Sandy-Sansy online webcams for YOU!


CLEANNG BLOWJOB [11 tokens remaining]

Date: December 18, 2022

7 thoughts on “Sandy-Sansy online webcams for YOU!

  1. It seems everyone has some pretty good ideas. Possibly your drink was spiked. This happened to my friend a few months back. She got tested the next day and turns out she had been drugged. Could be some sort of anxiety attack or psychosis from alcohol. If you have a history of mental illness in your family then maybe it’s that.

    Were I you I would heavily cut back on the drinking (based on your responses to drinking quite a lot). Possibly go sober for a few months to see if it happens again. Sometimes prolonged alcohol abuse can begin to affect a person’s mind.

  2. You invest in what's important. If you hooked up with him and he's not banging on your door wanting more look elsewhere.

  3. Nearly every betrayed spouse trusted the other. That's sort of the prerequisite to a betrayal.

    I'm not saying she will betray him. Even strong swimmers can drown. Some people are the most loyal in their own minds because they were never tested. Some people think that no matter what they do, the results of their actions have no consequences.

    “I came home from a great workout at the gym today and found my husband's suicide note. He had seen me chatting with my trainer and had a 3 second video of me laughing at a dumb joke. The police just arrived. What am I going to do? I never cheated, but those 3 seconds were on loop. The last thing my husband saw was me laughing at another man's joke!”

    No affair, no worries.

  4. OP, George has not apologized to you for his actions. He never will.

    Stop rethinking your decision to cut him out of your life. That was the best decision for you.

    Do not respond to the email in any way… it opens a door which needs to remain closed, bolted shut. Delete it & have his address marked as spam so he cannot contact you again. Don’t give George any reason to think he is off the hook for abusing you for 18 years. Full NC forever.

    Continue to live your best life with your husband & brother Mike.

  5. Do NOT give up that interview.

    Do take a break from your gf who is using emotional manipulation to try and get you to move in together and stay where you are and Give UP something you’ve been striving for.

    That’s fucking bullshit.

    Real partners support you. They want you to achieve goals even if it means changes happen. She is letting her emotions try and control you.

    Don’t. Let. That. Happen.

  6. He’s not always right, you need to realize that. Men will act disgustingly towards women REGARDLESS of what they’re wearing. If they’re creeps, they’re gonna creep. Your boyfriend sucks, he’s insecure that if you dress more confidently and love yourself that you’ll attract someone better and leave him/cheat on him/make him feel inadequate because he’s comparing himself to these other men. These issues and feelings he’s feeling he is projecting onto you. Your boyfriend is showing you who he is right now with his reaction. He’d rather you stay down in the dumps, feel bad about yourself and continue to have mental health issues instead of supporting your decision and being more secure in himself.

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