Sharlotte6 live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

15 thoughts on “Sharlotte6 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. omg this sub is literally dedicated to people having troubles in relationships and needing help, if you're gonna just make them feel like shit go find another sub

  2. Now is the right time!! The whole relationship sounds like a nightmare, and next time in my humble opinion go for someone who’s in your age range to save yourself from all the troubles and emotional distress.

  3. Totally right, he has all the right to leave and that's why we've been openly communicating.

    I didn't use the word love, my bad, but it's implied by “great relationship with shared values and interests etc” in my opinion. If I didn't love him I would break up with him immediately. That's why I'm asking if physical attraction really is something overrated or not.

  4. Ask a therapist you trust what to say and then Take the son out alone together and talk about it. Make sure the custody situation is iron clad and make sure he understands you want him all the time and to call if things get crazy at moms. But in a way that the Therapist says to. How you say something is very important. Do the same with the older son.

  5. Any weird expenditures on your credit card statements? Oddities in phone call histories? If he works from home this last will probably be super muddied and useless. Good luck OP, I hope it is nothing.

  6. Here's the deal. If it doesn't bother you, move on. All the people telling you she's wrong are right imo. You did deserve to know if she's had relationships and how far with people you're close to bc that's information that could change how you feel about the relationship. If she never told you and you found out after marriage/kids, how would you feel?

    Bottomline is it's your life and there's no clear-cut answer to relationshis. But she definitely should've told you this, and the fact that she is gaslighting you about boundaries is hypocrisy under the circumstances.

  7. You may not have kids but you understand more than this moron with kids does.

    The guy won’t answer the age of the wife. 100% she’s disgustingly younger. Probably 15+ years. Regardless of that, son is obviously working through a lot of emotions and feelings about the divorce and clearly his dad casting him aside for the replacement family.

    Obviously everyone needs to be safe but I am positive the question of “hey son, big changes happening. Want to talk about jt?” never happened. And the new stepmomster has been allowed to act atrociously without consequence. So not exactly a huge surprise when the kid blows up!

  8. Yeah. I think you are right. I like to explain things a lot and I know that is not for everyone. I think I do that more for myself anyway.

    So, no big speeches. Perfect.

  9. You’re not overly sensitive, and worse, he invalidated your feelings by saying his words were no big deal. American culture already gives women a lot of shame about the shape, size, hair, and smell of their genitalia.

    Are you sure this is someone you want to stay with?

  10. Damn where did you get that number from? I guess we run in different crowds. I see a much higher percentage of women who support vulnerability in this way.

  11. Do NOT make the first move. It's extremely dangerous for a male superior. If you really do like each other, it would be best if either of you changes company. Every other employee would be “she fucked her way for a christmas bonus” or whatever. Everything good she will ever do or gets will be tainted. “Oh, i bet she slept with the boss for that raise”. Also keep in mind that she may actually be malicious as well and really fuck her way to the top. All kinds of people exist.

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