Sharon-and-kanye on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 12, 2022

17 thoughts on “Sharon-and-kanye on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. sorry !! this was typed out better at first but i kept having to copy and paste it cause i messed up the gender and age at the very beginning

  2. Oh I know how it would feel to have to cut my SO out of my life, we’ve been together 10 years but we both know that if one of us were to cheat then there’s no excuse, the longer/deeper a connection/relationship the greater the betrayal.

  3. Oh darn, I feel most of the symptoms, not focused, can't remember things, always on the verge of sleeping, can't think properly, not a big sex drive and all…

    Gotta sleep tonight, it's over, I have to adjust my schedule to sleep at least 8 full hour, thanks for this, I knew it could do bad things but when you are too much into it, you sometimes forget to see from the outside and take care of yourself

  4. When ever your in a battle between your brain and your heart. Always follow what the brain tells you.

    The brain is what does the thinking. The heart is what does the feeling.

    The brain follows logic and reason. The heart is led by emotions.

    If one of the two needs to make the decision, trust the one that is actually capable of thinking (your brain)

  5. If y’all are 20 years old, that means you may have (in general) only started your dating lives at around 15… then minus off those years as a minor. That’s only 2 years of adult dating experience. I found those first few years of dating to have a profound effect on me personally. Especially being hurt by cheating or dishonesty. In those early years it can really make an impression on your heart. I wouldn’t be surprised if she still feels hurt 20 years from now, though she may not voice it out loud.

  6. I’m not sure but he had mentioned that I’m not black pilled when we discussed about dating for a bit. He said people are more tolerant to attractive people which I 50/50 agree. But I gave my opinion, but if that person’s personality is shitty then I don’t think there’s a point to tolerate such behavior. Looks alone won’t get you far in life.

  7. He doesn't like you. He may tell you what you want to hear, but his actions say the opposite. At this point, it doesn't matter if he's seeing someone else or not. He doesn't actually care about you. I want you to challenge yourself to take one full month of not reaching out first. Don't text first, don't initiate plans, don't make suggestions. Just follow his lead and see what happens. See how often he thinks about you without being prompted. It's been three years of uncertainty and you begging for scraps. Don't you think you deserve better? I bet he treats his friends better than this.

    You'll have to walk away because you want something better (or at just different) than this. You're going to feel overwhelmed when you encounter someone who is actually happy to be around you.

  8. If I did he just make it seem like no biggie even if he did sleep with her. He didn’t need to know she still stays there.

  9. You need to seek therapy to work through why you can’t let her go when she ended things clearly with you.

  10. I asked why he couldn't toss it at home, but he said he made the gesture for other employees who might feel the same about awards and pressure to take them

  11. So her waiting long enough so that he’s fully invested in the relationship before telling him makes it better? Lol ok

  12. I'm so so so so sorry for what happenned to you. But you're going to need to face the harsh truth: he knew exactly what he was doing. Read it a couple of times, let that sink in.

    If the roles were reversed you'd do anything not to hurt your partner, I'm sure of it, and you'd stop the second things got bad, because that's a natural thing to do if you really care about someone. So don't try to understand him or sympathise with him, he'll say anything to make you believe him and forgive him.

    I don't want to know what goes on inside the heads of such evil people to be able to finish off while their partner is VISIBLY in pain. It was inexcusable and it was rape.

    4 years is not a lot of time, leave while it's relatively easy to do. He deserves to be alone, and you deserve someone better. If you don't leave now he'll most probably end up manipulating you into staying in an abusive relationship and he'll keep hurting you because he will never have faced any consequences of that. I hope you get out of there safely.

    And fuck all rapists.

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