Selenabrown live! sex chats for YOU!



Date: November 7, 2022

45 thoughts on “Selenabrown live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. they’re only platonic now

    So, she still has feelings for him but she is not going to get physical? Because that is what platonic means.

    Platonic: (of love or friendship) intimate and affectionate but not sexual.

  2. Yeah well, true, they should be the one apologizing, but I think they're feeling really vulnerable right now and I want to let them know that I care about them and that I don't judge them or anything….

  3. Good luck man. As time went on it went worse. I felt like I was worse because a lot more of my energy went into avoiding this and it was nude for me to relax.

  4. I bet you're a lovely woman I wish yall luck in the cabin….hope he rails you good? Idk lmfao sounds weird but I do hope yall have a lot of fun

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  6. I got a lap dance at a bachelor party about 2 months into our relationship from a random stripper. I slept with a girl like 6 days after meeting my now wife well before we were a couple who was in my friends wedding 3 years later having never seen her again in all that time.

    I definitely don't want the deal with it conversation because that would make the trust thing go crazy as well.

    As for the existential conversations, any advice on how to frame that exactly because that's kind of where I'm getting but I definitely don't want any ultimatum shit. I love her and am committing to making it work.

  7. You say ‘sorry, I’m not open to manipulation this week. Your son is in the best place, and giving him false hope and positively rewarding suicide attempts is dangerous. I hope everything turns out well, op’

  8. Your parents, their lack of communications and respect for your SO, have gotten you stuck in a situation where if you do not tell your SO about what is going on, you will just be digging a hole for yourself.

    Your very first step should have been talking to him. Not working with your family behind his back.

  9. I agree. I hope I find someone who actually bothers getting to know me and doesn’t just dip out mid conversation and never calls, meanwhile hangs on social media where I can actively see he’s on.

    There’s better guys out there.

  10. You both are good people. Maybe you should ask him for a lunch or dinner (without you son being there) and just come clean and apologize to him. Ask him for his fortunes first. You then tell him what you have been feeling and ask him if he would reconsider seeing you again. Let him process and don’t bombarded him with questions or if he make his decision and etc. let him have his time and he does feel the same way as you, I’m very sure he will tell you. Baby step. I have a feeling he is still in love with you. Please be kind to this gentleman. He deserves the world. And yes, your parents need to apologize to him. A good person is nude to find. And your parents aren’t it.

  11. It is actually complicated. She’s literally threatened to take her life when I say I’m going to leave the friendship.

  12. Butter cream takes no time to make and is much healthier from scratch. Avoid a lot of hydrogenated oils and fillers. If you have to buy the basics to make any of it, even just the cake mix, it can get expensive.

  13. Yeah, that dude is not a good boyfriend at all, yikes. I’ve never dismissed what my wife likes, ever; thats terrible that he does that. You need to move on to someone better.

  14. I think you just need a trick to initiate, and once you try you will get the feeling of wanting that again. Or not, you might be on the asexual spectrum

    Try playing a sex game, or using a sex toy. For example strip poker, or some bet with sexual prizes. If you're both ok with it ofc.

  15. Their was two post of ops finding condoms & the excuses they used LMAO

    First one…he bought them for their anniversary. As long as they’ve been married they’ve never used em.

    The second one his friend gave him a box & he didn’t want to be mean & say no to him. So they took them.

  16. He is cheating, so why would he mention this woman? Has he mentioned any of the other women he was calling naked or chatting or exchanging pictures? Those are also the ones you know.

    I know I shouldn’t be invading his privacy

    Why do people keep saying this???? So you rather keep being cheated on than go through his phone when he gives you reason after reason to distrust him? He cheated, you are married, and have a kid.

    You should talk to a lawyer without confronting him. Why would you confront him? So that he says “Yes, I'll stop cheating” and then go back to cheating? Or so that he gets better at hiding it? You already confronted him and he still kept cheating.

  17. Present him with a personalized poop knife and tell him to fucking use it. Raw sewage is to be avoided for a reason. Your husband has a screw loose. Also, barring some kind of plumbing issue it is really disturbing that he’s backing up the toilets so frequently. That seriously sounds like a health problem.

  18. This is really vague. What are your reactions to your triggers? It's your actions that sound like the issue, not the triggers. Sounds like you need help managing and maybe talking about your triggers.

    On the other hand, what exactly are you getting upset about? You say “his actions” but what are his actions specifically? Maybe your reactions are justified but it's so hot to tell from what you've written OP. Can you give some more information?

  19. DO NOT DM in that Chat’ Next time you see him ask if he would like to meet up and discuss Dog, fleas, and the pneumonic plague’

  20. Call the cops.

    I grew up in a violent, abusive environment and I prayed every night that someone would show up and make it stop. No child deserves that. Please, make the call.

  21. I would like to know. Some people have a preference and that preference should be respected. His girlfriend should have told him.

  22. I think what I was trying to say about the children if all feelings are lost for her , it might be a better solution to just seperrate and we make arrangements for the kids … staying together not having feelings and contining to fight everyday might not be a good solution just bcos of the kids. I don't know I'm not a therapist that's why I was asking what's the best way for her to be happy .btw I have encourage her to see a therapist and she agreed that she needs to see one to heal but as of now nothing yet . I don't know whatver can lessens the pain as much as possible might be the way to go . I myself need a therapist and I've told her that

  23. Seems to me you two are not well aligned on what the relationship means to each of you and the future you each have in mind.

    Technically, you’re right—it’s your money, spend it as you wish.

    But most adults who have been together 2+ years are making some life plans together. So excluding her from this process seems a little odd. Sure, I wouldn’t let her talk you into more house than you can afford but I’d at least listen to her input if you intend to have her live there as well. She may have some really good ideas.

  24. Ok so the watch coulda been left at work. But I don't think you can track location it all uses the same satellites and shit so them being “different locations” while in the same location is again a number you can't comprehend to 1. Location data? How tf you check that on an activity watch? I think he worded it bad. Steps and everything can be coincidence and yk, fucking. Or she coulda dipped and was at work and stopped for a quicky. Lots of scenarios of her being at work then the house just left the watch at work then returned to work.

  25. He needs to grow up. What’s next, you can’t see a male gynecologist? You can’t take a promotion at work because your new boss would be an attractive man? How many times will you let his insecurities hold you back in life?

    If he really loves you, if he really wants to be your partner for the long haul, he wants to get over this insecurity so you can thrive at your sport that makes you happy. You’re only young once. Take it from a 40-something former athlete who misses joints that don’t ache.

  26. Jesus. You guys never should've stayed together after that huge of a difference in desires came out. You're about to eat the big one no matter what you choose.

  27. This isn't AITA but. Uh. YTA. Leave her alone and move on. Don't be friends. Don't silently hope she picks you then lose it at her when she doesn't, because she said she's not interested. Leave her alone. And go to therapy.

  28. It should be a priority if you cannot look the man in the face. it will continue to cause issues and cause a larger fracture in your relationship. You need to learn to communicate with each other and discuss your hurt emotional state together. You need to rebuild, you cannot do that in separate counseling sessions. It is good you are going to IC, ask your therapist, I sure they would agree on MC for you both.

  29. I have to disagree. A dick pick almost NEVER gets send to the wrong person. When sending a picture like that, you check, and double check the recipient. He sent it to her sister on purpose.

  30. he blocked me on all my accounts, i only know about the reposting because someone showed me. he blocked me couple days ago after we were texting and i told him i missed our friendship, and he said he did as well. he then texted my number (he has an android i can’t see if he seen my message) and blocked me on ig, i texted his number but no reply til this day. i’m guessing he blocked me there too? we’re supposed to hangout thursday of next week and he claimed he blocked me because he needs to think, that we’ll “see” thursday.

  31. Her friend was way out of line continuing to pester her. If she had let me on to her snap I would have replied “Motherfucker, No means No!”

  32. Once again, reading with comprehension, guys you are failing this so bad. I asked specifically, quote “I don't know how to convince her (for sure we're not letting this one go) to make her feel safe with this.”

  33. Girl, there's no dick shortage out there, why would you settle for this one? He's a liar and he's a cheater, why would you trust him to wear a condom, even if he wanted an open relationship? Just drop the dead weight. It's not possible to have a healthy, trustful monogamous relationship with a guy like this. And it's not possible to build a healthy, trustful non-monogamous relationship on this pile of lies.

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