean and that is not how I see it. And I guess you have a point; you need to discuss how it works.

    I never went into my girlfriend when she was sleeping. I woke her up by caressing pressing her against me or kissing her slowly… then, you have sex.

    That would be weird to me to have sex with a person incapable of enjoying it, weird and creepy! But slowly waking up to the person you love desiring you and kissing you can be pretty exciting, you feel desired.

    Obviously, this guy didn't really understand that she wasn't in the mood that night and that it was poor timing.

  7. His ultimatum doesn’t make any sense, he says he wants time with just you but is also willing to leave you over it? Therapy would be a good route

  8. idk where I said English courses but okay cause foreign language by assumption should be anything but the language I am typing in right? but yeah, thanks ??‍???‍?

  9. Paying for a car you don’t own and have no rights to would be stupid. If she wants to buy a car, and wants it to be her asset, then she should pay for it. Or, simply tell her that you don’t want a car so she shouldn’t buy one.

  10. “Trust me on my word”…. Yeaaaaaaaaa, and a lot of people went around with STDs for months, because their partners said that BS to them. Get tested together. And, if you keep refusing I hope she ends the relationship. Just because the blisters “disappear” doesn’t mean you don’t have an STD.

  11. As a 26 year old male that is similar to OPs son minus the strippers and hookers I have not paid for sex. But the dating world sucks now I was just dating a woman, and not a week later of making our relationship official, I get a message from a dude she met on a dating site prior to me and her, asking if me my then gf were dating and proceeds to show me an entire convo between them. And to this day she fully admits the conversation is fake and made up she never talked to him after we made it official because he was “crazy and hurt because I completely dropped him for you without saying a word to him”

    So yeah dating world sucks and I sympathize for OPs son but 30k for strippers and escorts is a little much.

  12. LOL. I've never heard of someone keeping a dead pets hair, so I'm also surprised by some of the comments. I have some clay imprints of paws. Vets often offer those when you pet gets put down. Those I like, they're a cute reminder and can become part of decor, on a mantle or something.

  13. Ok. So, throw away the empty ice cream carton, accept that the calories will take some effort to burn off and move forward with your plan. You can't change the past, only how much you let it affect you. Put him behind you and move forward.

  14. That’s fair. I guess I just hope he can learn to be accountable eventually. Like when I was a little kid I would lie randomly to avoid getting in trouble. Eventually I learned it’s better to come clean and learn from our mistakes. Thinking about it now it sounds stupid because he is a grown man still lying like a little kid.

  15. Hahaha don’t worry I’m just soaking in different ways to look at some stuff. I’ll definitely ask him when he’s free so we have a heart to heart about some things. Since it could be a lot of things.

  16. It’s good that y’all are both in better places now…. But that doesn’t mean y’all belong together. Neither of you can forget the past and it will always be a part of this relationship. If you are intent in trying, y’all can’t just rugsweep. Treat it like the major relationship trauma it is and confront it and decide whether it’s worth saving or not.

  17. Some people (I'm one of them) have a thing if it's not a priority I don't see it.

    Buying a house? Then the priority is working more, saving harder, and banking cash for a deposit in X months. A wedding is expensive even if done on the cheap or paid for by others, just through sheer time invested.

    I have needed a new car for the last year but I've been forced to move house twice (essentially 3 because I had to move everything into storage for a month). Car stuff wasn't gonna be touched til house stuff is done.

    I don't think putting a timeline on it is a bad idea. Not an ultimatum, just, these are my expectations, are we on the same page?

  18. Some people are just like this; they seem to only have room in their lives for just one person, and slowly cut everyone else out. This might have absolutely nothing to do with you, but as you said, the blame will go to you as you’re the partner. A life like this is exhausting. In time she may mature and outgrow this kind of behavior, as she’s still very young, but honestly, do you want to stick around and hope for that while being made out to be a control freak?

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