Salo-sexxy live! webcams for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Salo-sexxy live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Unfortunately there are too many of them and not enough of you, some will be left out…it's usually the “easy” kids.

  2. This man, the ex, is a king among kings.

    OP, please leave him alone, for the sake of his dignity as well as yours.

  3. Reject him. In your mind he’s not the perfect guy for you. You said it yourself. He’s a short average looking dude. His looks and height don’t do it for you even though you like his personality and his style/hygiene, it’s never gonna be enough for you. Don’t waste his time. Don’t be friends with him either, that’ll give him false hope.

  4. You two can coparent without her living with you if you don’t want a romantic relationship with her. You need to have a frank conversation with her. Ask her if she intents to give up her rights or if she wants to coparent. Tell her you’ll support either decision she makes but it’s her decision to make. If she does want to coparent, get a lawyer and get custody situated if you don’t want a romantic relationship. Help her get on her feet and moved into her own place. If she doesn’t want to coparent, get with a lawyer to get custody situated and again help her get set up with a place of her own.

  5. would you let a baby suck on an empty bottle? i know there's no trapped air here in the case of your wife, but it still seems unnecessary. can't she also bond with him through bottle feeding?

  6. I found out (with 16 years) that my parents had a sperm donation. There is always the possibility that your parents might had something similar.

  7. As someone who is non-binary I would just lean more into the broad aspect of telling her no. We totally understand we aren't always someone's cup of tea but it can REALLY hurt when “because you are trans” is the reason anything we want is denied to us about anything.

    So why make that sore spot the crux of it? Just say something like “sorry but I'm not into you like that” or “I'm sorry, but I only view you as a friend” or “I really am flattered. It's just that you aren't my type. I'm sorry.”

    If she presses more about the exact reason then tell her. But why cause her more pain when saying “I'm just not into you like that” is both a true answer and a kinder one.

  8. What I’m saying is impossible is the fact that they’ve been together for a year and she’s never seen any signs of allergies yet they came on so severely and so suddenly!

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