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6 thoughts on “sam777xxx111live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. First of all, I think some context is important here, you said it was one spank. Was it possibly a knee-jerk reaction to being bitten? If it was more of a reflex than an actual spank, he may not have been able to help the reaction. It would make sense that it was more of a reflex reaction than an actual punishment choice because he did it while cuddled up to you.

    Also I don’t think you are taking an appropriate stance with your comment that “pro-spanking comments will be ignored”. You came to Reddit to get different perspectives and you should be open to all perspectives. That’s the point of coming here. You might have initially felt one way but after hearing other opinions you might gain some new insight. Even if you don’t change your mind (which is totally fine) at least you explored every option before deciding you don’t agree.

    I personally don’t agree with spanking, but just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean that it is abuse (although it can be depending on context) and that anyone who uses it as a parenting technique is an awful person. I also don’t think it’s your place to tell your bf how to parent. You aren’t a parent and it’s not really fair to say that because you experience something, he shouldn’t do anything that reminds you of that.

    I do feel, however, that you can recommend that he takes some parenting classes. Lots of people take them before or after having a baby. These classes are taught based on research and are taught by people who are qualified to give parenting advice. I’m pretty sure that these classes likely don’t endorse spanking and can teach him some effective parenting strategies that he can confidently use in place of spanking. I think it would be so much better for him and for his child if he gets real and quality parenting support/education from professionals rather than well intentioned but subjective advice from his girlfriend.

  2. This is what I've been told, I don't think I dress this elegant actually! But everyone tells me so! It was to give a picture of how people see me For the assertiveness yes I am, I put it there because I was just describing myself and some people told me they were quite shocked by this trait. I come from a country where traditional women's roles and stereotypical gender attitudes are still loved unfortunately I don't think alt women are not assertive xD quite the contrary I got a myself vs them attitude because I was quite refused because how I look/dress so well, they have a ourselves vs her attitude too I suppose. Thank you for your answer, I will try to typecast less and I hope finding someone who is kind

  3. Um you believed a lie.

    If she moves you from close friends, you would still see her normal highlights. So she hid her whole highlights from you, so the only things you would see would be things that she posted to stay on the account as highlights are time sensitive.

    You know she was flirting with the guy over text messages.

    So no there is no trust left to rebuild the relationship.

    Grow a spine, call her out for cheating on you, and end the relationship.

  4. You need to run from her

    Dump her block her..

    She is trying to baby trap you. Sadly shes not realizing getting pregnant early your both traped .

    No traveling or getting to experience things your dream about because your taking care of a baby. Then a toddler and struggling to cover diapers.

    Dump her and run..

    Also photo the conversation so if she is you can show a lawyer she did it to trap you.

    Demand a dna test to if she turns up preg

  5. He choked you and you are still thinking about keeping a relationship with him?

    Wow, I guess this is not a red flag for you.

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