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20 thoughts on “selena_fitlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I am sorry to say this and I'm going to be harsh but you are not in a relationship you are living with a roommate/FWB. If you want any semblance of respect or any shred of dignity put your foot down and let him know they will not be moving in. and if he wants to prioritize them over you yet once again then he can do so and you will divorce him.

    I really hope you have your own job and are financially independent.

    That man clearly doesn't respect or love you. You need to grow a spine and stand up for yourself and let him know that this is your house too and you will need to be consulted even before offering something as preposterous as this. And if he cannot speak to him you will and tell them they cannot move in. You can be as heartless as your husband has been with you in the past months.

  2. This comment is meant for OP who should know the value of the contributions of her man. Who should know what he brings to the table and should be able to determine if this is enough to end their relationship. This is NOT for the ladies who are probably single and seeking company for their misery, who’s only glimpse into the man’s character is through a less than 200 word short essay, and some highly emotionally driven comments.

  3. She has reasonable grounds to here, so she doesn’t potentially waste her whole life with a guy who is potentially closeted

  4. I like him and I know as time goes on I will become a mother to his daughter. I really want my own baby soon and I’d raise her with my own children.

  5. Guess the kid is supposed to be here! I'm not particularly religious or spiritual but sometimes the universe just has a flow to it, that there is some reason. For example after lucking out of a very hot to get clinical rotation and fighting for it for so long, I ended up in a place that a few months later absolutely needed me (believe me we became so short staffed and the bar for skill level was appallingly low, my boss even has kissed my bum, figuratively).

  6. Do whats better for you man, if you think you'll fell better if you have your disclosure and tell her all the bad things she made you went through, then text her back and tell everything to her, you dont even need to wait her to answear it, if you think this will wake up bad fellings inside you and its better for your mental if you just ignore, then ignore it and block her, do what you think its better for you.

  7. Yup, bi erasure fucking sucks. I assume you mean societal seen as “normal” as there is nothing actually abnormal or wrong with being lbgtqianything. I associate dating straight men with cheating though, icl ??

  8. Is it possible they just don’t find you attractive? Did you consider that? Also your lifestyles are incompatible

  9. I don't understand how having no job isn't an immediate red flag to any judge… I mean, if you can't hold a job, how are you going to be able to tackle parenting?

  10. The part where you say he acted selfishly….? Yes because its completely selfish to take care of those in need, but godforbid it derails YOUR plans….gtfo

  11. This doesn't sound like a “high-conflict personality”. This sounds like a personality disorder (or some other kind of mental disorder)

    I can't bring anything up with her. She just starts shouting “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP”

    This especially is not normal

  12. You may have won this battler OP but you can’t remove her from his memories and thoughts ? wonder when he thought about how much he misses her

  13. apologize. could’ve just taken an umbrella and walked home with her. i don’t think you had a valid reason not to

  14. That’s certainly a valid and possible interpretation, but we don’t really know. You can’t possibly know what’s in people’s heads or how their relationship is going from a few paragraphs of text.

    I mean, this was actually my point that went unsurprisingly over the heads of everyone who downvoted me: her past sexual exploits don’t really matter.

    What matters is now, the strength of their live or lack thereof. If there’s not enough there, he should leave. Read my last paragraph again.

  15. I didn't say all men are like that. Quite the contrary. Instead I said “such men aren't for me”, while I enjoy intellectual conversation with my husband.

    You said women just aren't interested in such and don't value intelligence at all. Which is a stupid statement from the beginning.

  16. Nope!

    The guard did the right thing by informing your gf and blanking the question. It’s not his place to divulge any private information about your gf but it IS his place to give her information that might pertain to her safety.

    Give him a big tip

  17. If he's in a relationship he'd have to turn down all the other women at his College trying beat down his door for sex. /s

    Op didn't want a real relationship, he thought he'd be drowning in trim while at college. Can't form any relationships, he has to stay AvAiLaBLe.

    Dude “learning” his relationship skills from Revenge of the Nerds and porn.

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