SheilaDrake online sex chats for YOU!


7 thoughts on “SheilaDrake online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I completely agree and previously have left him alone but when we eventually talk again he’ll ask me why I didn’t spam him or show up to his place if I was blocked or make extra accounts etc. it confuses me because I’m giving him the space he asks for but he also doesn’t want it??

  2. FFS, you had your tonsils out, not your arms amputated.

    He is working 12-hour shifts and you wake him up after you sat on your butt all day?

  3. Jealousy is not a sign of deep love or commitment. It is a character flaw. So if she only likes you when you're threatening to beat up every guy who speaks to her you're just with someone who has a lot of problems.

  4. No, no, no…

    She is a creepy person… And any adult person who wants to have relationship with a teenager is bad news…

    Stay away from her…

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