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Date: October 4, 2022

6 thoughts on “ShawtyBaeGirl online webcams for YOU!

  1. You’re suffering from a mysterious decrease in appetite for two months, and it’s affecting your mood and relationships. Maybe it’s time to have a medical checkup?

  2. While I realize you’ve come here to discuss this with us, maybe you’d be best discussing it with him? Seriously. Prior to any decisions or rash moves, sit him down and talk with him about his thoughts on it.

    I say this from the perspective of someone who was broken up with because she didn’t think I’d ever propose to her, because I hadn’t talked about it at all. Reality was, I’d bought the ring, and had just sneakily gotten her ring size, but hadn’t gotten that info to the jeweler yet. When she left me, I never said anything about already having the ring, I was lucky enough to be able to get all my money back and that was that.

  3. I can completely relate.

    Some 16 years ago, my bf was the affair partner to his best friends wife. From what I understand, she'd lied to him about the marriage, saying it was over… But come on, it was his best friend. If he was that hot up to get her, he could've at least made certain they were over. They were not though. He ended up knocking her up, which led to a shotgun wedding and another child. Karma reared its head and she did the exact same thing to him, except it wasn't his friend.

    Ever so often when I see something about someone dating their friends ex, I get the ick about him. When he mentions his ex best friend, I get the ick. When I see his ex stepdaughter, his best friends kid, I get the ick.

    He absolutely learned his lesson and has stated multiple times that he doesn't regret his kids but he absolutely regrets the entire situation. Part of me wonders if he only regrets it because she did the same thing to him.

    It's something that has gotten better. To be honest, when he first told me, I momentarily considered not going forward. But it had been a decade and a half ago and he couldn't stop expressing remorse.

    I think the biggest thing is, do you believe she learned a valuable lesson? We all make mistakes. I cheated on my ex and my bf still decided to give me a chance. I am not the same person I was when I cheated.

    Do you believe she has evolved as a person? You're still allowed to feel some way about what she did, but do you think she's learned anything from it? Is she remorseful about it? Has she stated she'll never do that again?

  4. Ahh, so many people make the mistake of talking to family when they have a fight with their SO. The family hears so much negative and virtually no positive. When that is the info they get, how can they possibly see any good in your SO? You both have poisoned the well.

    If your family is so important to both of you that you are willing to throw away a good relationship, good luck on ever finding that perfect relationship. That is assuming that your relationship is good otherwise.

    The truth is, the baby binds you both for the life of the child anyway. You will encounter each other even after the child is an adult for graduations, weddings, etc.

    The two of you have to sit down and talk. Even if you split up, you need to discuss your child's future. If you want to give the relationship a try, you probably both need to go LC with your extended families, to give your relationship a chance. And any discussion with the extended families has to put the other partner in a positive light, no matter what. You will have to have each other's backs. Relationship counseling may help as well.

  5. I want to say this as gently as possible, but your comments and post make it sound like this is a repeated pattern of behavior that happens frequently.

    You had already decided what you wanted to do, and it was really important to you, as part of your mental healing process….it just wasn't what he really wanted to do, so he tried to manipulate you into changing your mind.

    Obviously that's upsetting so you asked for space and now he's giving you gifts and in tears and all anxious because he worries you don't love him anymore?

    With all due respect, you don't sound like you're in a good mental place to have to deal with that level of anxiety and insecurity in a partner, let alone one who doesn't seem to care that much about your mental health.

    Asking if you still love him every time you're upset is a pretty big red flag imo, that level of insecurity denotes emotional immaturity…

    I have to be honest and tell you this doesn't sound like a healthy relationship

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