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savita_987live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat savita_987

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Birth Date: 1994-04-30

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Date: October 12, 2022

34 thoughts on “savita_987live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. How can people think like this? it is not his decision but he has to play the role of the father, like he wanted to have the kid in the first place? such comments are just mind blowing, I cant believe that people think this way.

  2. No. This is not a debilitating illness that requires surgery. He has had the vacation planned for months. She scheduled her surgery purposefully, to spite him and ruin his first chance at a vacation because she hates his best friend.

  3. I understand what you mean, but it's undoable. They'd eventually tell someone, and at that point rumours will spread easily. That'd be a great way to kill your social life haha.

  4. The face he made could mean “oh shit what do I say, this is awkward.. do I lie or be honest? Obviously she doesn't have 20 year old breasts but we are dating and banging so I clearly I find her attractive.. oh shit I've taken too long to respond I'll just nod..”

  5. The face he made could mean “oh shit what do I say, this is awkward.. do I lie or be honest? Obviously she doesn't have 20 year old breasts but we are dating and banging so I clearly I find her attractive.. oh shit I've taken too long to respond I'll just nod..”

  6. All I'm thinking here is that if he broke OP's father arm to teach him a lesson he probably wouldn't hesitate to do the same to her.

  7. No one is telling you to be an island. You could talk to a therapist about your problems. But you chose to bring in someone who you knew will end up judging them based on what you tell them.

    So yes your immaturity speaks volumes because you bring in people and act all surprised when your boyfriend doesn’t want to be around them.

  8. You mean zoom in on the Sea of tranquility on the moon? my phone does that. And iphones are trying really hot to catch up but they do a pretty good job at taking clear videos. Op said the girl in the video talked, did it even sound like the gf? Sounds to me like projecting, these girls are trying to get ahead of the story with their own “version”

  9. I always wondered if people like you really feel the sense of smug satisfaction you portray, like are you actually a greased ponytailed schmuck giggling to himself while he slangs generic insults.

    One day, one of you fellas took it to the max. He actually reached out to my partner on Facebook (his smugness betrayed him, he was positive she was fake) which means I got to see him and his life, and oh my god, was it satisfying for me.

    Just a little umpa lumpa with a happy meal box over his face in his profile.

    Just know, I know that’s you, if it’s not, shoot me your socials, show me how a real man gets down. Put my child self to shame!

  10. She either needs more therapy or a better therapist. Trauma dumping isn’t useful for anyone. There is absolutely no reason for her to disclose her past so casually. If this guy was a co worker or friend you should have said something. If he was a total stranger who’s drunk, getting in his face would be the worse idea. You guys need counseling

  11. She had no reason as to why she didn't with me

    Really? She needs a reason to decline anal?

    Are you sure you're 40?

    She doesn't owe you this type of sex.

    Ever thought that it's damaging and she's not into it right now, no? Maybe it's your attitude that pushes her away.

    What, you think she owes you all your porn kinks?

  12. If you’re not 100%, or even 1%, uncomfortable, it’s still absolutely okay for you to bring this up to HR. In terms of workplace politics, in my opinion, this is the proper way of handling this situation.

    If you’re worried about how to approach this, or are unsure if he’s actually committing a violation, your company should be able to provide you with a copy of your policies upon request (if you don’t already have one). Reading them over may give you a better idea of how you want to approach this situation.

  13. I don't have the financial ability to get a therapist and in the Philippines it is very hot to get a job without experience and there is a law with working in certain age here (i recently just turned 18)

  14. Honestly there is something seriously wrong with your family. You didn't know to you he was a cheat not an abuser. I didn't do anything wrong.

  15. That's a lot of text for phrasing issue. You don't have to leave your life story to justify something to me, I wasn't one of the users that gave the downvoted.

  16. If you can, do something even nicer for yourself. Book a course of massage. Get a male spa day. Keep your haircut awesome. Do small acts of selfcare. Even if it is only eating well. Self care is huge when things are tough.

  17. You gave him more grace for far too long. Whether or not he’ll admit it, they did more than cuddle when he spent so many nights with her. You know that, right? She transitioned to being a FWB when he was dating you.

    There is nothing you could have done to have made that relationship work. He was never fully in the relationship. Kindly, you need to stop thinking so much about him. You poured way too much of yourself into someone who was never fully committed to you.

  18. How do you get up in the morning? Do you get up at the first alarm, or do you snooze a few times? Do you keep the light off in the bedroom and set your clothes out the night before so you can change in the bathroom? Are you quiet, or slamming doors and drawers? If you’re doing everything to minimize impact to another person in the room, then sorry, she’s just gonna have to deal with it. If not, you need to be more considerate. It’s impossible to know without more details.

  19. I didn’t need to read past the first few sentences.

    Good for you for finding your strength and I wish you all the best

  20. My evidence is anecdotal, I can’t offer any valid peer reviewed studies or stats.

    In my (44F) experience, a lot of people get wrapped up in the “checklist” of life and don’t put a whole lot of thought into marriage, house, kids, etc. it’s just something they feel they’re “supposed to do”.

    With regards to kids specifically, I know quite a few people who love their kids but hate being parents. If they’re doing it right (parenting that is), so much of their life is put on hold in order to focus on kids. Hobbies are stopped or at least greatly ratcheted back. Same with travel . Same with alone time with their partner. I don’t think many people feel comfortable saying it out loud because they feel guilty about it.

    I also know quite a few men and women who knew they didn’t want kids at all but were coerced—kids or divorce. All of them are good parents and love their kids but they developed a lot of resentment for their spouse and in each case (I’m thinking of 8 couples) they’re divorced.

    To me, the biggest issue isn’t that he regrets having 3 kids, it’s that he’s openly showing preference to the oldest. That’s a great way to mentally fuck up kids.

    I think that had I gotten married to my ex fiancé in my mid 20’s, I’d have kids of my own. I always just assumed I would because that’s what people did where I grew up in the Midwest. But I knew deep down that I wanted to be able to have the career I wanted (involves a lot of travel) and wanted to continue with my time consuming hobby (horses), and continue with my volunteer work in wildlife rescue. None would be possible with kids.

    So by the time I met my husband at 30 who had 2 kids from a prior marriage, I finally admitted to myself (and everyone around me) that I didn’t want biological children. Being a stepmom, at least I’m not the primary parent or ultimate responsible. I can opt in on my involvement.

    I can appreciate that you’re upset about this revelation but I’d encourage you to hold your judgement and understand that he’s being vulnerable and honest. If you smack down in this, he’s more likely to shut down and the couples counseling will become worthless. You both need to feel like your therapist’s office is a safe space for honesty and vulnerability even if it may hurt the other person.

    Good luck. ❤️

  21. “I feel I am now in a position i cannot get out of, what do i do as i don’t feel i can continue with this?”

    You hired someone to work for you. Is she not working?

    If you feel like she needs to be your friend then you should probably seek therapy.

  22. This sounds very abusive. It’s not okay for her to belittle you, invalidate your concerns and physically assault you.

    I strongly suggest leaving. Im so sorry you’re dealing with this while mourning your brother.

  23. My suggestion would be to get your fiancé in therapy. This is a him issue 100% and he needs to put work in to get over it, or this is the end of y’all’s relationship.

  24. He is bisexual, so that's not my concern. My concern is whether or not he's been trying to hook up with people behind my back.

  25. But you don't know if she's aware of what the uncle has done in the past. Which is why communicating is the 1st step.

    If she is aware then there's a bigger problem.

  26. Why haven't you called him? Meaning can be lost over text so that's not the best way to handle this.

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