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Shiny_Lilylive sex stripping with hd cam


46 thoughts on “Shiny_Lilylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Sorry to say, you should get out before you are so far down the road it is devastating when the relationship fails. I have been around a few relationships where the couples families did not approve strictly on faith. All 3 couples I was close too were convinced that religion didn’t matter, but the families not being supportive ended the relationships. I wish you well and better luck than my friends.

  2. Hey, if you really want to know if you want to be married, you can also propose. Sometimes, men don’t want to propose because they think that their partner doesn’t want to get married.

  3. Your gf got taken advantage of by her friend

    It’s not weird to go to a room at a party with a friend

    (For Example me n the boiz will do this to get a break from the noise or even my girl best friend )

    The difference is what he did in that room to her

    Getting a kit can be very scary

    Just be supportive

  4. Are you guys officially in a relationship? Sometimes people that are seeing multiple people don't want photos like that shared/posted because they don't want other people they're interested in to see them.

    Or he's just insecure/didn't like how he looked in the photo.

    You can always try taking another photo together and seeing what he says. If he says the same thing, I would talk with him about it.

  5. Your partner (in my opinion) needs to talk to a professional if they are so insecure and in need of male validation outside of their partner that they will do so in secret up until getting caught. There’s clearly a lot going on in their head, and trying to manipulate how OP feels about them by saying “I’m insecure and this helps me” because obviously OP cares about them…I had an ex pull similar shit with me and dumped him for it (hiding literally being in love with/having a second relationship with another girl for a year of our relationship and lying to me whenever I tried to call him out when I’d see her name on his phone, only admitted when I went through his phone and found evidence). It’s not on you to fix her insecurities, it’s on her, and if she needs other men to validate her in that regard and OP isn’t okay with that, time to get out.

  6. Hold onto that righteous rage as long as you need to, you’ll need every ounce of it to keep going. Only let it drop when everything is truly over. Betty is a monster. My childhood best friend told me it was my fault I was sexually assaulted, and that ended our friendship. It’s possibly the most painful thing I’ve ever heard, even still. I do think you’ll still be able to hear your friend’s words ringing in your ears for a long time, but take comfort in this: she is fucking WRONG. It is not your fault you were abused. The only person at fault for abuse is the abuser, never the victim. Her words say more about her than they do you.

  7. Hello /u/Creative-Classic-873,

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  8. It’s really weird, I feel like it’s even weirder there’s nothing else on his phone? I did check his Snapchat and it’s absolutely clean, which leads me to think maybe he has another account? But then again, I don’t know if that’s just me being paranoid?

  9. Hello /u/Electronic_Chance_27,

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  10. Start looking at every day as a fresh start. If he were a brand new boyfriend would you date him? If someone new said that to you, how would you respond? Suddenly walking away looks like the only reasonable thing to do.

  11. Yes, if she blocked you on everything then you need to respect her wish, and not try and worm your way through to her with flowers. She doesn't want to hear from you.

  12. Fisym someone with a heart and brain. I get he feels sad cause his wife is dead, but he decided to make everything worse in his own. It was very selfish. But it’s all about free sex even if that means being a bad person.

  13. I haven’t talk to the girls since, we only had one conversation. I do agree with your comment I just feel like it’s morally wrong to let someone fall like he’s falling. It’s probably due to my past experiences as I have family who had great potential and ended up in the worst situations possible. Although I don’t appreciate the subtle hostility I really appreciate the advice.

  14. It's only a joke if everyone is laughing. Maybe look at your mode of communication and see if being sarcastic and 'silly' is worth causing upset to those around you.

  15. Yup. They did the test twice (once in therapy and once in psychiatry) and were able to tell him what kind of ADHD he has. Then he was prescribed his medication. It’s not Ritalin or any of those in that family. It’s an SNRI that isn’t habit forming, but should still be tapered off like prednisone. My husband calls it “fuck it all” lol because it makes him not stressed, worried, or anxious about anything. He also doesn’t get mad anymore either. He said it was weird because he’ll feel like he should be mad at certain things, but it just doesn’t happen. He got really lucky that the first med he tried works. It’s trial and error for most people.

  16. It seems to me that at that age, a lot of men start feeling their bi-tendencies (or curiosity) more (at least among my acquaintances), and thus some try it out.

    I believe he downloaded these apps but was then embarrassed about it and doesn’t dare to be honest.

  17. Germs are spread in a myriad of ways. By that logic you should be wearing a mask every time you leave the house, no?

    I can't help but feel there's a deeper issue at play here. But I don't wish to overstep.

  18. i don't trust you to teach anything cousin fucker

    i pray for your kids because they're being born with fucked up genes to fucked up people

  19. This speaks volumes about character… And I’m not concerned about your character, honey, I’m concerned about your husbands. Something is wrong with that man to actually think this I mean sure it’s not something that happens all the time it is not an ideal situation, but that’s family and it’s not a big deal. At all. I think he needs some therapy and I’m very sorry that you had to get scolded it treated in such a way.

  20. No. You weren't being clear. Use your damn voice and say “I want to have sex with you”.. . You're both bad at communicating and stop relying on non verbal cues….USE WORDS.

  21. She's not being punished. She's being asked to support the child that she's a parent of by going to work. No relationship equals no benefit of the relationship. They are now two single parents who need to figure it out.

    You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Actions have consequences. It's that simple. She needs to learn to live alone since this is the life she chose for herself.

  22. I assume it now, as I never brought it up. I called you selfish. I don’t need to know you to discern that as your harassing someone, you could be many other things, but selfish is among your traits. You provided the information for advice, that’s all I know about you. All that about you intending to ruin her life came from you. If you feel you’re ruining her life, leave her alone. Just leave her alone!

  23. Because you got in one relationship, and discussed possibly being poly then a week later got a 2nd girlfriend.

    Have you done and reading or research? Do you know how to be a good hinge? Have you shown your girlfriend research and articles that may help her.

    You didn't let your original technically speaking Primary relationship build a solid foundation. You just jumped straight in.

    Your friend will always be a trigger for her now.

  24. Your parents love you. If your mother went through rape you were the one good thing to come out of it.

    If you kill yourself that makes what she went through even worse, and it would mean the rapist got to ruin her life a second time.

  25. thought that at first, but he used this emoji in his msg: ?

    Who the hell uses an emoji at all in a very serious mortified apology msg… it seems light hearted, like he was testing the waters…. Like ‘omg I’m so sorry, I’m so embarassed….. unless?’

    Any normal person would send a really long, serious apology msg or else spam her with 50 texts telling her under no circumstances to scroll up.

    Edit: Actually any normal person would just delete or unsend the msg after sending, which you can do on Instagram, Watsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok…..

  26. I’m also from Europe so I did go in presuming healthcare availability. Nevertheless even if they are in the US I can’t imagine that these conservative parents wouldn’t take her for prenatal care. No one on my side of the world goes without prenatal care unless for a very some deliberate reason. If you go without and that baby is born you’d be in some trouble and CPS would get involved because that is NOT normal.

  27. It does get tossed around casually in other countries so his rage is more of a problem and like you said how he reacts to being asked to never do that again. It's also extremely problematic that OP went back 7+ years through her BFs Facebook, looked at his photo history that included vacations he enjoyed and is now asking he make them disappear off the face of the earth just because he did it with someone else.

    We all have pasts. It's completely reasonable to ask your new serious partner to remove a picture of their ex that's hanging over the new shared bed and it's an entirely different level to go all the way through their Facebook page back to 2016 and beyond and then get upset. That's a lot of work, really specific work. I know this because when the FB data scandal happened I decided to drastically reduce my FB use and footprint and even with browser tools it still took me months of reviewing and deleting and copying of posts and pictures

  28. I think you're missing the reason for his anger. I would never accept a partner trying to control my social media or guilt trip me into deleting photos of my past. It's freaking weird to police a partner's Facebook page. He is reacting to that…. Not because he is into his ex.

  29. They also stated, “and then by a superior at work as an adult who drove me close to suicide…”

    Maybe read the entire comment first.

  30. I guess I was holding on to hope that we can fix this. Like I said, if I were in his position I would be mortified if I wasn't trusted because i made a mistake and I would do anything to show him he could.

  31. Nobody’s calling YOU toxic, people are just pointing out that this is an unfortunate RESULT of toxic masculinity in our culture. It’s not your fault for being conditioned to this type of masculinity, but please know that it’s totally okay to cry and your gf breaking up with you is also a result of toxic masculinity. She should be able to see you as a person with emotions and support that.

  32. Here’s the deal; you’re not 20. You don’t need to “ build yourself “ before you get married. That’s just a bad excuse.

    Women can’t wait endlessly for men to get their shit together. If she wants kids, waiting 5 years puts her into her 30s and the odds of complicated pregnancies increases.

    5 years is “ shit or get off the pot “ time. If you don’t want to get married, fine, that’s you and your life and your choice. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But if she wants it and you don’t, end it now so she can find someone who wants to marry her.

  33. Reddit is notoriously anti-male. If what you said is true then it sounds like he's a push-over and deals with depression. He needs therapy and to leave her.

    You shouldn't be hoping he leaves because he is codependent and she is a narcissist. It happens sometimes. I only say this based off of your side of the story.

    The best you could do is let him know you'd like to step away because the dynamic isn't healthy for you.

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