Sandygoldens online sex chats for YOU!


Striptease and masturbation)) [457 tokens remaining]

Date: November 2, 2022

29 thoughts on “Sandygoldens online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Even if she didn't fuck anyone, having a condom shows that it the opportunity presented itself, she would have cheated.

  2. You should be using the bathroom a lot more than you are. It sounds like you have some mental hang ups on normal behavior. Using the toilet multiple times a day is normal and healthy. Using the bathroom once a week is bad for you. Please see a mental health professional.

    How did he smell before you moved in together?

    Your boyfriend needs to clean if he makes a mess though.

  3. She’s been working on her career for years. She has a new job, and a work commitment which she has already committed to. celebrating a year of her hot work. You’re not going to that I assume because it wasn’t even worth mentioning in the post.

    I’m sorry – but I kind of want to give you a shake.

    the last day of exams (even for your whole degree) is not a day where you should expect your spouse to drop everything for you. (As someone who has been with spouse for a combined 3 uni degrees).

    She’s celebrating with you another evening, and will also be celebrating with you when you actually graduate. Sounds like a great relationship.

    This is a great opportunity to go blow off steam and commiserate with your friends from your cohort!! Get drunk and bitch about specific profs and tests that your girlfriend doesn’t care about anyways haha.

    Anyways for what it’s worth, from my internet stranger perspective, work party trumps last day of exams party. Also… generally, whatever was planned first also usually trumps whatever ‘comes up’ after.

  4. Could you get over the cheating? I would argue no one can and that it should really be the end of things…even if the baby is yours…..

  5. I’m very independent and never have felt the need to have a partner or relied on them for anything so I’m confused

    Yeah see the problem is you don't realize that you are dependent. Just cause you are independent in the sense of doing chores and taking care of your physical needs, doesn't mean you can't be dependent in aspects like emotionally or mentally. You have become so dependent on him and honestly it isn't healthy. Especially if it is to compensate for loneliness or stress.

  6. Hello /u/maryjohnson12345,

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  7. She no longer gets to stay over at your house and no sex unless she showers. Simple fix and if she doesn't want to do this out of love and consideration for you, then she needs to go.

  8. Yea, I got the same crap for the majority of my life (fast metabolism) then had a hysterectomy and mental health crisis where I balloon. It sucks, I'm sad, but it ain't your fault and doesn't mean you don't take care of yourself in other ways.

    I dated a really skinny dude who ate double downs for breakfast and it totally grossed me out. Eating poorly shows not just in the shape of your body but your skin, your eyes, your energy and mood. Bleh

  9. hahahaha… if you decide to do this, check out the Special Sh*t line of seasoning. My hubs just bought some last week. You can tell him how “special” it is.

  10. i mean after i helped him he came and helped me so it was a win win but yeah i understand he sucked and i need to move on.

    i dont think anyone would be happy in that relationship

  11. This one is a crap shoot on Reddit. You could have just as easily gotten the “she lied to you!” crowd. (I'm with them.)

  12. she hasn’t texted me back since.

    Maybe she lost her phone in the stall of the men's room at a nightclub.

  13. Be very direct with him: tell him exactly what you need to feel romanced, and why romance is important for you sexually. Also, you decide the fun things you want him to try and give him feedback until you enjoy it. Don't wait for him to mix things up or read your mind, because neither of those will happen: say what you want.

  14. Fuck off. He’s been in a hell for 10 years. He doesnt deserve to live! through that hell for at least 8 more, and that 8 is only if their kid leaves home right away after high school.

    No one should stay in a dead marriage when you can leave and coparent instead and be in a situation where you can actually see your child some days instead of mom basically keeping them from you 80% of the time like is happening here

  15. My thought. If I’m reclining my seat in the car I’m either trying to sleep or getting a BJ…and I know he wasn’t sleeping lol

  16. He could have learned he made a mistake and now realizes he can’t just yell at people when he’s upset.

  17. Hey OP, first of all I’m sorry your husband cheated. In regards to HPV and cancer: I would say it’s unlikely that the girl at 25F was dealing with cancer, surgeries and having sex. It’s not impossible of course but unlikely. She could, however, be dealing with LEEPS and colposcopies to keep an eye on abnormal changes in her cervix due to HPV. Since you had a clear pap I would say it is the same for you. You can now have a positive HPV test (HR even) and only after a colposcopy you would know if you have abnormal changes or not. These can be pre cancerous (not cancer) and your body can help heal them on it’s own. It would also be unlikely that he transmitted HPV to you and 3 years later you now have cancer.

    It can be scary to have HPV and I understand but it is important not to make this sort of assumptions.

  18. Have you talked to the other betrayed spouse to see if his admissions added up?

    No cheater just confesses to the full truth. They will admit to the least bearable offense.

  19. You should break up with him. For his sake. You sound like an awful human being. Your attitude sucks, and you see relationships in a very toxic way.

  20. It sounds like you’re not ready to commit to her. I can see where you’re coming from with not wanting to feel obligated but at the same time, you should want to do these things… like FaceTime or texting. It shouldn’t be a hassle. I feel you like her but there’s probably not a lot of love happening here. I specially felt that when you said she’s “cute”. She’s probably be better off with someone who can spend more time with her, and genuinely wants to.

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