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12 thoughts on “SexyBaby_Dolllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would wait to tell the son until dad has had more time to process, the only exception to this being is if you think the ex will use the info to be cruel to the son, in which case I would tell him sooner than later because you want to make sure he knows he’s loved, no matter what.

  2. Thanks friend. I really appreciate what you say, but I’d like to clarify something. She is not a person that evades her problems. I know her and she really is not that kind of person.

    What happened is that her ex tried to kill her, so I think that’s something that’s a big burden that definitely not everyone will confront directly.

    I will think about what you said about forgiveness

  3. So, he has an 11 year age gap on you. He is dismissive of your feel8ngs. Gaslights you on what is important for you. There is a reason he isn't dating a woman his own age.

  4. I’m not trying to sound mean here but it’s the truth, I didn’t even read probably half of that because the lack of self-respect you have was too much.

    Leave her alone, dude. She’s using you.

  5. Just my two cents but I have been married for around 4 years now, I still text/call my wife throughout my work day etc… keep her updated on when I'm getting home if I'm going to the gym or whatever. She's my best friend and I just want to treat her like I would want to be treated. We have different love languages so I show hers through a mix of what my preferences are and her preferences.

    He might have some other issues or stress going on but if he was really still feeling it with you I would assume he would act more like the first part of your relationship. My wife and I could have been dating for 6 months at this point but here we are years later still enjoying one another.

    That being said, everyone is different so maybe just talking with him and explaining how and why you feel the way you are feeling would go a long way. Being open and honest will help to get down to the bottom of it faster than anything else. I realize this was a while ago so I hope everything has worked out great for you!

  6. Yeah it really is unsatisfactory sex. I didn’t get off the last two times, and I think he faked the second to last time. Oh and he did get off the last time but he said it wasn’t good. I only liked sex with him when he was on molly anyways.

  7. Very reasonable to break up with someone. I’m glad he didn’t cheat then break up with you.

  8. Your wife needs a therapist, it is not fair to you or your daughter that she abandon you both to find herself if she even does, and who knows in what time frame? I get how she feels, being a mom, you lose a bit of yourself and who are you as an individual when you put on the mom hat 24/7. If she really loves you, she needs to come back after her vacation and further discuss what she really wants. Your daughter will be upset if her mom skips out on her. There are too many gags of kids in tv shows or cartoons insisting their dad will ‘come back from the gas station any minute now’, your wife is pulling the same thing. What if she never comes back?? She sounds depressed as well. What do any of her friends say? She needs to hear these concerns from someone other than you. Who else is she close with?

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