SallyRosse live! sex chats for YOU!


SallyRosse Public Chat Channel

Date: October 12, 2022

8 thoughts on “SallyRosse live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. As I mentioned above, I think Iove her because of the some of the reasons mentioned above. I think its because its my first relationship and because of that their might be a bit of attachment their.

  2. well i respect that and if he wants to like his female friends selfies then i guess that’s something im gonna have to accept or move on from. i personally don’t give my attention to anyone on ig and that’s just how i am so idk

  3. Well who am I best reporting this to?

    I don't know if the local authorities will be the best option since I openly admit to taking something.

    Should I be going to my father about this?

  4. Take the L and walk away, she’s too shallow to be capable of a real relationship. Let social media have her, since it’s more of a priority to her than you, dude.

  5. I'll probably just bring up my sexual frustrations without the open relationship concept again and try to mend it that way. Maybe 3rd times the charm with it.

  6. well, tbf, he never liked the child. He said that in his original post, that he never liked dealing with her child, he was difficult. And once the child was there the whole time he was visiting, he realized it would be a nightmare to live with both of them. Why it took him 2 years to get to that point I don't know, maybe because they live! an hour away from each other, but it's understandable that GF is now very upset and feels betrayed or sucker punched. I would have expected him to walk away as soon as he realized he didn't like the child because mother and child are a package deal. But he can't be expected to stay in the relationship when he's miserable. Yes, 2 years wasted, but now he's expected to waste the rest of his life, and hers besides? Who in their right mind wants to stay with someone who's miserable and unhappy?

  7. This is a situation where I actually disagree with reversing the sexes to drive the point home, mainly because I'm not sure of a proper comparison. To be fair, more context is necessary, because I'd love to know how that got brought up to begin with. If she brought it up on her own, then yeah, I'd be pissed in OP's shoes, because it's meant to be an insult. He'll have to let us know.

    I get that penis size is a big insecurity in men (source: am a man). I certainly can't sit here and argue that many men are afraid to be insecure out of an inherent assumption that they need to be “manly,” but to suggest they're “not allowed” isn't really fair. Either way, that's not the problem here. If OP's insecure that he doesn't measure up to his girlfriend's exes, then he's entitled to be insecure about it.

    I'm not arguing that. My argument is that it's unnecessary. To quickly tie back to what I said earlier, if she was a legitimate asshole about it and was talking down to him, then again, this is a different story. But if we're really just talking about facts; that her exes were large, then sure, he can be insecure about it, but what's the end game?

    They're getting married. Unless she's miserable sexually (which I did ask a number of times in my comment and haven't heard back), then what's there to be insecure about?

    Either way, even if I'm here arguing points with you, I actually think you and me are on the same side here. We need more information.

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