SheenaBrookelive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “SheenaBrookelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. i've blocked him but i see him in person and that's when he's doing most of this, but frankly i can never sleep with him again. i barely can even look at him. he already made me feel like i'm ugly and repulsive due to the way he went about this, so I am actually quite shocked he thinks i'd go for it. I'm insulted actually if that's what he's attempting, because he must think i'd go for some guy who did this.

  2. I get what you’re saying but with this logic if he’s tampering with condoms and didn’t tell her then he would be “lying”. It’s the same as “well you didn’t ask so I didn’t tell”.

  3. I read your whole post and really felt for you. I’m sorry you’re going through this, and you deserve a good life.

    I think you need to lawyer up and get the ball rolling on divorce. Gather records of the infidelity if you haven’t already.

    Become open to accepting a low-paying job until something better comes along. Uber eats is also a good option in the meantime. Do whatever you need to do to support yourself.

    Therapy. For YOU, alone. Do it twice a week if needed.

    Do you have support at your church? Reach out to friends and family, even if you think your connections are broken. Tell them that you need them and their support.

    Do not give your trash husband a chance to lie and gaslight you again. Kick him out, or get away from him. If he won’t leave, make it unbearable for him to be around you. Yell and be toxic. Tell him to fuck off. Call his mommy and daddy and tell them what their angel of a baby boy has done. Send them screenshots of proof of his addiction to fucking and sexualizing women who aren’t his wife. Tell them to come pick him up and keep him far away from you until you’ve figured out next steps.

    Heal and move on. Your life will get much better soon, but it’s going to suck for a while.

    Have you ever seen finding Nemo? Pretend you’re going through the big scary crevice to get to a better future, trying to take the easy way out (staying with him) will just sting.

    If anything else, I am here for you. As are other internet strangers who empathize with you, and your loved ones.


  4. Ask her to cut him off completely and find a new job. Her response should tell you everything you need to know. If she’s anything but totally agreeable, she’s making her relationship more important than her marriage.

  5. I don't. I want his money. If I can put on a fake smile once a week and pay my rent, it's pretty easy as shit jobs go.

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