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2 thoughts on “Sarasanders_4live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Often times when you spend money on something that could be easily sold to recoup some of your losses you don't just toss it because its originally intended giftee is no longer in your life. An initial alone doesn't make this necklace off limits to anyone who happens to share the same initial as his ex. So while it's likely he just forgot about this, it's also probably that in the back of his mind this is something he could sell at some future point if he needs to. It's all too easy sometimes to view every single thing in life through the lens of a relationship when in fact sometimes people just do things for reasons that are far more practical than that.

  2. 19 is old enough to know not to cheat on your significant other. Why do y'all treat someone at that age like a child who has no control over his or her actions? All that says about you is you either cheated or accepted cheating from your partner.

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