Sandy_Laralive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Sandy_Laralive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Side note, I’d caution you on seeing him as a “good father” as that could blind you to some negative impacts his behavior can have. I say this because him telling you you’re overreacting when in truth he either doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand is a sign he lacks empathy on some level. And that almost always has some negative impact on children when raised by someone like that. Of course you want your kids to still have their father in their life, but I’d suggest maybe be more aware of your kids emotional safety and make sure that if he invalidates them, that they know he’s the problem for invalidating their feelings, rather than their feelings are the problem.

  2. This is amazing advice and you should apply it at any time of your life not just your first time! ?✨?

  3. Because there’s nothing for him to be upset about. So many precious little petals here thinking they have agency over their parents dating lives. They don’t.

  4. No. The tenant will not have charges brought against her because the idiot bf left a STRANGER alone in his house.

    I don't own a gun but you can bet your ass that I would pull a knife or whatever on some stranger in my house and would not let them leave until my roommate confirmed who they were.

    At the same time, as the gf I would NEVER, EVER return to that place.

    He knows it is a weird setup. Sure, it was chance AND him not wanting to show you where he lives that kept him from inviting you.

    He has nothing to do with a female, alone in her home trying to protect herself.

    Howevet, once you are aware of the presence of a gun – never return.

  5. Sooo shes talking to the dude she originally cheated on you with…. had HIS name saved under a different name most likely a womans name….. and deleted most of the txts in those conversations that she saved in her phone under a different name who she originally cheated on you with……… my guy imdont be a doormat to this 403. she belongs to the streets. You know the answer and hopefully you head all the advice and get out of her shadows.

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