Salome-martinezz on-line webcams for YOU!


Come here and slap my big ass! [96 tokens remaining]

Date: February 16, 2023

7 thoughts on “Salome-martinezz on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I know where I live there are long wait times anyway

    They have no money and an unstable living situation

  2. Thank you for your response. I already told two girls in my friend group who will help me that he stays away from me.

    I confronted him and told him that what he did to me was absolutely disgusting and that I don’t want to see him anymore.

    I still feel grossed out and I’m sure that feeling won’t go away that quickly, but I’m glad I confronted him.

    I also told him that if I ever find out he did it to anyone else, I will take action!

  3. Who’s money did he use to get you that gift? Expensive gifts mean nothing for someone who didn’t actually pay for it. You’ve been long distance for so long with this guy, you grew from a teenager to a young adult and he seems totally stagnant. This is the perfect time to cut the fat and go after what you really want out of life. Is it really being 2nd/3rd priority to a dude you almost never see, who has no forward momentum?

  4. You’re the backup my guy, respect yourself more. Can almost guarantee she’s testing the water with “a better prospect,” but if it doesn’t work out, she’ll be right back to you. Don’t do that to yourself and lose her number.

  5. 10 years isn't a huge age gap if you were older… but 10 years is a huge gap the younger you are. For example 16 to 26….it's only a 10 year gap, but do you think it's ok?

    The reason people are concerned is because you basically just got out of your teens. You're still a kid and you don't have much life experience. A 31 year old has been an adult for awhile and has a lot more life experience. Most people his age wouldn't go for someone as young as you because of this difference. It's sadly common for some bad guys to go for much younger because younger women are much easier to control. It can be a bit of a flag and you should proceed with caution. The fact that you think there is no issue at all shows your inexperience and naiviety.

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