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Scarlet_Springlive sex stripping with hd cam


75 thoughts on “Scarlet_Springlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I deleted my post because of said sensitivity, but I appreciate your response to my response and your hopefulness to the situation itself.

    I’ll heed your advice.

    Thank you, kindly.

  2. The last line…

    You know people in literal nursing homes find love again, right? They also have lots of sex. That population has a significant issue with STI transmission. Not sure what planet you’re living on, but I don’t on-line there.

  3. What do I do going forward? It’s clear to me now that me being invited is obliging for them. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

  4. I would definitely ask finance experts first so they can tell you if this is a good idea or a terrible idea, but keep this in mind as you do: your mothers home is likely her retirement plan. She’s been putting money into it, and the foreclosure process can easily take all that money away. $6k is nothing in comparison to the price of most homes, so she probably risks to lose a lot more than that if the bank forecloses on her.

    With that in your head, how much of a financial headache are you willing to sign up for during her retirement? Or are you willing to just leave her hanging?

    The only reason I’m saying any of this is because I have 2 parents that I have vastly different feelings about. My mother, who I would literally do anything for, and my father, who is going to have to rely on his own savings to survive his retirement.

    My mother is my rock and my best friend, and I know that she has shitty spending habits (and she does make enough money to support them now), but I also know that I would happily fuck up my own credit just to support her later in life if she needs it. HOWEVER, I also know that she would never actually ask me to help her pay for anything if she didn’t know that I was very sound financially (and she definitely would not have asked me when I was 24), and given that your mother asked you for help when it seems like you’re not really ready to help is kind of a red flag, and definitely another thing to consider as you think about this. But this is clearly more of a “what makes sense for you” sort of a situation (again, ask personal finance people before you do anything).

  5. Sir. I on-line in Randleman, I bought a house this year. I bring home ~$4,000 per month. I still managed to buy my wife a car, and support both of us and our cats no problem. I feel like I am doing fine (fine as in, we get by month to month but aren’t super worried and can do fun stuff every month.) financially, so I’m not sure this is about money. Especially with dual income.

  6. They didn’t hook up, what she told me is he asked her to the mall and she just said yes, cause she thought I found someone else. She tells it so perfect. Nothing happened while we were together, they weren’t friends, she didn’t know he liked her. Then boom it all unfolds when we broke up. And now that she wants to come back into my life and work on us she removed him on her phone and they haven’t spoken since. It just seems too perfect and like she’s telling me what I want to hear

  7. And now as an adult, she seems to be good with her own daughter following the same path because she thinks what? That it was OK to have a baby at 15? WTH is THAT kind of thinking? Does she think,her daughter doesn't deserve any better than she (the mom) has/had? What a piece of crap!!!

  8. I would end the relationship. That’s not what the original agreement was. It’s not worth your time or energy, if she wants to be like that. Your feelings matter in this.

  9. Don’t force yourself to be comfortable with something you’re not. I’m also pretty surprised he didn’t bring up the ex asking to hook up thing much earlier. You both went 4 months without him communicating this to you??

    If he’s not going to budge at all, you could perhaps try meeting the ex (all you 3 meet) so that you get an idea of their dynamic and how she behaves toward you. Then decide if you’d be okay with them remaining in touch.

  10. There’s nothing to fear, you just don’t want to go back to single status, socially speaking. It’s worth it though, better than taking this bullshit from her.

  11. Leaving drunk and alone. Did you leave with a friend??? Didn't he know you were inebriated and just . . .let you walk out without making sure you'd be okay or had something taken care of? That's not changing it.

  12. What if the dude knocked her up? He could have been fizzin right from the start. Maybe she has a STD. Don’t waste time

  13. Sure, it probably is every guy's fantasy – however, if the guy really loved you, he wouldn't be suggesting you tick his fantasy boxes, he would know its freaking disrespectful to you.

    Either he wants to see how far he can push you into being a weak, mindless, spineless partner – or – he is going through his sex bucket list and wants to cross this off before he dumps you. Next you'll find he has a potential lined up and/or he has already sampled the goods with her andcwill put it all on you saying he thought you were cool enough and trusted him enough to have an open relationship, but with you knowing he loved you best… and oh I have a bridge to sell you, it will be a fabulous investment.

    Just tell him that since this is how he feels- that you are walking the best thing he ever had right out the door. Then dump him.

  14. Girl, I'll try to tell you as gently as I can:

    You were groomed.

    You got together with him when you were maybe barely 20 and he was in his 30s. You were still barely an adult and this guy saw a young, very hot girl, not too versed in being an adult yet and thus – in his eyes – easily manipulated.

    So he got you, got you pregnant and of course that, in his eyes, “ruined” your young, very hot body and made you “fat” (I can't believe he had the guts to say that to you…). You are not the easy-to-mold young, hard chick anymore he wanted. You're stressed, you're a mother, you have demands, you want to be a respected equal.

    But he never saw you as an equal. It is impossible to see someone so young as an equal. Someone his age wouldn't have put up with his shit and remarks at all and long kicked him to the curb.

    You were groomed and thus got used to the verbal abuse.

    If he breaks up with you, that is the best that can happen to you. Please look into therapy for yourself to get your self-confidence back and realize how much this man has manipulated, (verbally) abused and harmed you. Please get away from him. And don't be surprised that, the moment you are separated, he tries to get the next 20-year-old and then rubs it in how much hotter she is.

    His words and insults are only a reflection of who he is, not of who you are. Please don't forget that and stay safe and get out.

  15. Bottom line is that trust is the foundation of any relationship and communication is the cement that holds it together. Doesn't sound like you have trust. One thing that stands out to me is that he doesn't have a code on his phone and has said he doesn't care if you look through it.

  16. Like king of hill with hank and his half brother good hank and cotton named that kid hank just to piss off his son Hank.

  17. I’ve been an open book with her. She knows all of my past stuff. She’s withheld a tonne of stuff (and completely lied about it) “I’ve never cheated, could never do that, I could never lie” and yet I found out she in fact did that multiple times. She has a pattern of lying. So when I was told that these 2 had been intimate it makes me wonder why I should bother with her as she lies about everything. If I’d known this when I first met the dude, I would’ve been ok with it. The problem is she never let on that anything had ever happened between them, it was just a dinner date.

  18. I can definitely see how you got the impression he liked you. he was sending out everything but smoke signals. It's a good thing, though he came clean, he could have taken advantage of the fact and ended up sleeping with you. You need to tell him he needs to not be so flirty if he's only friends with somebody. You don't hold their hand and invite them out constantly. nothing wrong with saying hey wow that's really nice dress or something like that, but if he's constantly complimenting you and giving you little gifts yeah you can think hey this guy likes me. So you did nothing wrong. you can retreat and just give yourself some distance for a little while. But you definitely need to let him know he's got to take it back a few notches if you're only friends.

  19. My ex did this to me. He told his side chicks that we had broken up, but we had not.

    I found out when one called the house (before everyone had cell phones). He also told them I still had feelings for him, that I wasn't ready, that I was emotional about the whole thing.

    It's a playbook, and I'm sorry. If they were truly just friends, he'd introduce you.

  20. It was an accident she is not responsible for, so no, it wouldn't be fair for her to buy you a new phone.

    I'm not seeing any kind of link between her actions and you dropping the phone. You chose to answer the phone while you were walking on an icy driveway, and you are the person whose grip wasn't tight enough to hold on to it.

    Shit happens sometimes and there's no one you can blame, what are ya gonna do. You're obviously just annoyed that she made other plans for Christmas this year. Try to let it go – at least she feels bad it happened.

  21. Yeah wonder if husband was given ultimatum and reluctantly went along with op fucking other dudes and then found someone else. If he considers himself monagomous I can't see him ever going along with this unless coerced. Op brought it on themselves here

  22. u/my_sweet_dud0sinka, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  23. He's not going on a special OP's mission. He doesn't need to text you when he gets home from his bowling league or trivia night. I would find that invasive. The world isn't going to bend to your insecurities and your BF shouldn't have to either. If he finds this request of yours to be intrusive then those feelings supersede yours.

    It doesn't matter that you and your mom think that Keith Morrison is narrating everyone's ride home from a basketball game. You should choose to believe that everything is ok unless you get a late night text or phone call.

  24. Agree, this has nice guy stalker vibes written all over it. The comment about being entitled to caretaking from her after the breakup seems straight up abusive.

  25. Counterpoint: why are YOU throwing the relationship away over showers? You need to learn to compromise. She tried, even though your r request was unreasonable.

  26. He's financially irresponsibly and always will be and drag you into it if you get married. You tried to reason with him, he said he'd stop, then he didn't stop. And, he lied to you for years.

    Don't waste anymore years on this guy.

  27. I worked retail in Canada and by far the most popular thing in the locked cabinet was machetes. They're cheap and pretty useful for a wide range of non-homicidal things

  28. Have you cheated on her at all? If so, then it's understandable. If not then yes, this is very controlling.

  29. Hello /u/Nathlovesyou420,

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  30. Anyone else feel like OP is Ross from Friends, but if Ross and Emily had stayed together. Emily just wants Ross to show he isn't still in love with Rachel. But he won't stop hanging out with her because she was always his first love, and she's part of his friend group. So everyone blames Emily for being controlling when really she's asking for a pretty reasonable concession (especially given that Ross wants her to give up her entire friend group, family, coworkers, apartment, furniture: basically her entire life so she can move to on-line with him in New York. but asking Ross to cut ties with the woman whose name he said at the altar is a bridge too far?‍♀️)

  31. Hello /u/elloco911,

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  32. I never understood the whole 'my friend likes them, so I can't ask them out even though I like them too mentality. This attitude does a few things. 1. Makes you devalue/ ignore your feelings. Why do your feelings mean less? 2.Makes the decision for her who she can go out with? Has your friend asked you out yet? Maybe she would prefer you ask her out, maybe she prefers him. Maybe she like you both but since neither of you are doing anything, nothing is happening.

    Just ask her out. If she says no, that's perfectly fine. It's up to your friend to ask her out. You are only responsible for your actions. So take your shot.

    Also, for the other girl- please don't ask her put just because she likes you and your friends think you should. You clearly aren't interested.. No girl wants to be 2nd choice or a pity date.

  33. I feel this is projection. T explained how they expected things to go after a break up. I think that’s reasonable.

    T wants you to go through the breakup process that didn’t happen two years ago. Deleting posts and blocking numbers is supposed to be cathartic and/or a sign that you are moving on and no longer in a relationship, but you already moved on (from everything but your closest friends). You have your reasons for staying and T should respect that.

  34. Walk away, she is lying to you about it and was trying to hide him and she lies by omission. She can't be trusted and won't change, she will just find another way to hide him.

  35. Your cousin is crossing a serious boundary to demand you break up with someone. It's your life. You should explain to her that she is going to push you away if she thinks she has so much authority over you that she can demand you break up with someone.

    I've got a few young female family members that I am very close to. One of my nieces was dating a guy who to me seemed like was with her just because he wanted another notch in his belt. The way the guy looked at her and talked about her creeped me the fuck out.

    But not in my wildest dreams would I tell her she couldn't date him. I told her he gave me a creepy vibe but it was her life. Honestly I hope I'm wrong and he's good to her. I've learned though people in love make stupid mistakes and you will lose the person if you try to push them too far.

  36. Took too long todo what? Make it official? Don’t think that’s the true reason, real reason just that she’s bored and wants to go out with other guys

  37. I guess you could call it 'Sweet'…

    Kind of pathetic when you think of a disabled veteran digging water and electric line trenches with a shovel from a wheel chair, using an outhouse and showering outdoors, growing gardens just to have enough food…

    When I got my back surgery, she was my follow up doctor, completely random referral… When she saw the name she connected it with the stories from my Jr. High escapades and watched me for 4 months, dropped me as a patient and told the friend group about me. They knew I was back, but didn't know she and I had met…

    She thought I was exaggerating when I said in therapy I was living in a tent and crapping in the weeds, then an outhouse… But nope, true story.

    I really didn't have time or mental capacity for a girlfriend for the first 3 years, I worked for as many hours as I could stay awake building a better life for myself, literally from the ground up.

    There were also mental health issues, my identity as a Marine had been stripped away, I was a 'Cripple' in more ways that just the wheelchair, not fit for human interaction. It started to change when I got my back fixed and got my legs back. I was very near suicide for about a year, and it wasn't much further off until I got my back surgery, so no, not fit for human interaction.

    Work on self, you have to save yourself before you can help anyone else. 2 years of psychology classes to figure myself out… Now I can try and help others.

  38. What's her reasoning?

    No matter what you're in a relationship.. The tasks should be split whether you're married or not of you're living together. She seems like hot work.

  39. And lots of them have brain damaged babies and dead mothers because there wasn't immediate care available for unforeseen events. It's sad to see how easily it could have been prevented. Nature is cruel.

  40. Why obsess over him? He certainly wasn't relationship material. I hope you have found or will soon find someone more satisfactory.

  41. Either his friendship (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt it's just friendship) with this woman is more important than his relationship with you, or it's not. The two of you have tried to find a way for him to keep both and by all appearances it has not worked. He does not seem able to keep her at enough distance where you are still treated as his priority.

    It does not sound like an issue of you not being “clear” about your feelings so he doesn't realize this is serious. It sounds like an issue of him not caring enough about your feelings to put them first. And it's possible that if he has to make a choice, that he won't choose you, and it's also possible that he already knows that and is simply avoiding that decision because he would much rather stay married to you while giving his attention to her.

    Go to counseling but be prepared for the issue to come to a head. Better to have to accept a difficult situation, than to just spend years more sitting and feeling sad and wanting things to be different.

  42. You’re not entirely incorrect however not all pedophiles are exclusively attracted to children, while some are. If you prey on children in that manner and still are attracted to adults, that doesn’t make someone less of a pedophile.

  43. To me, making such an accusation (and that's most certainly what he's done) means he either has, will…or wants to…shag a sibling. You have nothing to apologize for…and if you do apologize for what you didn't do, he'll use it against you in the future. I 100% guarantee it. Personally, I would consider this a deal breaker. He hasn't just accused you of cheating, he's accused you of cheating with your brother. And there's just no getting past that. Besides, getting so upset because you changed the sheets off schedule indicates a degree of anal retention that I would find both alarming and unacceptable.

    I'd just quietly get a divorce attorney and be done with it. But then, I have an extremely low tolerance for BS.

  44. Lol – you have no idea how she feels about her ex. Your “cold hot fact” is just your interpretation of something you didn’t even witness between people you don’t even know.

  45. Tell him.

    Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t take this well.

    And sorry but it takes 2 people to have sex, and therefore it is both of your responsibilities to make sure contraception is used and not the fucking stupid “pull out method” which he wasn’t using. So you both are equally as responsible for this as the other.

  46. I didn't even think about that. Who even showed up to his birthday if both his mom and best friend didn't

  47. You’re a piece of shit honestly. Leave your ex alone she deserves better. Love how you dropped her without even knowing the kid was yours. But worked out best for your ex anyways.

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