SallyWhitemane online sex chats for YOU!


PussyPlay [193 tokens remaining]

Date: November 14, 2022

5 thoughts on “SallyWhitemane online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You ever consider quitting smoking? It’s not that cool anymore. I know it is extremely difficult but you have some great short term inspiration. Plus do you want to nuzzle your baby while reeking of tobacco?

  2. Don't be a birthday diva.

    Since he didn't do anything (yet), if you want, you can propose he take you to a really nice restaurant to celebrate your birthday.

  3. That is HIS story.

    Why do you think he told you so?

    To stop you from going.

    They are so cunning.

    And so much alike!

    Put all the evidence you have together. Do take photos of all the messages and pictures.

    Put them away for the time being.

    Then in two or 3 month… let his wife have a nice parcel. “For her hands only”.

    “Vengeance is a plate best eaten cold” they say.

  4. You are an abusive partner. You are slowly killing her self worth. These actions are not the actions of a good person, and certainly not a good partner.

    Instead of trying to lovebomb her back into the abusive situation you have created, let her go and heal from the trauma you have inflicted on her.

    Work on getting sober and going to therapy so you can be a good partner to someone, and stay single during that time. No one deserves the kind of treatment you have inflicted on this poor woman.

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