SENSUAL CRAZY live webcams for YOU!


welcome love to my nude room I want to bounce my ass on your face and ride your hot cock control me with my favorite number 111 [666 tokens remaining]

Date: November 19, 2022

71 thoughts on “SENSUAL CRAZY live webcams for YOU!

  1. I've had other FWB relationships in the past and then gone on to have meaningful monogamous long-term relationships. The way I see it, a FWB relationship allows me to know myself and my sexuality a lot better, so I don't feel pressured to jump into a relationship with the first person that comes along just because I feel lonely or horny. In any case, it is presumptuous to assume everyone's end goal is to have a long-term relationship.

  2. So at best he's embarrassed to be seen with you unless he absolutely has to (what person isn't proud of their partner and wants to bring them and show em off even if other people might not have a partner wtf) and at worst he is okay with telling you he invites random single women and calls them pretty to his house while also telling you you're not invited? Unless he's cheating!

    This is why you don't date men in their 30s when you're barely going into your mid 20s. You end up with a gaslighting asshole.

  3. It’s this sub Reddit so not surprised. If this is mental sickness then I guess 90% of men I know have mental illnesses

  4. Yes tell him so he knows how his mom really is with you and potentially anyone else he may be with. He really deserves to know

  5. I get it, I'd be pissed…but it's not your money, not your say. What I might do, were I in your shoes, though, would be to move the money that exists in your shared children's accounts and move them over to your bio child's account, matching whatever she puts in the other two kids' accounts.

    Now that said, this would make me reevaluate my marriage: she's not treating your child as equal to hers. This can lead to all kinds of emotional scars and resentment for your child, and I would not be OK with putting them through that.

  6. I totally love slim women. Idk what the whole thick thing is even about. I don't want to body shame them, but the whole thing blows my mind.

  7. Wow this is the most genuine comment I seen this was like a month ago and things have been a lot better she gives me no reason not to trust her and were treating this relationship as serious as possible I might be young but if I'm in a relationship I don't expect it to end I don't see the point in being wit someone if u don't wanna be with them the rest of your life and that's what I intend to do.

  8. It's nice to see when someone sets a boundary and it's crossed they hold their partner accountable. She is having an EA and possibly a PA.

  9. Frankly, it would scare me that your gf continues a relationship with her and I would expect her to cut out a person who abused someone she loves.

    The only explanation I can think of is that she identifies as a mom and is worried that if you cut off your mom, one of her kids could get the idea to cut her off as well. If that’s the case, reassure her that it’s different for her because she isn’t abusing her children. But condoning that kind of behavior is unacceptable.

  10. Do you really think a parent just stops parenting at 18?

    Do you really think a 22 year old is fully matured and equipped?

    Come on. Yes she should already know these things, but you don't just cut your kid loose with a “gl lol”

  11. Hello /u/Hunny_Bunnyy,

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  12. My parents were divorced too and they spoke literally every day until my sister and i were done with school. Sometimes it was short, sometimes it was longer, but it was always basically about us and it well being.

    They fell out of touch naturally when my sister and I graduated and became adults and stuff. Your current wife is being crazy.

  13. We tend not to have an accurate view of ourselves and our perspective can often be wrong. I’ve found that when people around me tell me things about myself, I should possibly listen. Especially if it’s said out of concern to me, mean comments are totally different and not what I’m referring to

  14. I guess I just feel like in this day and age sometimes people jump to suspicion really early when someone describes their partner hanging out solo with friends. I keep seeing a bunch of Instagram videos from guys saying “if your girlfriend is going on a girls' trip to Miami, you're single” as if it's inherently weird for guys or girls to go on vacations by themselves without a partner.

    I don't think such a situation itself – traveling with buddies or friends without a partner – is weird. What can be weird is what happens on the trip, for sure. But at face value, I just plain don't understand why people have such a thing about friends' outings.

    I do think social media and forums like Reddit can play a role just in general. I think being on a forum like this, where you're constantly presented with cheating scenarios because it's a relationship advice forum and hardly anyone who has a super happy, healthy relationship posts here, can instill some paranoia. If all you're reading is the shitty stuff, that's what comes to mind sometimes. Not saying OP is doing that; just a thing that probably happens to some people in general with social media.

    As someone who's been cheated on, even though that was a couple years ago, I sometimes have to actively remind myself to separate my own resulting feelings from that situation from whatever relationship scenario I'm hearing or reading about.

    I do think it's entirely reasonable for him to have a conversation about some aspects of this. No clue what their financial situation is, but I imagine clubbing every other week with a hotel could be a pretty big financial drain. And I don't blame him for wanting to spend more time with his wife on the weekends. Imo there should be a good balance between friends' time and spouse time.

  15. “I am not spending money on toys when you already can't cover your own living expenses because you've created a spoiled little kid who physically abuses you when you say no”

  16. She most likely just forgets. It doesn’t sound like a huge deal, just express to her that you’d prefer to know she made it home okay

  17. Yes definitely break up with the boyfriend. And from someone who has two 60lb dogs that both shed A LOT, I find if you brush them with the firminator every day or every other day, it can be manageable. It takes some effort to have a clean house with the dogs, but it is doable. But that is besides the point, a dog shouldn’t have to be stuck in a kennel all day long. Poor baby

  18. No. Forcing women to go through pregnancy and birth is evil and archaic even if the world’s superpower is stupid and backwards enough to make it legal.

  19. Yes definitely, I try seeing her as much as i can and i feel like she does too. It just my job and school gets in the way and vice versa for her too. I will admit i have a hot time communicating my feelings and i just let things be and i’ve talked with her about it and i’m definitely working on it, i’ve gotten better but i still struggle. I am gonna continue to work on it and grow ?? Thank you!

  20. Why because i haven’t figured out you are a troll? I have. But if you insist on acting like a immature 12 year old, you should be treated as one

  21. Look some people cant handle what gose on with disabled care. Its probely best to end it and move on. She provely wont come around to it since its not something you really experince in the western world. Its like that elephant in the closet type situation. There but no one wants to acknowledge it. Hench you probely wont be able to get threw to her.

  22. Yea you can easily pay to sleep with hot girls, get a sex worker. But I do sometimes see men feeling entitled to Instagram model level of hotness when they are in fact an average joe in every single way.

  23. If you don't want to be with her, just break up. There doesn't have to be some reason behind it other than you don't feel like the relationship is working.

    Someone else having videos of her, videos that were made before you met or started dating, isn't something you should be upset at her over. You can be worried for her if they ever come out, but if you actually see a future with her then you should be the one to turn to if this ex of hers turns out to be a massive asshole and spreads them around – advise her to take legal action and stand by her. Don't give her shit.

    Her giving her phone number out when you two are just barely starting up the relationship is also not really all that surprising. You're 10 days into a relationship, that's not really a point where you're emotionally invested, you're still testing the waters and getting to know each other. Besides that, she didn't deny that she had a boyfriend and I'm guessing from the fact that the only thing you mention is her giving out her number, it means that was all she did.

    The thing that bothers me about anything you've said is that she kept her past relationship with a friend of yours secret instead of telling you. But that's because, for me, if I was dating someone and got introduced to a friend of theirs who I had previously slept with or dated? I wouldn't feel right keeping that a secret. I would want to sit down and talk about it, just us, so that they don't get blindsided by it later on down the line.

    That is just how I feel, though, and that would dictate my actions but it by no means that you are owed that information. She could have an entirely different view-point, and that would be 100% okay; you just have to figure out if what you're upset about is the fact that she slept with a friend of yours at all, or the fact that she kept that secret. If it's the latter, can you accept that you aren't owed that information, even if you – like me – believe that telling you and not letting you be blindsided would have been the more….hmm, respectful or perhaps mindful thing for her to do?

  24. First no one has everything, so you may indeed lack something, but everyone does, even the other person your partner was attracted too. Second if your partner wants to explore or not that’s something she needs to tell you. If youre together and she says that’s what she wants, you believe her. If you can’t believe her because she’s done shady shit that makes it hot to believe her, then she not someone you should be in a relationship with, if it’s that you struggle to believe her due to your own anxiety, then that’s something you need to work on if you want thus relationship to succeed.

  25. I think 10 years is long enough to be living in limbo. You've made all the right moves; you've tried to take the burden off her, you've proposed date nights, you've come up with romantic surprises, you've tried to have a serious discussion.

    By this stage – all that is left, is to ask her straight out if she wants a divorce. And if she says you're being overdramatic – then firmly state that this is make or break, that there is no relationship to speak of – and that if things don't change, then there WILL inevitably be a divorce. Ask her if she's depressed, if she's no longer in love with you, if there is anything you can do.

    The alternative to a straight conversation where everything is laid on the table is that you need to leave her, for your own good.

  26. Basically she was impressed and she didn’t bother to make any mention of me or say anything reassuring towards me even though I was sitting right there, and she knows I can be sexually insecure.

    You're mad that she didn't bring up your mad dick in comparison and pump up your ego in front of her friend?

    Look, anyone regardless of relationship status can be impressed by someone's physical appearance. It's human nature. She didn't insult you. It simply wasn't about you. Instead of expecting her to manage your insecurities, why don't you work on them yourself?

    I think it is disrespectful for the friend to share this pic, but your girlfriend didn't ask to see it. We all know, when you send a hot, you lose control of who views it.

  27. You gave him an ultimatum instead of breaking up. You clearly don’t understand marriage and how it impacts people enough. Cause if you did, you’d just leave. Not force him to marry you.

  28. A boundary is something for yourself, not something you say to control other people.

    Saying, “You can’t go without me!” isn’t a boundary. It’s control.

    If he were to say, “I don’t want to be with someone who likes going to bars without me.” That’s a boundary, and he’s free to find someone who agrees with him. Just as you’re free to find someone who actually trusts you to make good decisions and wants you to have a good time with your friends!

    You deserve better, and you deserve to enjoy your 20s! As someone old enough to be your Mom, I’m telling you that you should go and have fun!

  29. He does, but some couples are like always together on the campus. They come and go together, sit next to each other. We don’t do that.

  30. You are trying so hot to be okay with this, but are you giving yourself permission to NOT be okay with it later? Once the emotional explosion fallout and the euphoria of having the fight be over clears, and you start to think “wait a minute, I think I was pink clouding when I agreed this dynamic made sense” will you give your feelings half the legitimacy you give to this guy’s feelings? If you want to put someone first who openly puts you last, just in gratitude that you’re put anywhere at all, that will be your choice. I just hope you put yourself first in making it.

  31. Yeah I feel like this is a “I don’t want him to leave me and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to find someone due to my disability” type of thing

  32. You say that you have no plans to get married. I say that she absolutely has plans to get married, and she is directing you towards that end by attempting to exert control over you. Don't let her. And don't let her move in.

  33. Unless someone specifically asks you to give them constructive criticism, you're just being a dick.

  34. Unless someone specifically asks you to give them constructive criticism, you're just being a dick.

  35. Unless someone specifically asks you to give them constructive criticism, you're just being a dick.

  36. TBH: It doesn't sound like you are really ready for a baby and to be married. Are you sure you want to do this?

  37. He says it’s a part of him. He literally had a relationship with me (who has the capacity to be disappointed) and a relationship with porn (who will never make him feel bad and will always be there)

  38. I love that he openly told you what he felt. That takes courage. Also, knowing his position & choosing to continue a beneficial relationship on your end, knowing how he feels…is also taking a great deal courage.

    Sounds like love is there. Real, honest love.

    If sex is very important to the both of you, & you want to stay together romantically/platonically but not sexually, can compromise be made together? Can you both seek outside comforts? What about a 3rd party?

  39. Thank you for your insight from the mlm perspective! I agree, there’s a lot of nuance in dating/hookup culture pertaining to the same sex side that is often glossed over in conversations. I’ll make sure to encourage him looking into such resources and do the same myself ?

  40. Bro if you are 18 you have lots of time left if this falls through. Trust me man.

    You know what makes you ick, ask why she is keeping them and feel free to tell her why you think this is an important sticking point.

  41. Calm down my man, just take it easy and talk to her when you want. Next time you have free spot in your calendar, ask her out. If she agrees, just take it easy, get to know each other, have fun together, see what happens, and don't overthink it. Break a leg.

  42. Calm down my man, just take it easy and talk to her when you want. Next time you have free spot in your calendar, ask her out. If she agrees, just take it easy, get to know each other, have fun together, see what happens, and don't overthink it. Break a leg.

  43. Option 1 90%. I'd say is the easiest but forget the what if. I'm not there to read body language, which says way more then anything else, so only assumption based on what you've shared but reads to me she's not interested.

    If she wanted to she would.

    Option 3 10%. She might be that shy and nervous. Rejection is a large part of life. The better you get at accepting it, the easier it is to ask, and life gets a lot easier and more positive things happen if you just have the balls to ask.

  44. Like many here have said, it's,not just his privacy you'd be invading, it's that of all the people he speaks to. His friends and family. If he was actively hiding his phone and getting mad if you so much as move it off the bench so you can make dinner, for example, then yeah. But not having access to his phone isn't anything but a boundary in this case. You say there's been no cheating so why do you need access to his phone? Regardless of whether you say he can access yours or not, doesn't mean he has to give you access.

    I have my partner's phone lock code and he has mine. He leaves his phone around me all the time and vice versa. I don't go through it bc why do I need to? And as far as I know he doesn't go through mine. I trust that he doesn't. But if he needs to go into it, say, when I'm driving and I need details from a message I will tell him to get those details. But I don't give access to everyone. Only those I can trust to respect my privacy as well as my friends and family's privacy

  45. Yeah, I’d spread the news like wildfire. Why? Because then it seems they are all ok with cheating and helping a “friend” cover it up. So all their morals are questionable. They will flip on whoever the one who did it so quick.

  46. A crush is ok, it’s like an idle fantasy, about being rich, or famous, or what it would be like to be with the cute person at the gym or whatever. We all randomly think about things like that.

    What’s not ok is ACTING on that crush. Taking extra time to chat, starting a real life relationship through time and texting, planning over the top gifts, showing her pictures around to people and telling them you think she’s hot. (By the way… yuck… I’d be weirded out if anyone I knew was showing me pictures of some 17 year old to talk about how naked she was!)

    This is icky, and also not respectful to this girl who is just trying to do her job without some old (to her) lady hitting on her.

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