Santana Roa live! sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 12, 2022

6 thoughts on “Santana Roa live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Lots of separated parents have two Christmases. My great nephews love it because the day ends up being all about them. They spend one Christmas Day at one parents house, and the next day the do it all again at the other parents house. The next year they switch. I love turkey and stuffing so much, I would LOVE to have two full Christmas dinners two days in a row!

  2. Regarding friend groups: she knew us from two totally different friend groups. His is based around a hobby they all share, and I’m part of a friend group based on her husband’s HS friend group. She literally did a set up because our paths would never have crossed otherwise. I would not get kicked out of the friend group I was part of, but there’s a good chance he would get kicked out of the friend group he’s part of if she decides he’s an abuser and doesn’t want him around her kid.

  3. Im not sure your situation, but I’ve been the disabled partner who eventually allowed my ex husband to see other people because I felt insecure and inadequate, and trust me, it isn’t what I wanted… I just thought that was the only thing I could agree to to keep him happy.

    Your situation is your own, but if she’s feeling similarly, following through is going to absolutely destroy her over time. She’ll try to tell herself she’s okay with it until it breaks her…. If you haven’t already, have a long, open, constructive talk with her to try to figure out how to make it work for both of you. If she needs special toys/equipment there are MANY disability friendly brands and toys. Get creative! Hell, mutual masturbation, simulated sex if you need closeness… there’s so many ways to compromise, you just need your imagination

  4. The fact that you think this is remotely normal is alarming. Hope you take some of the advice from this sub and make him your ex. Why do you think you should tolerate this in a relationship?

  5. Stop opening the door if she shows up. Stop going to her place. Have partner let her know that due to her disregarding boundaries multiple times, you all are taking a time out from aunt and will revisit the relationship at a later time.

    Your partner should be dealing with HIS family. And if anyone gets mad, tough shit. You’re the one who is being “harmed” by her behavior not the other way around. But people who are boundary stompers like that typically throw a fit when they get shut down.

  6. You maybe right in that I wasn't ready to be a husband. I act like a kid. But I want to understand her and be happy together.

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